Had a sudden weird craving!

(deactivated member)
on 1/29/17 5:01 pm
VSG on 01/12/17

I haven't really craved anything since my surgery. I'm in the mushies phase so most of my diet is my shakes and them creamed soup. I like to make vegetable beef stew and puree it, it's sooo good. But mostly, I haven't felt like anything until tonight. I really was craving some hummus! I went to the store and bought some hummus dip, the kind in the chip aisle rather than the refrigerated kind. I bought jalapeno hummus dip and took a spoonful of it when I got home. It really hit the spot and was so good.

What were some of your sudden cravings in the beginning that you just had to have?

on 1/29/17 5:56 pm - Middletown, CT
VSG on 09/28/16

I crave liverworst!

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325

Surgeon, Darren Tishler

(deactivated member)
on 1/29/17 6:52 pm
VSG on 01/12/17

I have never had liverworst before! I can't even imagine what it tastes like.

on 1/29/17 8:01 pm - Middletown, CT
VSG on 09/28/16

It's really soft and mushy. Great with a thin slice of onion!

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325

Surgeon, Darren Tishler

on 1/30/17 8:19 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

and mustard

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 1/30/17 8:37 pm - Middletown, CT
VSG on 09/28/16

Yes, yes, yes!!! LOL!

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325

Surgeon, Darren Tishler

on 1/29/17 8:55 pm
VSG on 01/10/17

I was sleeved a couple days before you and I am also in the mushies stage. I am just craving a piece of baked chicken and some veggies. Not the blended ones...the kind you chew and enjoy. This too shall pass.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 1/30/17 3:21 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Yeah, not having anything to chew bugged me a lot. I was chewing scrambled eggs and cottage cheese like they were meat (before I could have anything else more dense). But the time in this phase goes by pretty fast.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

(deactivated member)
on 1/30/17 4:32 am
VSG on 10/11/16

I did not have any weird cravings, although I did have a very strong desire to get back to real food as quickly as possible. I do want to point out a danger though, in reading posts before coffee. 

I read your post, and when I got to the word "hummus", my caffeine deprived mind inserted the word "haggis". I have no idea why. But I read your entire post thinking, "What is WRONG with this woman that she is craving haggis!?!?!  And where does she live where she can go to the store and get haggis dip?  Eeewwwwww!!!!!

I read if again, and my fogged brain finally cleared up. Hummus. I like that stuff. I put it on vegetables now instead of crackers. Good for you. Haggis probably has lots of protein, but you'll have to find out for yourself on that one. 

(deactivated member)
on 1/30/17 11:07 am
VSG on 01/12/17

Oh my goodness. I don't think I ever want to try haggis! I know some people love it, (I think) but I can't even imagine myself eating it. Not before the sleeve and not after and I don't even want to imagine the taste of a haggis dip!

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