Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Monday 11/27/17

on 11/27/17 7:12 am
VSG on 12/14/17

Good morning!

I'm at work and the kids are just back from Thanksgiving Break. I just put in for my substitute for my surgery on the 14th! Its feeling real!

QOTD: Well, my favorite subjects were English and Theatre (especially Technical Theatre!) I now teach 10th grade English to some of the best 15 and 16 year olds you'll ever meet!

B:GNC Lean Protein shake (Vanilla Latte)

L: leftover roasted bell pepper stuffed with ground turkey, tomatoes, and onions

D: The wife is making baked teriyaki chicken breast with steamed squash and broccoli. I'm feeling the support. :-)

S: unlikely but a premier protein shake if I need it

E: 1-2 mile walk around the neighborhood walking track

on 11/27/17 7:26 am

Waking up with the beginnings of a cold this morning. I sat next to a sick guy for an hour on the shorter of my two flights coming home. Jerk.

Today I am running around like a crazy person getting blood work and an ekg for my upcoming hiatal hernia surgery, going to the therapist, post office, calling a few credit card companies about new identity theft attempts, going to the police dept to ammend my report with all the new stuff this crapbag has tried in the last week, then off to dinner and an Irish dancers Christmas show with friends.

QOTD: I got my best grades in English and writing, but my favorite college class was a geology class with a very charismatic professor.

B - coffee and yogurt

L - leftover eggroll in a bowl

D - guessing Greek food so maybe a chicken kebab and salad?

S - roasted broad beans

on 11/27/17 8:33 am
VSG on 08/23/16

QOTD - I was a Newspaper and Political Science dual major and also have a Law Degree. So anything political - always been my passion - politics and history.

15 Mos. Post op Still losing 166 pounds

B - Quest Salted Caramel Protein Powder mixed with iced black coffee, sugar free chocolate syrup and ice in the blender

S - Oikos Triple Zero with Granola Factory Granola

L - Salad with 2 ounces of prosciutto and 2 ounces of mozzarella

S - Almonds

D - Protein bar

Tonight is a fencing night for me so I'll go straight from work to my fencing club and fence for 2 hours, so the protein bar is to hold me until I get home. I'll probably have some carbs when I get home, because I tend to burn about 1000 calories in 2 hours of fencing.

Have a great day all!

Keep on losing!


HW 271.5 (April 2016) SW 246.9 (8/23/16) CW 158 (5/2/18)

Erin T.
on 11/27/17 8:37 am
VSG on 01/17/17

The course I'm currently taking is a POL course called Terror and Terrorism. It's been very interesting! My paper that I need to write is policy brief addressing the fact that most legal definitions of terrorism exclude state actors and to what extent that poses problems.

VSG: 1/17/17

5'7" HW: 283 SW: 229 CW: 135-140 GW: 145

Pre-op: 53 M1: 22 M2: 12 M3: 12 M4: 8 M5: 10 M6: 11 M7: 5 M8: 6 M9-M13: 15-ish

LBL/BL w/ Fat Transfer 1/29/18

on 11/27/17 8:40 am
VSG on 08/23/16

Ah, yes - state actors and defining state actors so hard these days due to the fact that we are waging a war on terror rather than a specific state. Our legal definitions have not kept up. Then, the question becomes how do you define a state actor - from whose perspective - the victim or the aggressor. Best of luck. Whichever way you go, just argue your point thoroughly and consider and anticipate the counter arguments.

Keep on losing!


HW 271.5 (April 2016) SW 246.9 (8/23/16) CW 158 (5/2/18)

on 11/27/17 8:38 am
VSG on 10/24/17

It was a rough Holiday for me. I had a mini break down and spent Thanksgiving and the day after in bed in a bad depression. It hasn't happened to me in over 10 years. It was a bit scary, dark thoughts, etc. So today I am calling my surgeon's Psychologist to see if he can recommend a Psychiatrist who has some knowledge of WLS. I dread going through the medication adjustment, but it's clear that I need to adjust mine. I'm not on extended release, but it's clear something needs to be changed. So, I missed Thanksgiving with my family and friends. I feel sad about it, but there was ZERO I could do. I didn't eat or even move for over two days. I hope this is just a temporary adjustment and hormone issue. I've been okay the last two days, but coming back to work today and my husband leaving to go out of town tomorrow has my anxiety level ratcheting up and I can feel the heavy sadness at the edges.

QOTD: Chemistry and technical theatre. I am good at writing and was in AP English, but it is a chore for me as well.

B - 2 hard boiled eggs

S1 - 1/2 protein shake (because nothing else sounded good)

L - Buffalo tuna and lite string cheese

S2 - Greek yogurt

D - At my MILs house (chicken breast and veggies is my guess)

Lap Band 09/17/2003 HW-276 SW-225 LW-167

Revision to VSG 10/24/17 HW-244 SW-217.8 CW-179.6

Pre-op:0~M1:17~M2: 6.6~M3: 7.8~M4: 6.7

Kristi T.
on 11/27/17 10:19 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

I'm sorry you are having a rough time! Maybe it would be a good idea to go see your regular PCP as well as the psychiatric referral? Especially since you are starting to feel the sadness and anxiety come back. Please take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing. Try not to isolate yourself after your husband leaves tomorrow, go into urgent care if you have too. It will get better!!

on 11/27/17 10:43 am

I hope you are feeling back to yourself really soon!

on 11/27/17 9:00 am
VSG on 06/15/15

Good morning. Trying to get back to normal after Thanksgiving. I'm feeling like absolute crap from all the leftovers I've been eating the past few days. I host the meal, and hardly anyone took leftovers home, so we are stuck with a ton of food. I know I should be better about ignoring it, but I'm failing miserably. And I feel physically sick, which I guess is my punishment. But I've been feeling ill a lot over the past few months--nagging pain in my right side and below my breastbone and a lot of heartburn/indigestion. My surgeon thinks it may be my gallbladder and is going to send me for an ultrasound after my next appointment if it hasn't gotten better, which it hasn't. Generally feeling crappy physically and mentally lately. :(


B: Coffee with sugar-free syrup and half-and-half; Premier protein shake

S: Quest bar; sugar-free chai with soymilk

L: Didn't bring anything to work, so I have to pick something up. Probably soup.

D: More Thanksgiving leftovers, I guess. Or maybe I'll just let my husband and MIL finish them off and have another protein shake instead.

on 11/27/17 9:10 am
VSG on 09/26/14

B: 2 scoops vanilla Nuzest Clean Lean Protein with 10 oz. unsweetened vanilla almond milk
S: 8 almonds
L: 4 oz turkey, shaved gruyere and 1 piece of bacon cut into roll-up bites
D: 4 oz meatballs and a spoonful of sauce

QOTD: French. I took 8 years of French (HS/college) with the sole purpose of going to Paris. :)

HW: 450
SW: 428 9/26/14
Reached 'normal' BMI (24.9) with a weight of 199.9: 2/5/2016


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