Any vets out there???

on 1/23/17 7:59 am

Hi!! I've been gone for a while but had my sleeve in 2008. I stayed within a pound or 2 of my GW for7 years. This past year, I gained 5 when I started some hormones and 5 when I increased a medication. I did lapse on my vitamins causing me to be anemic. I've been trying to go back to basics and have been doing shakes for 2 meals a day but nothing seems to work. I'll lose a pound and then gain it back. Anyone have this happening. I'm just scared it will keep going up.Any advice is welcome!!! 

So glad to read so many new stories of people taking control of their lives and eating to be healthy !! My husband starts his journey on Feb. 1st!!

on 1/23/17 8:34 am

Hey there! From a selfish perspective so glad to hear from someone else who's out several years!

Have you ever death with acid reflux or strictures and other  issues? 

I recently emailed back and forth with a former member of this site  who is 12 yrs out and still doing well, hope she posts an update like she planned. 

on 1/23/17 8:39 am

Hi!! Wow...12 years. I hope she posts too. I only dealt with reflux for a few months after surgery . I have had a little over the past few months but haven't taken anything for it. I haven't had any strictures, I din't think! Are you dealing with those now? Glad to see you on here!!!

on 1/23/17 8:53 am

Thankfully no, some minor discomfort with acid now buts on and off. I am just dealing with lots of anxiety and depression over my decision, and trying to come to terms with it. :) So, hearing/reading long term stories are great. 

Yea, it was so good to hear from her! I really hope she posts. 

on 1/23/17 8:57 am

When was your surgery?


on 1/23/17 9:12 am

One month now, I  am sure I will be fine in a couple of months :) But it's fun emotional rollercoaster for now.

on 1/23/17 9:20 am

I promise that it gets better. Just focus on the positive and know you have made a good decision. :)

on 1/24/17 5:34 pm

The reflux could easily be the culprit for the struggle with the weight loss. I am 5 years out and hit goal in 8 months. I maintained goal weight up until about year 4. Gained a fair amount (went from -15 to +5 or so), and was diagnosed with a large hiatel hernia. Tons of acid during that time and I was "hungry" all the time. Hernia fixed, gallbladder taken out, weight dropped right back to my typical -15 and has held for about an year now.

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

on 1/24/17 9:02 pm

Thanks for your response. Did you feel like you had reflux all of the did they know to check for the hernia ?


Citizen Kim
on 1/23/17 9:43 am - Castle Rock, CO

There is a Back On Track group that Kathy S runs or you could participate in the "what are you eating" thread every day for accountability.  


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