Post op emotional rollercoaster

on 4/1/17 8:46 pm
VSG on 03/21/17

I thought I was prepared for this surgery. I really did not think about how I would feel not being able to chew food. Or eat things I love and not have the ability to do it without becoming sick. I cried I felt so depressed and there was no going back. I of course want to get healthy and lose this weight that holds me back. Yet I have stumbled and at times chew food and spit it out. Just wondering if anyone has felt like this? Any words of wisdom? I'm almost 2 weeks out and have been at same weight for four days. Also finding it difficult to take in my protein needs since almost everything ii like gives me major gas. Thanks

White Dove
on 4/1/17 10:54 pm - Warren, OH

Ask your surgeon's office to recommend a therapist who deals with weight loss surgery patients.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 4/1/17 11:08 pm
VSG on 03/21/17

I am right there with you im like 10 days post op and believe me its been a roller coaster. I chew food and spit it out all the time. I get aggitated and annoyed really quick its like ugh i need a fix.... of "food". Like 3 days after i had the surgery i kept asking myself what in the heck did i do and since then i have ups and downs when im glad i did it and then im kicking myself the next day. I had gas for the first week really bad with chest pains and stomach pains. It caused me to rarely eat because of the pain but now the pain is little to non existant n some times i wi**** would come back Only because now that its gone im able to eat thing that i shouldn't like pizza which i threw back up thank god cause i regret even putting that in my body. Here is my advise do not feel bad you are human and we have mad a drastic change to our body and not our minds. we have to adjust our minds to our new tummy. Also this sugery is a tool we also have to put in a bit of work to see the results that will answer that question in our minds "why in the F did I do this to myself?" its not gonna be easy but we took the first step. You can do this suger free popsicles help yogurt pedialyte. Almond milk is my friend right now for my shakes. Gas x omg chewables and strips are ur best friend. I have been at the same weight for four days and then it said i gained a pound i was so angry like what in the hell but then i got my period n i believe im retaining water and bloated so that eased me. idk if ur a girl or guy but thats something to think about. Also the drs say we will have stalls and so do people who have reached their goal or are closer to their goals than us so keep that in mind to. sorry this is so long i just wanted to try to help n let you know you are definitely not alone.

on 4/2/17 2:42 pm
VSG on 03/21/17

Omg you just described me to the T!! I've felt and done same exact things as you think crust pepperoni is my weakness and my daughter ordered it one day and the smell and remembering how great it tastes .... I chewed it and spit it out in the trash and at the time was absolutely amazing! That's what scared me knowing how much food controls my life! I cried more days than I can count! And I miss burritos so much! Just feels weird for you not to have any control of being able to eat what you want. This was my last try it started out at 325 lbs and on my own then with eventually contravention I got down to 232lbs. Then met a man that loved me for me and I stopped thinking about it soon I was back up to 270lbs and miserable. Alot of my coworkers have done it and have been successful. I thank you for replying. Really helps!

on 4/3/17 1:30 pm
VSG on 03/21/17

Im so glad I could help honestly if there is one thing I learned from this its that you need some one to talk to some one you can be open and honest with in a JUDGEMENT FREE ZONE. If you want I can be that for you we can go through this together. Also you gonna have to tell hubby and children they are going to have to eat that stuff before they come home or when they are not with you because it tempts you to be eat it. Out of sight out of mind is how I feel im good until i get around friends or family the first thing they want to do is eat im like woahhhhh I cant eat but when i say that a whole bunch of questions start. So I am starting to become anti social. Oh man I met a man who didnt care either and i gained almost 50 pounds in like a year and change girl you dont want that. We are going to have to learn that we are doing it for us and not because some one excepts us as is. I want to be truly happy with me not happy with some one whos happy with this me but some one who will be happy with what ever me I choose to become. Your husband and children will have to learn to support you in this journey and that starts at every one watching what they eat around you temptation is our enemy. I have been drinking water and greek yogurt sugar free popsicles umm soup broth ohhhh i tried kefir vanilla milk yesterday it taste like greek yogurt. did you get the vitaleph shakes they taste good with vanilla milk. The unsweeted is way to bland for me so i cant drink it

