Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Friday 6/16/17

Erin T.
on 6/16/17 5:29 am
VSG on 01/17/17

It's my 10-year wedding anniversary! The kids are headed off with friends for the weekend and Jon and I are going hiking. My menu is going to be weakly planned today because I have two meals out!

B: Dannon L&F w/ PB2 and Babybel

L: Chicken Breast w/ Mayo (going out, but this is what I always get)

D: TBD, probably fish and veggies

S: Premier Protein, Guac and a handful of popcorn

E: It's leg day with my trainer!

VSG: 1/17/17

5'7" HW: 283 SW: 229 CW: 135-140 GW: 145

Pre-op: 53 M1: 22 M2: 12 M3: 12 M4: 8 M5: 10 M6: 11 M7: 5 M8: 6 M9-M13: 15-ish

LBL/BL w/ Fat Transfer 1/29/18

Cathy H.
on 6/16/17 6:02 am, edited 6/15/17 11:02 pm
VSG on 10/31/16

Happy Anniversary, Erin!

I had my first soda since well before surgery in the last couple of days. Diet Dr. Pepper and it tasted so good! I had to let it go flat, though, because one drink of it with the carbonation and I burped like I'd chugged the whole bottle! lol But it tasted great after I shook all the fizz out. With my wacky new taste buds, it's the best tasting beverage I've had since surgery! Will be a nice treat once in a while.

B: Carbmaster yogurt w/Fiber One cereal, coffee w/heavy cream

L: Pepperoni w/Swirls cheese sticks

D: Chicken italian sausages

Water and vites on track

E: Walking

Livin' La KETO Loca!!
134 lbs lost since surgery, 195 overall!! Initial goal reached 9/15/17, (10.5 months)!
5'3", SW*: 299 GW: 175 HW 3/2015: 360 PSW* 5/2016: 330 *PSW=Prog Start Wt; SW=Surgery Wt

M1 -31, M2 -10, M3 -15, M4 -16, M5 -8, M6 -6, M7 -11, M8 -8, M9 -8, M10 -4, M10.5 -7 GOAL

Erin T.
on 6/16/17 6:10 am
VSG on 01/17/17

I drink Diet Coke regularly (about 4-5/week total). It's not a trigger for me to eat other bad things and damn it I've given up pretty much every vice in my life. I quit smoking two years ago, I no longer can drink (though that was never really a thing for me), and now I have meticulous about food consumption too!

So, no one is going to take my Diet Coke! I started drinking it again about 10 weeks after surgery. I actually tried carbonation in something else by accident (diet drink I didn't realize was carbonated). The carbonation doesn't bother my sleeve at all though.

VSG: 1/17/17

5'7" HW: 283 SW: 229 CW: 135-140 GW: 145

Pre-op: 53 M1: 22 M2: 12 M3: 12 M4: 8 M5: 10 M6: 11 M7: 5 M8: 6 M9-M13: 15-ish

LBL/BL w/ Fat Transfer 1/29/18

Cathy H.
on 6/16/17 6:31 pm
VSG on 10/31/16

I had a drink of a Diet A&W a while back, but it tasted awful to me so I wasn't willing to deal with the carbonation for it. Decided to give the Diet Dr Pepper a try, and it's so good...especially the fountain kind from the gas station down the road! I've had so much trouble finding drinks that taste good to me, I'm thrilled that I found this, even if I do have to drink it flat!

Livin' La KETO Loca!!
134 lbs lost since surgery, 195 overall!! Initial goal reached 9/15/17, (10.5 months)!
5'3", SW*: 299 GW: 175 HW 3/2015: 360 PSW* 5/2016: 330 *PSW=Prog Start Wt; SW=Surgery Wt

M1 -31, M2 -10, M3 -15, M4 -16, M5 -8, M6 -6, M7 -11, M8 -8, M9 -8, M10 -4, M10.5 -7 GOAL

Cathy H.
on 6/16/17 6:30 pm
VSG on 10/31/16

Totally too tired to even microwave again tonight, so dinner was Wholly Guacamole with already prepared bacon as dippers lol

