Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Monday 10/16/17

Rachel B.
on 10/16/17 11:57 am - Tucson, AZ
VSG on 08/11/08 with

beagles have a very annoying bark. And they like to bark a lot. But they are fun and adorable. I would recommend doing research on breads on the AKC website. I hope you find just the right fur-baby for you!

"...This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away, to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. What he was doing..."

Rachel, PMHNP-BC

HW-271 SW-260 LW(2009)-144 ~ Retread: HW-241 CW-190 GW-150

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 10/16/17 1:26 pm, edited 10/16/17 6:27 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I've had 3 beagles over my lifetime and they are the sweetest dog ever. BUT they are hounds: so ruled by scent and yes they can howl. I have always brought mine in right away once the barking starts. It is sometimes hard to walk them because if they catch an interesting smell they want to chase it. When young we used a "gentle leader" to curb the pulling. But they are definite love bugs and generally great with kids and other animals.

Oh and they don't shed much most of the time, but a bit more at change of season than other times and as they get older.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

Kristi T.
on 10/16/17 10:37 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning everyone!

I've been looking forward to starting the challenge today, I've gained a little weight this past month. It's absolutely beautiful here today! Sunny and not a cloud in sight. Have a bunch of errands to run today.

QOTD-I have a 5 1/2 year old Pomeranian, Emmy. She is my constant companion and completely spoiled. She is not a typical Pomeranian, she is very street wise, tough and very much a tomboy. She loves to swim, hike and run after anything that moves faster than her. I would love to adopt two larger dogs but do not have enough yard space, maybe one day.

B-1/4 cup plain Greek Yogurt w/2tsp SF lemon pudding(thanks Erin:-)

L-4oz hamburger patty, string cheese

D-Pot roast

S-Chai tea/vanilla protein shake

E-60 minute walk

Have a wonderful Monday!

on 10/16/17 12:27 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Good Morning All

Second day back at work and Im already saying "what holiday" UGGG.... Another busy night with chores at home, pressure washed the other half of the back deck, more washing and tidying. Hubby and my son did another section of the retaining wall out the front. I fell into bed last night.

QOTD: We have 3 dogs - Bella 6 yr old Beagle x Lab - Princess *****yface we call her. Maggie 5 year old Kelpie x Lab and my devoted shadow & Reginald 3 year old Red heeler - my husbands absolutely fur child.Love them all to bits and couldnt imagine life without them. We also have 8 chooks as after settling on the last farm, I couldnt go back to shop bought eggs

B: Frittata

S: Babybel Cheese

L: Chicken Thigh

D: Prawns in Satay Sauce

Have a great day all :)


on 10/16/17 1:40 pm, edited 10/16/17 6:40 am
VSG on 07/03/17

We have a 2yo 160 lb English mastiff named Lola and a 9 pound rescue mutt named benji(who looks like benji).

b-scrambled egg /cheddar

l-4 smoked chicken wings, 2 skinless

s-premier banana rtd-almost frozen

d- smoked swineapple (pork loin, stuffed into a pinapple, and wrapped in bacon)

e-gym-shoulders and core

v&w-on point

HW:320 SW:290 GW:190 CW:181

5'11", age 37 M1-28, M2-12, M3-16,

M4-15, M5-16, M6-5

M7-8(100lb goal) M8-4 M9-0

M10-5 M11-3 M12-0

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