(deactivated member)
on 7/16/17 6:20 am

I have an awfull tummy ache now.

I can't see what will change in my body by tommorow, as this is what my dietician emailed me to eat tommorow and the exact quantity ( 2 ounce 6 times a day or 4 ounce 3 times a day when I am able to consume more.

Back to liquids for a few days i think

on 7/16/17 6:26 am
VSG on 12/02/15

Only one day early? Lighten up on yourself. Would you judge someone else who had done the same thing so harshly? Every little bump in the road is not a disaster. You haven't failed. I have had times when I was too rough on myself, so now I just think."What would tell to a friend that I really care about to do in this situation?" And that's what I do.

5'2.5" Surgery date/ 12-02-15 Dr.Valentine Boise ID

Highest:289 SW/212 CW 122


Goal reached at 10 months

(deactivated member)
on 7/16/17 6:36 am


Thank you and no not like this with others at all. :)

I am very paitent and forgiving and like tommorows a new day its fine your human with others lol.

I am very hard on myself.. Your right its not the end of the world, I suppose saying to myself all the things id tell others i still dont believe myself haha but its helped you saying it! i gues i need to go back to basics and just relax. thank you thank you it means alot :)

I am so happy i had this sleeve and i just want to make the most of it :) will work on doing some meditation when i feel like this hehe im about to watch a comedy to just get a grip alitte bit and lighten up :) thank you again!!

on 7/16/17 6:38 am
VSG on 08/23/16

Deep breaths. You tried a pureed food 24 hour before you were supposed to. What did you learn - you either ate it too quickly or ate too much because you had your stomach hurt and excessive burping.

This is what bariatric learning is about. We can only understand what our limits are by doing things like this, so it is not a failure but guidance on how to proceed.

So, when you do a puree again today, set out your two ounces. Sit down. Take a bite and put down your fork/spoon. Wait, wait, wait. take a few breaths. Take another bit. At this point, eating 2 ounces of a puree should take you about half an hour. If you eat it that slowly, you will not have pain.

For me, once I started burping, it was my signal to stop eating - I was full.

Put one foot in front of the other. This is hard. But you can do it. Please do not beat up on yourself. It will not help. You didn't fail. You learned something.

You've got this.

Keep on losing!


HW 271.5 (April 2016) SW 246.9 (8/23/16) CW 158 (5/2/18)

on 7/16/17 6:39 am
VSG on 04/30/14

This journey is as much a head change as it is a stomach/diet change. If you're facing cravings when cooking things that are triggers for you, then don't cook them until you are stronger. Or, do Take aways, cook other foods that aren't triggers for you. Your family can eat healthier stuff while you are healing and getting into your pace. It will benefit them as much as it benefits you. Change is required for success.

When I was faced with cravings and wanting just one little bite, I kept repeating to myself and that I wasn't going to let the cheesecake win over my surgery. I am moving towards something (weight loss/new way of life) instead of away from what I 'love' (those unhealthy foods). You have to change your way of thinking. Remember why you got half of your stomach removed.

You are not a failure because mistakes are part of this journey but you also need to be accountable and realize the times when you feel vulnerable or are susceptible to making poor decisions and change the behavior. Find an alternative right now, this early out. Not later. And not the berating self talk because punishing yourself won't help you to feel stronger and make better decisions. Go for a 10 minute walk, write down your feelings (even 1 or 2 lines to get that dialogue out of your head), Look at a 'before' picture and remember the reasons that compelled you to investigate the surgery, see the doctors, get the tests and the surgery. Is a bite of pizza, cake, even a food you're not cleared for yet worth it? And remember the restrictions are a medical determination (healing incision, risk of infections, staple line leak) and use that mindset this early out. Good luck.

Surgery: April 30, 2014: HW: 288 SW: 250 Achieved Goal 149 lbs: April 8, 2015 CW: 158 lbs (working on losing 65 lb regain as of June 1, 2021. Weight was at 215 lbs). Fighting every darn day!

(deactivated member)
on 7/16/17 6:43 am

Knitter- I feel better already what great advice shoot i ate it under 5 minutes i think im exagorating but for sure not as long as you mentioned wonderful advice!!!!

WOW WOW . your right this was a mistake i can learn from thank you thank you i feel a boost actually right now, it was a trial run it funny i usually eat very slow but it seemed to just disappear :P thank you so so much i love how you word things so calm thank you!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/16/17 6:49 am, edited 7/15/17 11:50 pm

Missnexie- powerful words, I will write in my journal , i feel good now really i feel these words are quite powerful , your so helpful.

My family do eat healthy but just they fancied a pizza and i didnt want to get take out lol so i made it :P

But your right its going to have to be some home made mac and cheese( not with the powder mix home made myself) with veg or corn on the cob , or some rice dishes with veggies in because they do not tempt me one bit at all hahahhaa

I am going to actually keep coming back to your comment because its like a pep talk, its not productive your right to feel so bad about this i need to be logical and stay focused.

And your right, I will avoid these crap foods that tempt me , they will be fine, I need to focus on myself, i went to the movies yesturday and didnt feel tempted while everyone had popcorn and snacks i just drank my water, so i know i can do this.

your right a bite of crap is not worth the effort i have put in so far in this shorrt time not worth it at all and it still tastes the same as all the years i was eating it that put me in a bad place im sure lol

i am going to be strong!!! thank you so so much for not laughing at me lol

(deactivated member)
on 7/16/17 8:38 am

I am right there with you! I hope people restrain themselves from mean comments as I have found that there are some who just can't.

It is a journey. Also you're right there is a psychological reason. I did the same thing. I chalked it up to lesson learned and took a deep breath and started over the next day.

Mom learning there are just some foods that I can't be around. Pizza and pastries are he two that just put me over the edge. I told my husband. It to bring another pie into the house because at this point I just can't.

You will learn what foods are your triggers. If you fall just start over!

yiu can do this!

Amy R.
on 7/16/17 12:38 pm
On July 16, 2017 at 3:38 PM Pacific Time, missy161 wrote:

I am right there with you! I hope people restrain themselves from mean comments as I have found that there are some who just can't.

It is a journey. Also you're right there is a psychological reason. I did the same thing. I chalked it up to lesson learned and took a deep breath and started over the next day.

Mom learning there are just some foods that I can't be around. Pizza and pastries are he two that just put me over the edge. I told my husband. It to bring another pie into the house because at this point I just can't.

You will learn what foods are your triggers. If you fall just start over!

yiu can do this!

Missy can you please provide links to the posts that you've found to be "mean"?

You do know that disagreeing with someone or trying to give more accurate information in the spirit of attempting to help is not "mean"?

Grownups can relate in a number of ways, some of which can be extremely frustrating to all parties involved. But frustration just doesn't qualify as mean. Questioning food choices in the spirit of trying to help and/or correct is not mean either.

Perhaps we have different definitions of "mean". I rarely see anything approaching true mean-ness here and I would appreciate links if you have them. I am trying to understand.

(deactivated member)
on 7/16/17 10:05 pm

Mean spirited is what I should have said. I'm done talking about it. It's a rabbit trail that needs to be dropped. I'm done with the person who like to jab and have blocked her so I don't have to read anything from her again.

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