
on 3/3/17 7:01 am

My endoscopy went well yesterday. I have a small hiatal hernia that will take about an extra 15-30 minutes to fix when I have the sleeve done. There is also signs of erosion in my esophagus and signs of mild heartburn. Thankfully, there is not reflux.

Doc put me on some meds to get the heartburn fixed before the surgery.

Keep on keepin' on!

Happy Friday!

Miss B

Start weight (1-11-17) 281

Surgery weight (5-1-17) 245

Current weight (6-17-17) 218

VSG on 5-1-17

on 3/5/17 6:38 pm

Have you been sleeved yet? You might consider having the bypass as the sleeve causes acid reflux that's where I'm at. I had it prior to surgery and 4 years later it has gotten worse. My doctor wants to do a revision to bypass. Think about it. The heartburn will not go away the meds only cover it up but the symptoms will return.

on 3/5/17 6:53 pm

Thanks. No, I haven't been sleeved. Doc says it isn't severe and sees no reason to do bypass. Buy, I will discuss it with him again at next visit.

Miss B

Start weight (1-11-17) 281

Surgery weight (5-1-17) 245

Current weight (6-17-17) 218

VSG on 5-1-17

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