Livin' La KETO Loca!!
134 lbs lost since surgery, 195 overall!! Initial goal reached 9/15/17, (10.5 months)!
5'3", SW*: 299 GW: 175 HW 3/2015: 360 PSW* 5/2016: 330 *PSW=Prog Start Wt; SW=Surgery Wt

M1 -31, M2 -10, M3 -15, M4 -16, M5 -8, M6 -6, M7 -11, M8 -8, M9 -8, M10 -4, M10.5 -7 GOAL

(deactivated member)
on 6/16/17 6:06 am, edited 6/15/17 11:07 pm

Happy Anniversary, Erin!

Going to zip into town to have my lipid panel done. Waiting for traffic to dissipate. Sound's game tomorrow night. Looking forward to a lot of activity. Hoping the weather cooperates. Relieved they captured the GA escapees. Have a great weekend everyone.

B: small cup of coffee

L: protein shake

D: pork steak, b. sprouts

S: P.P.

E: mowing lawn, water jogging

on 6/16/17 7:12 am, edited 6/17/17 4:42 am
VSG on 11/29/16

Realized that I've been eating too much for lunch, which has slowed my loss, plus I gained a few pounds eating the wrong crap on vacation last weekend - combined with being unable to get my daily walks in due to the hot weather (+100º's this week... and foreseeably the next three months)

Nipping that in the bud and getting back to basics!

B: 4 oz cottage cheese

S: protein shake

L: 2 oz chicken and protein shake

S: protein shake

D: got dragged to Red Robin... hamburger patty and about half a side salad

"Friends are like flowers; no matter how well you pick them, they all eventually die."

on 6/16/17 9:46 am
VSG on 08/29/16

Happy anniversary! Ours is next week.

On the soda thing. It wasn't a trigger for me but it was a habit. I switched to iced tea and lemonade instead but it tastes awful now. I did enjoy a Henry Weinhard root beer while camping or having a barbecue. At some point I will do that again but im not quite there yet.

B: it was leftovers, shrimp, bacon and onion all cooked in my cast iron pan.

L: chicken enchilada with way too much habanero sauce from one of my favorite questionable Mexican places. I buy 2 of their daily specials on Monday for $11.98 total, give the sodas to 2 of my office girls and eat lunch and snacks for 5 days. It tastes good, falls in my plans and it it makes my inner cheap bast-, frugal man, quite happy.

S: refried beans

D: no clue

Fluids have been good since the weekend. 120-150 ounces. Unfortunately during the weekend I was only able to get 60 ounces per day and I struggled at the start of the week with mild dehydration and constipation.

Kristi T.
on 6/16/17 9:52 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Happy Anniversary Erin, enjoy your hike with your husband!

I treated myself to a diet A&W root beer last week and oh my goodness was it wonderful!! I was a big diet coke drinker, always had one with meals. Thank goodness my taste buds changed that, I no longer like the taste!

The weather has been cold, windy and gloomy all week. I am so ready for some sun:-)

B-Oikos triple zero yogurt

L-Chocolate protein drink

S-Hard boiled egg

D-Hamburger patty, pea & garbanzo bean salad

W&V-Have been slacking on my water, trying for 96oz goal today

E-Walking the dog, step ups on trail benches

Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!

Erin T.
on 6/16/17 10:11 am
VSG on 01/17/17

I only like Diet Coke from McDonald's now. Cans and bottles don't taste right and even other fountain ones. Luckily, that makes it a treat because I have to drive 15 miles to get to McDonald's!

Also luckily, I've never liked McDonald's food so I don't feel tempted to eat it while there, LOL.

VSG: 1/17/17

5'7" HW: 283 SW: 229 CW: 135-140 GW: 145

Pre-op: 53 M1: 22 M2: 12 M3: 12 M4: 8 M5: 10 M6: 11 M7: 5 M8: 6 M9-M13: 15-ish

LBL/BL w/ Fat Transfer 1/29/18

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