
on 11/6/17 11:56 am

I suspect too many carbs are the issue. ..judging from my own response.. and that your freq meals and snacks are to prevent low sugar episodes, and to get in critical nutrition...

I would cut the fruit completely....except possibly raisins ( one tablespoon q week) Cut nuts to 1 oz for total day, eat those with yogurt...

.. and increase protein possibly adding another protein shake of at least..1/2 portion in early afternoon.I would stay away from soy and eat organic meats only,because of hormones added. Someone mentioned adding eggs to breakfast, 2 scrambled with a tablespoon of water and a dash of meat tenderizer, goes down well for me.I dampen skillet with butter/coconut oil..( just a few drops on a paper towel wiped in the "green" skillet is all it takes)

I would ditch the chips ...until wt loss to goal, then rotate with other "desire" a once monthly...the longer you are off them, the less you will desire them.

B vitamins taken sublingual are absorbed more completely and reduce carb cravings..Gastric acids destroy B 's- that is why I use sublingual. Make sure you are taking ..all the vitamins you are prescribed. It might be time to do bloodwork to check for any drops in any nuritional levels.

Exercise, ( ADD)I would break the day up by adding 3-5 min activity bursts, or such during part of break time....Park further out from buildings, when it is safe to do so.

Night would end with isometrics of some type.. This will help keep metabolism up during part of sleep time.

Keeping a diet diary of some kind will help keep you on track. exercise can be done on it as well. Writing/documenting exercise and diet keeps you accountable to YOURself. You are worth this extra effort to get to the goal you have set. You can do this.

diane S.
on 11/6/17 11:17 am

Yep, ditch the pringles, cashews and cranberries. Substitute a few unsalted almonds or fresh grapes. Cashews are calorie motherlode. GL you are doing well. Diane S

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