Wanting to back out

diane S.
on 10/28/17 10:53 am

I guess its natural to be fearful and being a nurse puts you on the inside. But I am sure you have a good surgeon. I can tell you that this was life changing for me and all for the better. I am nearly 8 years out and can't imagine what a wreck I would be if I hadn't done this. I have maintained 95% of my weight loss and wouldn't go back for a zillion dollars. Keep your eye on the prize which is health and having a life back. GL diane s

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Shannon S.
on 10/28/17 3:35 pm
VSG on 11/07/17

Thanks so much. Congrats on your success. Very inspiring.

on 10/28/17 11:04 am - Arlington, TX
VSG on 08/17/16

Another RN here.

I completely understand knowing all the risks and how bad it can be.

But I also considered how competent the staff was at the facility I was using, and that I had complete confidence in my surgeon. I knew if there was a complication, I was in good hands to deal with it.

I'm a year and a few months out, and am slowly closing in on my goal weight. I have chronic conditions that keep me from saying I feel great, but I'm *SO* much healthier than I was a year and a few months ago. I'm celebrating my birthday today and I seriously feel like I have a new lease on life.

I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

* 8/16/2017 - ONEDERLAND!! *

HW 306 - SW 297 - GW 175 - Surg VSG with Melanie Hafford on 8/17/2016

My blog at http://www.theantichick.com or follow on Facebook TheAntiChick

Blog Posts - The Easy Way Out // Cheating on Post-Op Diet

Shannon S.
on 10/28/17 3:53 pm
VSG on 11/07/17

Happy Birthday! October is my my favorite month. It does bring me great comfort that my surgeon is suppose to be top notch. Congrats on all of your success!

on 10/28/17 1:07 pm
VSG on 09/28/17

So right before the anesthesia hit, I thought to myself why the hell didn't I just eat 4 ounce meals n call it a day?!? Woke up and realized it was over! Ha...funny how that works! My recovery hasn't been as easy as some people here. I also have been doing it without pain meds (addiction is a true problem in my family) but I think about what the future will bring and I know it'll be the best decision I've ever made.

Do it for the mom your kids deserve to have. I did it for the kids I hope to have in the future.

Shannon S.
on 10/28/17 3:57 pm
VSG on 11/07/17

Yes I've come to the realization this isn't going to be possible without surgical help. I am definitely moving forward. I appreciate all of the wonderful responses. Between this board, and my family, I feel very supported.

(deactivated member)
on 10/28/17 4:04 pm, edited 10/28/17 9:06 am
VSG on 10/11/16

On October 28, 2017 at 8:07 PM Pacific Time, marrla.borwn wrote:

They were shaving my belly and sticking needles in me when one of the nurses said, "You lost enough weight pre-op I don?t know why they aren?t having you do it the old fashioned way".

"Now's a good time to bring that up lady!"

Before I knew it they were wheeling me into the OR and it was lights out. I survived, and did very well. I continue to do so.

on 10/30/17 3:51 pm
RNY on 12/28/16

The same thing happened to me in pre-op...the nurse was getting me ready and said I wasn't "big enough in her opinion to have WLS" she said I should do "the natural way"...I am glad I didn't listen to her..LOL

on 10/28/17 5:48 pm
VSG on 10/09/17

Totally get your fears! Had them all as well. Too much to live for, & too much to die early for. But I was miserable, in constant pain, & tired of being an absentee mom for the fun stuff that was too uncomfortable for me. I knew i was going to die early if i didn't go ahead with the surgery. It is a risk, but so is not having the surgery. I wish you all the luck in the world, & peace of mind with your decision.

VSG 10/9/17

HW: 294.2 SW: 286.2 CW:174.6

STGW: 170 LTGW:140

Pre-op:-8 M1:-25.4 M2:-16.8 M3:-15.6 M4:-13.8 M5:-5.4 M6:-8.6 M7:-9.2 M8:-5 M9:-5.6 M10:-2.4

Shannon S.
on 10/28/17 9:26 pm
VSG on 11/07/17

You're right. Thank you.

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