Things that (perhaps foolishly) surprised you with weight loss?

on 11/30/17 9:08 am
VSG on 10/24/17

Such a good topic! So, the first time I went through this when I was banded in 2003 and lost 110lbs the BIGGEST thing for me was how much EASIER just being in the world is. Going to concerts and games, sitting in chairs, getting dressed, picking out clothes, and just being in a room with other people. I no longer felt like I was a freak show or always the heaviest person in a group. I guess I just felt "comfortable" or "normal" for the first time in my entire life. I always struggled with weight since about age 7 and that was the first time I felt like a "normal" person. I hope to get back to that one day.

Lap Band 09/17/2003 HW-276 SW-225 LW-167

Revision to VSG 10/24/17 HW-244 SW-217.8 CW-179.6

Pre-op:0~M1:17~M2: 6.6~M3: 7.8~M4: 6.7

on 11/30/17 9:14 am
VSG on 08/21/17

I have a neck! My hair was touching my shoulders when I had surgery in August, and it isn't any more - and I haven't had it cut. I think I've lost a lot of fat from my shoulders (they definitely feel bonier), and it make my neck look longer.

And my eyes don't disappear as much when I smile.

5'2" VSG: 8/21/17 HW: 261 SW:243 CW: 193

Pre-Op: 15 M1: 19.8 M2: 10.5 M3: 13.7

on 11/30/17 12:25 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Great topic Gwen and have loved reading all your posts :)

For me it would be:

Finding Bones - like some of the others have said I can actually start to see my bones now. I made my surgeon laugh on my first checkup after surgery as I got him to check this lump (was near the top cut on my tummy) Turns out it was my sternum. Too funny. Boy did I feel silly. I now have hipbones that I can feel too. When I lay on my back I have discovered my ribs too.

Energy and a sense of wellbeing - having carried excess weight for so long and inability to exercise due to knee pain (reconstruction will be done later) I didnt realise just how much it effected me in both energy levels and emotional balance. I feel different now and its improved my self confidence so much. I still at times struggle with body dismorphia (much to my husbands frustration) Its hard to see the changed you even though there she is staring right back at you - Our minds are a complex thing. I never expected to feel so well - very thankful

Food -doesnt rule my life anymore - I have realised that I spent a huge amount of time thinking about food, preparing it and of course eating it. It was nothing for me to consume the same amount as my sons and husband. I would often be so uncomfortable afterwards but I never learnt the lesson. I thought I would mourn food but Im happy eating a little bit and dont feel like Im missing out. I hadnt expected that after food being such a massive part of my life

Cathy H.
on 11/30/17 5:00 pm
VSG on 10/31/16

The sternum thing still blows my mind. It's there, it sticks out...does everybody's do that? Do normal sized people even notice it? I feel like mine is weird or something...I'm going to have to ask my normal sized friends if it's something they notice and if theirs looks like mine. I'm obsessed with the damned thing! lmao

Livin' La KETO Loca!!
134 lbs lost since surgery, 195 overall!! Initial goal reached 9/15/17, (10.5 months)!
5'3", SW*: 299 GW: 175 HW 3/2015: 360 PSW* 5/2016: 330 *PSW=Prog Start Wt; SW=Surgery Wt

M1 -31, M2 -10, M3 -15, M4 -16, M5 -8, M6 -6, M7 -11, M8 -8, M9 -8, M10 -4, M10.5 -7 GOAL

on 11/30/17 5:26 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Mine does too ! And cause it was so close to the top incision I honestly thought it was something wrong. I must have looked like a right ditz to him that day. I laughed when I told the NUT - he had told her so I think my silliness brought much amusement

(deactivated member)
on 11/30/17 3:43 pm, edited 11/30/17 8:07 am
VSG on 03/28/17
  1. I'm still me. I don't magically love myself more, I don't suddenly present myself with more confidence. I'm just smaller.
  2. Weight Loss mode doesn't end. Keeping weight off is a lifelong struggle played out in many small decisions throughout every day, forever.
  3. I can strangely sometimes feel just as fat at a size 2 than I could as a size 18
  4. It's super strange and a little uncomfortable to have your bones exposed
  5. I can't shake the feeling that I somehow "cheated" and am destined to gain weight back. I have no confidence that I will maintain the loss, and I think that is because I strangely don't feel like I deserve to be small.

Sorry for the flood of negativity - just how I'm feeling lately.

(deactivated member)
on 11/30/17 10:15 pm
VSG on 12/28/16

I've experienced most of what everyone has outlined. Feet shrink for sure. Not being invisible was huge and surprising. Also kind of sad. Nobody should have to feel that way. My biggest, though, is how much pain I was in before surgery. I knew I was in pain but, looking back, didn't realize how it affected my everyday living. Every decision used to start with 'can I do it?' Where now I don't even think about it. My back and legs were hurting all the time. And I really had emotionally isolated myself. I started reaching back out to friends and am so much better off than I was before. While some people say how easy this is, I'm surprised how hard it is. I struggle with this every day, one meal at a time. I had hoped I would not be hungry but at 11 months out I definitely am.

on 12/1/17 12:48 pm, edited 12/1/17 4:48 am
RNY on 03/21/16 with

A lot of what you guys said rings true - the feet shrinking, the bones protruding, etc. But a couple to add that I think haven't been mentioned.

  • I have blind (and awesome) friends and family
    • I can't count the amount of times that I've heard "man, you never really struck me as that large". And there is no reason not to believe them, they genuinely didn't see me as that big of a guy - and I was 5'8" and 333lbs. I was ENORMOUS. People just didn't see it.
  • I'm a small guy
    • This shocked me. My identity had always been as a "big guy". I always assumed (as did most of my friends and family) that even a thin version of me, would be a big dude. Large frame, big boned, whatever you want to call it. But it's not true. I'm tiny. I'm slight. I'm 5'8" and 150lbs.
  • I don't like being a small guy
    • I'm used to dominating a room and having a commanding presence. Big guy with a big booming voice.
    • Don't get me wrong. I love being thin and I love being healthy, but being a dominating force was nice, and very useful in my career.
    • I think this maybe a very uniquely male thing
Donna L.
on 12/1/17 8:24 pm - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

I'm not remotely done with my journey, but it's been about 161 pounds (!) since WLS and 463 total as of today. Holy crap.

I can sit in chairs with arms. I never worry about I just sit? In chairs. It's...odd. When I went back to school at 600 pounds this was a nightmare.

I can buy clothes just about anywhere...which is also bizarre and weird, and strange.

My mind is sharper since surgery in particular. This actually surprised me quite a bit. The week after surgery my mental clarity was 10x better. Maybe it's that fab gut-brain connection at work, or maybe it's the placebo effect or Maybelline. Whatever the hell it is, I'll take it.

I, uh, still struggle with buying too much food. I never eat it, mind. The problem is I've turned into an ornery 40 year old pork hoarder. Like, I'm a serious meat hoarder, people, and it's not getting better. I'm trying to not buy any more meat until I get rid of what I have, but when you eat 4oz at once only, this is....going to take forever. Also, I am totally sick of pork now, heh.

I don't take anyone's BS now. I'm sort of surprised by that. I've eliminated the BS people out of my life without a second thought and no regrets.

I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

(deactivated member)
on 12/3/17 8:34 am
VSG on 03/28/17

Pork makes a great holiday gift!

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