Am i being selfish?

on 9/8/17 8:14 am - Arlington, TX
VSG on 08/17/16

If you're in a plane that's in trouble, and the oxygen masks drop, and you put yours on before helping your kiddos, are you being selfish?

This is self-care. You have to take care of yourself to be your best for other people.

As for risk... no surgery is risk-free. But this surgery is as safe as gallbladder surgery. Would you refuse gallbladder surgery because of the risk? The dangers of being morbidly obese are not as immediate as a gallbladder that needs to go, but they are as real.

I don't believe most people get to the point of surgery without trying a lot of other options without success, and without a lot of soul searching. If you and your medical team believe this is the best option for your health, do it.

My only regret is that I didn't do this years ago.

* 8/16/2017 - ONEDERLAND!! *

HW 306 - SW 297 - GW 175 - Surg VSG with Melanie Hafford on 8/17/2016

My blog at or follow on Facebook TheAntiChick

Blog Posts - The Easy Way Out // Cheating on Post-Op Diet

on 9/8/17 8:58 am
VSG on 08/23/16

If wanting to be alive to see your twins get married, have families of their own and maybe great grandchildren is selfish and if wanting to have a long marriage with your spouse is selfish and wanting to be healthy is selfish, then yes. You are selfish. [Sarcasm font needed for preceding sentences.]

With regard to telling others, I didn't tell anyone I didn't think would be 100 percent supportive.

If you, your partner and your doctor are all in agreement that this is good for your health, then you are not selfish.

Keep on losing!


HW 271.5 (April 2016) SW 246.9 (8/23/16) CW 158 (5/2/18)

on 9/8/17 10:24 am - TN
VSG on 09/28/15

It may feel like your being selfish at the moment but when you look at the big picture think about how much more you'll be able to give your family. For me having lost the weight has given me a new lease on life and the ability to do things with my kids that I never dreamed would be possible again. I am able to give them a mom who can run around and do things with them and a mom that can out last them when we are doing things on the weekends or on vacations, a mom that will be there to see my children grow up and be there to one day see my grandkids and be able to be an active part of their life as well. For me looking back i feel like I was way more selfish before when I was too heavy to take part in their activities and too heavy and uncomfortable with myself to enjoy the life I have with my kids.

Had VSG on 9/28/15

Lost 161 lbs since surgery, LOST 221 lbs overall so far!!

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 9/8/17 5:09 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Be selfi****aking care of yourself for better health & to be there for your kids is not a negative thing. If people close to you have to ask why surgery, say why not. If they have to ask, then they probably never had the problems most of us have had to deal with to get to the point of needing surgery to begin with.

Be selfish & take care of yourself.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 9/10/17 2:27 pm
VSG on 10/25/16

Women at taught put themselves last so anytime we want something for ourselves we feel guilty.

We need to stop this s@#t.

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