3 days postop and it stinks. Any VSG'ers able to lend me a kind word?

A. Foxter
on 10/24/17 12:29 pm
VSG on 10/19/17

I'm finally at day 5, and well enough to type at a computer again, to thank you for your kind words. They helped more then you could know.


on 10/22/17 9:41 pm
VSG on 10/18/17

I'm four days out and I'm right there with you. I'm in way more pain than I thought I'd be, but then again there are like five holes in my abdomen. ?

i have a coworker who had the same procedure a year ago, and she states this is completely normal. Hang in there, buddy. I promise to do the same.

on 10/23/17 1:38 am

Every day gets better and better. Before long you won't even remember these first couple of days.

Keep your chin up! You'll do great.


HW -265; SW - 251; CW - 154

Surgery Date- 10/12/2016!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/23/17 2:02 am
VSG on 12/28/16

The first two weeks suck. I had very little pain and didnt take pain meds but it was still miserable. I went back to work after a week and that helped me focus on something else. But I work from home. If I had an office job I would have taken two weeks. Hang in there. Six months from now you'll be set in a more normal eating routine and you'll have hit some weight loss benchmarks.

A. Foxter
on 10/24/17 12:31 pm
VSG on 10/19/17

I'm back to work and thrilled to be out of bed. I have job that is not physically taxiing. Thanks for your support.

on 10/23/17 4:09 am
VSG on 10/03/17

It gets so much better. I had my surgery Oct. 3rd, by Oct 11th I felt totally fine. I was miserable the first week. You will see the light.

Give yourself a good 10 days and you will be feeling fine:)

on 10/23/17 9:30 am
VSG on 10/18/17

I'm 5 days out from my VSG surgery and I'm so glad to be on the other side! Yes the liquid diet is tough but the positives out weight the negatives. Remember we did this for our health. That thought keeps me going. My surgery was three hours since I had a lap band removed and hernia repair. I'm lucky to be feeling great and I haven't needed pain medication. Hang in there and focus on the positive things about this change. I found some VSG cookbooks on line and ordered two to help me focus on new eating habits.Good luck to you ð?'?

on 10/23/17 2:14 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

As everyone has said - you have just had major surgery and your hormones go into a tail spin. Rest losts and let your body guide you as to what you do and dont do. There will be time to catch up on those things later. The main thing is to focus on your fluids and being kind to yourself. I am nearly 4 months out and its the best thing I ever did for my health and wellbeing.

You got this :) Once you see the scales start to drop and you progress through the stages - you will be super happy you did it

For those in between times, come here as you are amongst like minded people who truely understand


A. Foxter
on 10/24/17 12:32 pm
VSG on 10/19/17


I think I love you! Thank's for your kind words. This place is great! Obesity is such a tough thing to talk about and to be able to share and support one anther here is wonderful thing.

Thanks again.

(deactivated member)
on 10/24/17 9:16 am - Overland Park, KS
VSG on 09/18/17

Congrats on your surgery...and the fact that you are totally normal! Ha! Your energy level will be low for some time after surgery. My energy was really low the first couple of weeks and then it gradually improved. I'm now about 5 weeks out from surgery and my energy level is about what it was before surgery. Give yourself time and be patient with the healing process. You will feel better (and lighter!) before you know it!

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