
on 11/2/17 8:54 am

Hi Lele and welcome!

Aside from the carb and tracking issues which you identified as a problem, your low water and protein amounts really jumped out at me.

At 11 months out, those should be a whole lot higher! Dehydration/thirst mimics hunger. So consider that it might not be hunger you are feeling, but thirst. My urologist I see because I had a kidney stone said everyone needs at least 80 oz of liquid a day for optimal health and more is even better. I end up around 100 oz a day of various liquids.

And low protein intake means your body will cannibalize your muscles to continue to function, which leads to burning fewer calories at rest (not to mention organs are also emergency sources of protein for your body, so that leads nowhere good if your body turns to them for protein). I aim for 80-90 grams of protein a day and I know that is not nearly as high as some folks ard here who go for 100 to 120.

Also, you don't mention your calorie goals. That would be helpful to know.

So if I were you, I would cut way back on the carbs and weight and track every bite, make sure your calorie intake is appropriate (my surgeon recommends 800-1000 a day while trying to lose), and up your liquid and protein intake significantly.

Good luck to you! Please start posting in one of the menu threads and we can help.

on 11/2/17 9:32 am

you all are so helpful!!!! i eat about 800-900 calories a day. I will be upping my water and protein intake. How many grams of carbs do you eat in a day? should I stay under 50?

I love that I did this was the best thing I did. I just want to know if its still possible to lose 80 pounds if I get on the right track. I am scared I wont be able to lose anymore since I haven't lost in 2 months....this can't be it. I also started to go to the gym again.

on 11/2/17 10:20 am

I'm not an expert, but I use MyFitnessPal to track (and I weigh all my food, do you weigh yours? It's much more accurate than measuring cups) and I set my goals to 25% carbs, 35% fat, 45% protein. At 900 calories, that works out to 56g of carbs, 35g of fat, 90g of protein. Some go lower with carbs, but I've had good luck with the above.

Also don't get discouraged if the gym slows weight loss a bit at first, it just does. You can lose the rest. There are people all over the boards who have taken well over a year to lose the weight or regained and gotten the regain off. It just may take longer and requires a lot of vigilance!

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