Off track

on 10/10/17 11:07 am - Easley, SC
VSG on 10/27/14

I'll be three years out the 27th and have faced some of the same concerns. After getting within 2.2 pounds of what I consider to be my "super-ultimate" goal, I got way off track. I still have awesome restriction, but in my "wisdom" I learned to eat around that restriction. And I learned that if i ate all the time...grazing...I could eat whatever I wanted! I tracked everything (have been for the last 1,117 days) and kept pretty well within my calorie goals. I alway**** my protein and water goals (those haven't been an option to miss since day 1)...but I gained! I was shocked to see that I had put almost 20 pounds back on. I had bought a whole new...very small...wardrobe and now had to buy again because the size had changed just that much. It has taken almost 6 months of very diligent effort to say "NO" to things that I know better than to eat (I love chocolate!). I have also pay attention to the hunger signals and not eat when I'm not hungry. That was a bad habit that I had slipped into in the last year with eating dinners late at night with the family instead of just saying "NO", I've already had my dinner (two hours earlier!). All that to say...persistence has paid off and I am now 2 pounds less than I was a year ago! Still would like to get a little more off, but not unhappy this three years out. There was an article on here yesterday about it's not about will-power, it's about strategy...words I am living by! Best of sounds like you've done awesome so far!

5'5" 64 year old; HW 219; SW 199; CW 129; GW 145ish (original) on to "ideal" (138) a few spare (132) that one, too! Now for the 120's!! Made for the "dream" weight...125! Well, that one's proving to be a little tougher!

on 10/10/17 11:59 am
VSG on 10/24/17

You guys are an inspiration. Look how far we've come. I remember in my 20s eating until I literally was so full I would try and make myself vomit to relieve the pain. Even though I'm 215, I've maintained a TWL of 60lbs with my band and the last three years my weight has been super stable. So basically for the last three years is the first time I've ever maintained any weight (I was usually going up or down). I think normal people gain a little weight now and then due to life issues, slacking, health, etc. and it's normal to have to refocus your efforts and cut down. What is awesome is that you aren't saying f*it and gaining 100lbs before you snap out of it and do something.

Very well done!

Lap Band 09/17/2003 HW-276 SW-225 LW-167

Revision to VSG 10/24/17 HW-244 SW-217.8 CW-179.6

Pre-op:0~M1:17~M2: 6.6~M3: 7.8~M4: 6.7

(deactivated member)
on 10/10/17 12:20 pm
VSG on 03/28/17

Something I'm trying and seem to be having some success with is always having a dense protein nearby. So when I want to eat something that I shouldn't eat (usually a low-carb "treat"), I tell myself I can have it but only after I eat the dense protein. Often I won't have room for whatever the original temptation was after I fill up on dense protein.

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