Got my surgery date! ... but I'm struggling with anxiety, and this clear liquid it ain't helpin'

on 10/10/16 2:40 pm
VSG on 10/03/16

Yes definitely, it is one of the best things you can have. But it is literally just broth made from the bones so it has some flavour but heaps of nutrients

on 10/10/16 8:35 pm

Chicken broth has been EVERYTHING to me. lol. Definitely helps with the cravings, and I actually got full for a second after I ate it. I'm guilty of hiding. That's what I've been doing today. I need to get up and walk me though. That may be a good way to get myself out to this 'missing food' funk. I'm pushing forward though, and thankful that today wasn't as hard as yesterday. I'm taking it one day at a time, and am so thankful that I have this site and all of you on here for advice and support!

Thank you so much for the encouragement. Much needed, and appreciated!!! I wish you continued success on your journey!

on 10/10/16 7:20 am

It might help dealing with the liquid diet and with your anxiety to remember that rigid adherence to the pre-op liquids will make your surgery easier and safer. It's normal to be nervous -- it is major surgery and it will change your life. That's scary, even though it's a good scary. Good luck!



  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 10/10/16 8:30 pm

Yes! That thought has been one of the main ones that has gotten me through this thus far. I'm nervous, but knowing that sticking to this liquid diet makes the surgery safer is the ultimate motivation to stick to it! And you're right as well, this is definitely a "scared" that I don't mind feeling. I'm so ready for my life to change.

Thank you for the encouraging words! I wish you continued success on your journey!

on 10/10/16 7:36 am



 In two weeks i will begin the pre-op liquid diet and reading your post made me more fearful than i already was, but it also gave me hope and you have also given me inspiration. I know it sounds weird, but thats how i feel .  I will be looking for you to support me during my week of liquids.  stay strong girl!

on 10/10/16 8:25 pm

Absolutely!!! I will so be here to support you. It's hard (especially on day one) but I'm on day two now, and it has been so much easier than day one. Still struggling a bit, but this is really challenging me. Forcing me to really rely on will power, and my strong desire to succeed on this journey. It's been a long time since I've been this proud of myself (in regards to dieting, and sticking to it), and that is definitely a plus of his experience! I feel like I can really do this, plus all of the support and advice from the lovely people on this site has been wonderful for the times when I'm feeling down. I'm staying strong and pushing through, and you will do the same. Be prepared to be proud of yourself, and I'll be here to cheer you on whenever you need it! Hugs!

on 10/11/16 6:08 am

Awesome, thank you so much.



on 10/14/16 6:45 am

Hi Tricie,


How are you doing on your liquid diet? 

on 10/14/16 10:41 am

I'm well. It still sucks, but I can't feel too many hunger pains anymore, which is wonderful. I haven't cheated at all, so thats nice. I was pretty sure I was gonna give up by now, but I haven't! I can't eat broth anymore, it makes me sick to my stomach now, so for the past three days I've been surviving on propel, super free gum, water, and jello. Four more days to go until surgery, and I've come too far to give up now, lol. I did start my period today though (sorry, TMI) but that sucks because the thing I love to do most during my time of the month is eat .... sadness ... but the diet must go on. I just keep remembering that I want my surgery to be successful so I won't got to my favorite Chinese restaurant and stuff the entire buffet in my mouth  lol.

Elle B.
on 10/10/16 8:24 am
VSG on 09/26/16

Hi, I just had my surgery on 9/26, and I did 14 days of liquids with a small protein and green for dinner. The first two days are the most difficult , after the third day it gets easier. I lost 12lbs prior to surgery date. You can do it. I even walked during that time because it is stressful. Truth be told, this isn't even the hardest part (pre-op diet). Stay focused! 

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