Why can't I make myself weigh and log my fracking food?

on 8/7/17 8:15 am

Tracking with a toddler can be hard. I remember when my kiddo was little -- there was always lots of little bites left over and I would snag one hear and there. When I had the surgery, I made all of that stuff off limits to me.

For me, tracking after the fact is MUCH harder. I try to think ahead and put what I think I will have in MFP and then adjust as needed if the day changes. If I don't have anything in there and then am trying to figure out my day at 5pm, I'm much more likely to miss my goals.

Ultimately - you have to make is a priority otherwise it wont happen.

VSG: 12/12/13, LBL, small TL, BL/BA: 11/7/14 Twins 12/9/18 HW after Twins 260. 5'10 37 years old - Stacy_WLS (MFP)

diane S.
on 8/7/17 11:12 am

I tracked religiously for four years. It seems like if I got the protein in and kept the carbs low, things fell into place. The past 3 years I have not tracked and a little regain has sneaked in.

Not sure what it will take to motivate you but making it easy is one way. I always used a little notebook and made entries once a day. Maybe you can figure out your difficult times and start by just tracking them. Or just do weekends. They say it takes about 3 weeks to change a habit so challenge yourself to do it for 3 weeks. GL diane s

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on 8/7/17 12:17 pm

I don't know about having a toddler, although, Mr. Fluffy accuses me of being the oldest 6-year old he knows. So it might have some equivalency! hehe.

Honestly, this sounds a little bit like food rebellion. Your bad lil' self is givin' the old one finger salute to ALL of the rules and regulations that successful WLS patients need to follow in order to remain, well...you guessed it...successful. You and I both know that once you fall into a pattern and populate that MFP app, it takes literally 5 minutes to plan/log your day--especially since most of us eat the same things (or similar things) for at least 1-2 meals per day.

Not trying to get on your bad side, alienate you, or pass judgement. In just reading between the lines, what you are writing sounds a lot like "what the captain really means." It also sounds very similar to some of my old shenanigans. ((hugs)) and just make a deal with your bad self to plan, log, and track for today. Tomorrow, wake up, and recommit for 1 day only. Before long, you will look back and have a whole string of compliant logged days and you'll have baggy butt of the britches. But that's a WHOLE other problem to discuss!

(deactivated member)
on 8/7/17 4:39 pm
VSG on 03/28/17

I really like you.

on 8/7/17 7:16 pm

I'm really glad you're not hurt or mad at me! I used to have ALL kinds of issues with rebellion against overly rigid food regimens! ((hugs))

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 8/7/17 12:40 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

You're probably better off pre planning your meals & not eat off plan. I know it must be tough with a toddler. Maybe putting in exactly what you plan to eat into mfp b4 the kids get up/go to sleep will help.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


on 8/7/17 12:52 pm
VSG on 11/08/16

I do have this problem. I get so ultimately frustrated with myself because I swore I wouldn't ever be lax. It's not even about willpower, I just get kinda sick of keeping track. My son is out of the toddler stage, he's five, but I am still tired.... The way I've found to get through it is by taking Sunday afternoon to cook, measure, weigh, and package everything. I freeze the excess and then I just eat the things I know will add up right each day. It's a bit boring, but it helps me when I stray as well because I just tell myself that these things are all I'm "allowed".

(deactivated member)
on 8/9/17 2:16 am

What sort of things do you like to cook?

on 8/18/17 6:54 am
VSG on 11/08/16

I'm pretty boring! I'll make a roast, pulled pork, chicken, or turkey and weigh out portions and freeze. I also make and freeze chili. I have many small portion containers in my freezer, greek yogurt, egg cups in the fridge, string cheese, and protein shakes, so I can just grab what I need for the day and go. Like I said, it's boring, but I've found that the less I leave to the whims of my day, the better I do.

(deactivated member)
on 8/9/17 2:13 am

Ive started to try and weigh in the mornings while making my 4 & 5 year olds breakfast as I find weighing day beforehand I don't want it the next day and have alot of preped food in fridge.

My nut said buy a 4 ounce container. Measure food in it once to make sure its correct. And don't over fill it. Protein first. ( I wasnt given a carb restriction just eat protein first. Veg second carb last. No space for carbs after that order anyway. I thought that would be enough. But people saying you need to weigh for success .. So will keep at it.

I actually eat out of 2 ounce containers at the moment. 5 weeks out 20+ lbs down.

Its interesting how my team is not focused on weighing food at all. And I keep being told by my team to focus on what they are telling me but its hard not to think Its wrong when everyone here seems to be weighing and macro counting.

Keep trying op and I'm sure you will get there :)

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