Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Thursday 9/28/17

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/28/17 4:59 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Almost the end of the week. I have a short day today and only a couple of hours tomorrow (yeah!)

QOTD: My go-to meal is probably shrimp. I keep frozen raw ones in the freezer at all times.

1.5 years post-op (maintenance). 31 work days to retirement (11/13).

B: eggbeaters, cottage cheese and Canadian bacon

L: tuna salad, pickles and cottage cheese

D: shrimp!

S: yogurt

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 9/28/17 5:53 am - Woburn, MA

Good morning. My go to meal would be a piece of boneless chicken breast on the grill with salad. Never get tired of that and it's easy. I love the individually sealed packaged chicken breasts. I'm sure I overpay for them, but only feeding 2 people and never knowing who else is going to be here to eat, they're ideal to have in the freezer.

B: cheerios

L/D/S - IDK, having dental work done this morning and I'm nervous that I'll be in pain. I'm dreading this.

E: IDK, depends on tooth -but I can already feel the humidity going away - thank you Mother Nature!!!

VSG on 04/28/2014

on 9/28/17 6:17 am
VSG on 08/23/16

Teaching a class this morning and working from home this afternoon after a few errands on the way home.

B - Coffee, Coffee and two scrambled eggs with 1 tablespoon of taco cheese

L - Not sure - depends if I'm still out or home

D - Chicken thighs - haven't figure out how to make them yet - and a salad.

Snacks will be on the fly.

Today is a rest day - I fenced for 2.5 hour yesterday. I'll do some foam rolling and stretching later - my legs are really tight.

Keep on losing!


HW 271.5 (April 2016) SW 246.9 (8/23/16) CW 158 (5/2/18)

on 9/28/17 6:58 am
VSG on 10/17/16

Hi everybody. Hope all are doing well. I haven't been posting much, but I try to check in everyday to read and see how everybody is doing. My life is still crazy and stressful right now. Hopefully the stressful part won't be forever. It just seems like it now.

My go-to meal if it's just me, is probably rotisserie chicken. So easy and good.

B: yogurt and coffee

L: salmon and broccoli

D: real good pizza

HW: 375 SW: 282 CW: 167 GW: 159

on 9/28/17 7:40 am
VSG on 08/11/14

Good morning,

Qotd I always cook dinner unless I have leftovers or go out to eat. Usually a meat and a vegetable.

B ham and cheese omelette and string cheese

L tuna, cottage cheese and honeycrisp apple

D ribeye steak and antioxidants blend vegetable

Have a good day

on 9/28/17 8:01 am

Good morning, Friends! I don't know what is going on with the scale, but I'm down 6 pounds in the last week. I'll take it, though it's weird this late in the game. I'm going for a beach walk at Crystal Cove state beach this afternoon with some good friends I haven't seen in a while, so that should be fun!

QOTD - I haven't been on my own for dinner for the last 5 months until now, so I don't have a go to on my own dinner quite yet. The easiest thing to heat up for me is a Real Good pizza. Otherwise I have had leftover bbq chicken for a few days.

B - coffee and yogurt

L - deli turkey and cheese, yogurt maybe

D - leftover chicken unless we go to the Shake Shack after our walk. Then I'll split a turkey avocado sandwich with someone and eat the guts

S - jerky

Kristi T.
on 9/28/17 9:50 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

I googled Crystal Cove, it looks absolutely lovely Cecily....have a great time!

on 9/28/17 12:29 pm

It is pretty! And you can see sea lions, dolphins and if you're lucky whales!

Kristi T.
on 9/28/17 9:49 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning, I hope everyone's day goes by peacefully and safe!

I am down 8 pounds since my shoulder surgery, helps that I didn't have an appetite. I have my post-op follow up and get my sutures out today, yea! It is a perfect day here today, not a cloud in the sky and supposed to get to 72 degrees...I will take it.

QOTD-My go to meal is usually grilled chicken cut up over a green salad, I don't get tired of it.

B-Greek yogurt w/chia, flax and roasted nut mixture

L-Scrambled egg with jack cheese

S-Chai tea w/vanilla protein shake

D-Insides of a Kirkland lasagna and salad

E-Long walk w/my faithful pup(beautiful enough to take some pictures today!)

on 9/28/17 10:18 am
VSG on 08/21/17

I'm having a rough day so far. Teddy was up half the night - he woke up at midnight begging to watch cartoons. I spent an hour or two sleeping on the floor in front of his crib because I couldn't get him settled. I had a really hard time getting up this morning. I'm exhausted, and it's back to school night, so I have a really long day.

QOTD - my go to meal is just something from the freezer. I often double the meals I make and freeze half. It makes the beginning of the school year much easier.

B - I splurged (calories) on Wawa coffee, cottage cheese

L - leftover taco meat

S - protein shake

D - ricotta pancakes with mozzarella cheese

E - should be able to take a walk in the time before back to school night starts

water and vitamins on track

5'2" VSG: 8/21/17 HW: 261 SW:243 CW: 193

Pre-Op: 15 M1: 19.8 M2: 10.5 M3: 13.7

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