2 week post op update

on 12/20/16 4:12 am

Hello everyone!

I haven't posted in this section as up until 2 weeks ago, I believed I would be having the RNY. As I was coming to in recovery I could hear the nurses talking and that's when I discovered I received the VSG instead. I remember how disappointed I felt at first, literally cried for the first 2 days and couldn't talk to any family members without breaking down. I did experience a lot of complications post surgery, I had severe trauma to my uvula which thankfully keeps getting better each day, without the IV for the first 4 days I would dehydrate quickly because I was only able to get 1/4 of the fluids they wanted me to get as I had so much pain and resistance in my upper abdomen, the smallest sip would cause excruciating pain. Despite it, I pushed myself and kept at it. I still have some trouble with nausea but haven't taken any pain meds since my 3rd day home. I went to see my family doctor yesterday and he has taken me off of diabetes medication!!! He was very happy with my blood sugars and said by next routine lab work if my sugar levels are the same he will remove the diabetes diagnosis.

I am down 18.4 lbs since surgery on December 5th, with my optifast loss of 24.4 lbs I am down a total of 42.8 lbs.

Where most people I know are wishing 2016 away and hoping for a better year in 2017, I am thinking the opposite, 2016 was my year to put me first after years of putting everyone else first, and I'm storing that in my memory bank! I do look forward to 2017 as well as I will be a whole new me (and hopefully only half of me) before the year is out. 

Cheers and thanks for reading 

on 12/20/16 5:06 am

Good Morning. I am a newbie. I've only been to orientation. Do you know why they chose the sleeve for you. I am thinking the sleeve is what I want but not sure what to ask for or requirements for either surgery. I read all about your throat issues and I am fretting about that happening to me. I have oral Lichen Planus and worry about trauma to my throat and having my condition worsen. I am happy you are on the mend. Take Care Marlene


on 12/20/16 9:21 am

Hi Marlene and thanks for the reply!

The reason for doing the sleeve over the RNY was due to scar tissue from my two previous C-sections. Though they had done several ultrasounds and knew there was some scar tissue, they didn't realize the extent of it until they were inside. The surgeon felt it was the safest to do the RNY.

I have what they call a bifid uvula, it's split in 2 and the left side was literally extended about 4x its length, it was not painful at all, just absolutely disgusting and gag worthy, every time I swallowed I gagged, if I coughed it felt as though I needed to keep coughing as it seemed stuck in my throat, it was also bone white and caused a few to jump back when they looked at it, which just made it seem so much worse lol. I'm happy to say it's gone back to its original colouring and has decreased in size. 

Good luck as you begin your journey!

on 12/20/16 11:16 am

Thanks for responding. I have had a c section appendectomy gallbladder removal. so a couple of surgeries. I hope you feel better every day . take care


(deactivated member)
on 12/20/16 5:07 am
VSG on 10/31/16

Sorry to hear that you had uvula issues, nausea, pain, etc. 

Prior to my surgery, my surgeon stated that I may not be able to have the RNY because of previous abdominal surgeries (adhesions/scar tissue).  The next option would be the VSG or nothing.  The surgeon performed the VSG and to be honest, in my situation, I was thankful.  I was in menopause years prior so mine was a blessing in disguise because I won't experience malabsorption if I had had the RNY.  I had a lot of nausea and pain near the main incision where the stomach is pulled out but it will decrease over time.

Hang in there!  You are doing great on weight loss and the diabetes factor.  Take good care.  Hugs.





on 12/20/16 9:43 am

Hello soho

I remember being told the VSG was a possibility and at the end of the day it would be the surgeons call so Insigned. Release for both, they did several ultrasounds to determine the severity of the scar tissue and right up until the end the talk was always the RNY, surprisingly my incisions don't hurt at all, all the pain came from the top of my stomach right in the center. The pain is mostly gone, I still have the nausea at least once a day, but it's minor compared to feeling nauseated all day.

Rachel B.
on 12/20/16 6:01 am - Tucson, AZ
VSG on 08/11/08 with

WOW!  That has got to be a total trip, going into surgery expecting one thing, only to come out with another.  I believe, in the long run, you will be much happier.  You will not have to take vitamins twice daily for the rest of your life due to malabsorption.  You will have less or no dumping, depending on if you let yourself take in a little too much sweets.  You're already seeing health benefits.  You will have few compensations in life due to your surgery.

Welcome to the VSG future!  And welcome to The Loser's Bench!

"...This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away, to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. What he was doing..."

Rachel, PMHNP-BC

HW-271 SW-260 LW(2009)-144 ~ Retread: HW-241 CW-190 GW-150

on 12/20/16 9:30 am

Hello Khepera, 

I will be honest, the first few days I was completely depressed and had serious regrets. All I could see was the countless stories I'd read of people having the VSG and then gaining the weight back and getting a revision to the RNY and I knew that wouldn't be an option for me so I had felt like I got the short end of the stick on my once in a lifetime opportunity. Once the pain started to get better I became more optimistic and began some more research and started focussing on the positive stories on people who had the VSG as well as the medical factors, such as not having the vitamin malabsorption issues or the dumping issue. I've already discovered unsweetened applesauce gives me all the side affects of dumping without actually dumping, not pleasant at all.

I'm glad to do all be on the losers bench!!


Rachel B.
on 12/20/16 11:26 am - Tucson, AZ
VSG on 08/11/08 with

I was one of the regainers- secondary to bad life situations and stressors getting in the way.  but here I am, back on the wagon.  And guess what?  My tool still works!  So it really can be a good thing.

"...This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away, to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. What he was doing..."

Rachel, PMHNP-BC

HW-271 SW-260 LW(2009)-144 ~ Retread: HW-241 CW-190 GW-150

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 12/21/16 3:22 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

My surgeon has VSG patients take the same vitamins as RNY for their lifetime.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

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