2 year update

on 12/13/16 6:29 am
VSG on 10/30/14 with

2 years. Wow. I've started and stopped this post multiple times. I think it's because my heart is super full these days and I struggle with capturing it in a way that makes sense to others. 

I sit here reflecting on how things are different. My first year had its share of challenges but in year 2 I was off to the races. My VSG was my 3rd surgery in 6 1/2 weeks; the previous 2 surgeries were for unrelated items. As you might imagine, my body was ticked off and recovery was much slower than I expected. Oh, side note, when everyone tells you to get in your fluids.... GET IN YOUR FLUIDS. Being hospitalized for dehydration sucks.  I had a couple of other medical hiccups that first year but I have been blessed with a good team of doctors. 

I'm not really sure why I'm rehashing all of this except I know there are people reading these posts who are post-surgery, feeling like crap and wondering if it will ever get better. It does! This year alone I completed 24 races including 2 full marathons & 13 half marathons. I walked/ran 1000 miles with a knee & hip that will eventually need to be replaced. I took vacations with my kids and enjoyed the heck out of them. In fact, I even took a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon. As someone who is incredibly claustrophobic there is no possible way I could have done this pre-surgery! It was a fantastic experience and I was lucky enough to share it with one of my kids too. 

Health wise things aren't perfect and I still work with my team of doctors. However, I'm in better shape than ever in my adult life. Earlier this year I had a cancer scare. One thought that comforted me, while waiting for a DX or a clean bill of health, was IF it was cancer we caught it early because I now actively managed my health. Thankfully it was NOT cancer but that experience is on the top 5 list of reasons I am thankful for this surgery and losing weight.  

I never did hit that magic number on the scale that I set at the beginning of this journey but was blessed that, pre-surgery, my mental health doc forced me to come up with non-weight related goals and document those too. That helped keep things in perspective for me. As I go into year 3 I admit I am contemplating trying to lose another 10 lbs. However, for the first time, it's not because of the number on the scale; it's about trying to improve my marathon pace and provide even more relief to my joints. I continue to work with my dietitian to formulate a diet that meets my nutritional needs and also fuels my body appropriately for the weekly mileage I expect from it. 

I guess, in summary, life still happens. My family can still drive me nuts, relationship drama still occurs, my job can still suck but it's ok because for the first time in several decades I'm being an active participate and LIVING my life. I no longer allow it to pass by me. The surgery can be hard. Losing weight is hard. Maintenance can be hard but fully embracing your life truly is priceless. I encourage everyone to try and try and try again if you have to. Just do not give up because you really are worth it.




on 12/13/16 8:00 am
VSG on 12/02/15

Be proud of yourself. You've done a great job. I think you will continue to be successful.

5'2.5" Surgery date/ 12-02-15 Dr.Valentine Boise ID

Highest:289 SW/212 CW 122


Goal reached at 10 months

on 12/14/16 7:40 am
VSG on 10/30/14 with

Thanks. I think now is when the real work starts. Maintaining the behaviors I have learned over the last couple of years is crucial to continued success. It is easy for me to get a bit lazy in my thinking and eating. I still get on the scale every single day and that helps keep me honest. 




Gwen M.
on 12/13/16 8:57 am
VSG on 03/13/14

Great update!  Thanks for sharing your successes :)  2 marathons and 13 halves is staggering.  (Literally and figuratively!)  Way to go!

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

on 12/13/16 9:05 am
VSG on 10/30/14 with

Thanks Gwen. It's been an interesting journey but I am so happy to have been able to take it. I definitely consider myself very blessed. 




diane S.
on 12/13/16 12:22 pm

Good on you. You have done well in spite of all life has thrown at you. Be proud of your success. Diane S

                   Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!! 
on 12/14/16 7:41 am
VSG on 10/30/14 with

Thanks Diane. I am proud of what I have accomplished and excited to see what additional doors will open in the coming years. 




(deactivated member)
on 12/13/16 1:49 pm
VSG on 10/31/16

Sounds you have been blessed!  So awesome that the sleeve helped you to live life to the fullest.  Congratulations on completing so many races and doing things you never would do before the surgery.  Awesome for me to read, you inspire me.  

on 12/14/16 7:43 am
VSG on 10/30/14 with

Thanks! I really have been blessed. The key for me was finding other goals that helped me stay focused on maintaining my good eating habits. For me that has been the races but it will be different for other folks. Admitting that I needed help and working with my mental health doc to get my head on straight has been crucial to my success in this journey. It has definitely taken a village to get me here today. 




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