Foot drop peroneal nerve damage

on 8/5/17 6:36 pm
VSG on 12/07/16

Hi I had my surgery December 6th 2016 my starting weight was 277 lb and as of today I am 170 pounds on May 30th I stood up from a chair and thought my leg felt funny then I noticed I was numb from the knee down through my toes and was unable to lift my foot at all I thought it would go away in a couple days but a couple days turned into about a week I finally went to the emergency room where they did a MRI of my back that showed some slight disc bulge but not enough to cause foot drop I had a brain MRI I had a nerve conduction test and EMG massive blood work all my vitamin levels came back perfect the conclusion is I have severe Peeroneal neuropathy last Friday I just had surgery to decompress the nerve at my knee so far it hasn't changed much it's not numb anymore and I can lift my toes a little bit except for my big toe my big toe is absolutely useless I was just wondering if anybody could share their experience with this if they've had it or if any exercises that will help I'm a 44 year old single mom and this has been the scariest experience of my life I do not regret my surgery one bit but I would not wish this condition on anybody they say it's from rapid weight loss and possibly because I cross my legs too many times so just a heads up ladies I know it's very comfortable and I love doing it to please take it for someone who is gone through hell and back in the last 2 months dealing with this foot drop please share any of your experience or stories or anything just to ease my mind a little bit thank you all my beautiful sleeve sisters and brothers

on 8/6/17 6:32 am

I convinced myself after one large weight loss that I has MS because I had foot drop and was tripping all the time. It was simply that I was messing with the nerve in my leg from crossing them all the time. Once I stopped the crossing, it went away on its own for me. Hope yours clears up soon.

H.A.L.A B.
on 8/6/17 10:10 am

Low vitamins and minerals can cause nerve damage. IMPO - some lab values defined as normal are not good enough. I.e. B12 - low normal is often in 300's or even 200's, yet there are studies that indicate that some people may have permanent nerve damage when their level are consistently below 550. I don't retain B12, so I need to give myself a B12 shot once a week. If I go 10 days, my level drops below 500. My doc still thinks this is "OK" , but I can feel it when my levels are below 600-700. I can't afford to skip the weekly shot. Unfortunately - the nerve damage due to low B12 is often permanent. Not reversible.

So - what was your B12? And B6? High B6 can mimic low B12. Unfortunately -

In addition - blood work only show a glimpse of what is happening in our bodies. That's why taking vitamins- minerals EVERY day, day after day is so critical.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/6/17 11:10 am
VSG on 12/07/16

I had my blood work done Dr said I was very anemic but she said my b levels were fine b1 was at 87??? Is that low she said it was fine

Laura in Texas
on 8/6/17 11:23 am

Please get a copy of your labs and know your numbers and what they mean. Look for trends. You may want to put them on a spreadsheet so you can easily see your trends.

We have to become our own advocates. Lots of doctors tell us we're "fine" when we really aren't.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

diane S.
on 8/6/17 11:17 am

Sorry you are experiencing this and I hope there is a fix.

I have had my lower leg stiffen up and been unable to flex my ankle resulting in food "slapping" when I walk. I think it is totally due to the weird way I sit and nothing to do with wls. Yours sounds different. I wonder if there is stretching and physical therapy you could do. GL Diane S

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on 8/7/17 10:23 am - NJ
VSG on 02/23/16

Hi, I had my surgery in Feb 2016 and like you everything went well, i lost about 90 lbs and in August (2016) i got a new car, i thought that i had a shin splint because of the new seat and i just had to get used to it, slowly but surely it got worse, i asked a physical therapist that i know and he said that it looked like footdrop, so i started on a mission to get it checked out, i went to my regular doctor, who sent me to an ortho for my back, who then sent me to a neurologist, long story short, it sounds very much like your situation, i had so many doctors visits, so many MRIs, EEG, EMG, you name it, i even had a spinal tap done, ( which was the worst thing in the world !!! ) i ended up in bed for 10 days not being able to get out of bed was worse than the footdrop. IT WAS THE WORST HEADACHE YOU CAN IMAGINE, and all due to the spinal tap, the fluid would leak when my head was vertical. anyway, everything was coming up normal, all MRIs all blood work, it was very difficult - i even had a car accident because i could not stop in time, due to the foot drop, i did not have the same feeling in my foot and entire leg. Physical therapy was what helped, i would go at least twice a week, and remember to stop crossing your legs because since you dont have the same amount of fat around your leg and knee, it pinches the peroneal nerve which causes the footdrop. i still have to remind myself every day, i do it without noticing and then i have to stop myself because i dont want it to happen again.

i would definitely suggest PT, thats what helped me. i would say it went away in like 4 months.

Good Luck and if you ever want to talk, shoot me an email.

on 8/7/17 12:58 pm
VSG on 12/07/16

Yes please I would love to talk do u have Facebook I can add you please I'm so desperate for answers

on 8/7/17 1:16 pm - NJ
VSG on 02/23/16

Im sorry, i am not a facebooker, but if you like, we can add eachother as friends here and we can talk thru here if not, send me your email and i will email you from work.

Where are you located? east coast? west coast?

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