on 4/3/17 3:21 pm
VSG on 03/21/17

I'm finding that anytime I try to get protein I feel really sick soon after. There is only one brand I can tolerate called pure protein I am not a shake person so I split one can between two days and use the unflavored protein powder. Half a scoop to try and partially meet my goal. I am not a fan of any type of yogurt. But I did find a Greek yogurt that I kind of like has 13gm of protein so I am adding the extra. It's definitely a work in progress. I also made sugar free pudding with the Fairlife milk and added protein to it as well. Yes my daughter loves to eat out but even cooking at home the smells torture me. My boyfriend is very supportive but he is a truck driver so he's never home. I go back to work tomorrow so I am hoping that's going to help. I think being home gives me too much time to think of food. Tomorrow is also my 2 week mark!! I will be able to eat soft foods like pinto beans and moist meats. I am making a pot of beans today and have pork roast in crackpot with a watered down gravy. I think the struggle in my mind has improved a little. Your right having people to show support and not judge really helps. Especially when you are feeling weak!! I planned a cruise for my birthday in august to give me something to work towards. My family is Hispanic so there is always greasy fattening foods. It's been hard to give up my tortillas and bread. Really easy to forget about my Dr pepper addiction! Lol I am happy you replied and we will get there!! What's your goal weight?

on 4/3/17 7:05 pm
VSG on 03/21/17

Man o man this escalated so quickly lol people are going ham on our pizza eating. I'm human I beat myself up enough for eating the pizza n now I have other people beating me up to sheesh..... any ways girl my doctor set a goal weight for me of 165 but I would like to be between 130-145 so that's my goal so far I have lost about 20 pounds since I started this journey I'm very excite every time I lose a pound it motivates me to keep going. I finally got my 10,000 steps in today I am extremely happy ready to cry even. I'm Cuban and Jamaican so I deff know about the greasy fatty foods my culture is big on rice and red meat man I ate some Jamaican soup and I was like ever the liquid from it is way to heavy I had to have a talk with myself like listen we gonna have to give this stuff up and find healthy things that work for us mentally and physically. Girl I was highly addicted to Pepsi I gave it up 3 weeks before surgery and I don't miss it. I had to make myself learn it was doing so much harm to my body. When is August is your birthday omg I'm August 28 Virgo baby!!!!

on 4/3/17 7:53 pm
VSG on 03/21/17

Yes I did and these forums are to get people's thoughts and advice. I don't get offended by it because everyone is so different. I just see it as another way to look at my issues. No wonder we hit it off lol my birthday is the 24th and my boyfriend September 7 he is a virgo too. I was worried before surgery that I would have emotional issues. My highest weight was 325lbs at 5'6" and on my own got down to 232. But then I would go up and down was up to 270 end of February. So I just thought this was my answer. The problem for me is when I feel deprived I want it more lol. JerK chicken is one of my favorite Jamaican dishes. And I actually ate at my first Cuban restaurant in tampa florida!! I see what you mean. When was your surgery? My goal weight is 170lbs. I'm down 23lbs and have been at same weight for 6 days pretty frustrated.

on 4/3/17 8:23 pm
VSG on 03/21/17

LOl I knew I could relate to you we have a lot in common so far. My highest weight was 244 last I checked which was yesterday I was at 226 which has me extremely happy cause I realized I lost 20 pounds. Girl I'm proud of you too be proud of that weight listen we didn't gain it over night and we won't lose it over night believe me I hit that same stall do not get discouraged so far everyone hits stalls I stay on YouTube watching everyone's journey so I can do my best to avoid some of the same mistakes and take from it what I need to better my journey. I have UP and downs every day one minute I'm happy next I'm like ugh I'm soooooo hungry when I'm not I just want my oxtails and brown stew fish sighhhh and rice loveeee rice but right now I don't miss it. And yeah I didn't only look at the negative remarks I really did look at the advice they were giving as well. I guess they ment well the delivery just took me back a bit

on 4/3/17 8:25 pm
VSG on 03/21/17

Oh and my surgery was 3/21/2017 I was in serious pain for a week and a half. The foam in the mouth and chest pains are the worst

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