beyond extreme dry mouth

on 6/20/16 10:22 pm
VSG on 05/13/16

 hey all. it seems i only post here when something isnt right!


ive spoken to my surgeon and more recently my dentist this past Saturday.  both are stumped


  Since about 3 days post opp, my mouth has been  beyond dry. Like every part of my mouth is dry. Like  just waking up from surgery dry.  
My lips stick to everything,  my tongue is leather,  my palate feels just odd.    i just do not make spit.   the first few days i took it as my being dehydrated since i needed IV fluids, but it never improved.    it is worst over night,  and sometimes is like cotton mouth  feeling and tasting ( gross). my breath is horrid  waking up with it.  i often wake at night because my mouth is so dry i  have issues breathing if my tongue lays odd ways. 

 any how.  the surgeon said he has never had a patient with my symptoms. 

 3 dentists looked at my Saturday and none had any idea what was going on.  i had a cleaning and my mouth was open for over 40 minutes.  not once did my  mouth fill with saliva.  it actually stuck open and they had to keep removing my lips from my teeth ( and their fingers)  and my tongue from areas because it stuck.  it is a LOT like the sensation of  licking an extremely cold ice cube/  metal pole in the winter, non stop, in my mouth. 

 im drinking  all i need,  eating well, and 5 weeks out from surgery no signs of dehydration.  no signs of infection/ thrush etc

 they checked my  throat and salivary glands  to see if there were any blockages etc, and nothing.  however they said my saliva wasnt coming out as it should.  there was some, but not much , but no blockage. 
 im already on 4 different biotiene products,  my dentist prescibed a tooth paste to protect my teeth from the dry environment over night, and  was told to check xylitol gum.   my dentist  said he would call a friend in that is now a dermatologist but used to be a dentist to see if i  can get in to see him and  see if he can figure it out ( he does many dry mouth studies etc) , however he isnt sure how quickly ill be able to get in. it is worse over night but it is all day , non stop.  and drinking doesnt fix it.  when i drink, or even just hold water in my mouth for  while, once i swallow it, its like water off a ducks back , no absorption in my mouth.  so odd.

   my brother ( also a dentist)  mentioned that hormonal changes also can change the saliva quality  so im really just at that point wondering if that is the issue because i went into my surgery hoping for hormonal changes.  however the fact that my surgeon said he has never had a patient  with this issue makes me think it cant be possible, since many folks with sleeve have abrupt hormonal changes. 

 so, anyone with extreme dry mouth? like so dry you cant even swallow because your mouth gets stuck together?? i feel like a 90 year old smacking my lips all day trying to  breathe.
 and i swear if i wake up one more morning with my 3 year old in front of my face saying "mummy your breath smells funny", im going to  scream. lol

-Natalie VSG 5/13/16. 5'6" -- HW 283 . SW 266

Post vsg: M1 -32 , M2 -14 , M3-19

Lisa F.
on 6/21/16 4:18 am
VSG on 06/06/16

So sorry to hear you're going through this! Could it possibly be a reaction to a medication? I have a friend who is had these symptoms as a side effect to a medication she's on.

Hope you get this resolved soon!


VSG DATE 6/6/16 | SW 280 | CW 198 | GW 175 | HEIGHT 5'8 | AGE 55



Kris R.
on 6/21/16 5:51 am - Walworth, NY

Hi did you try BioTene?  My MIL had a similar issue and that seemed to work for her.

You can't take care of them, if you don't take care of you!!
Band 10/2006, removal 10/2010, VSG 02/08/2016

on 6/21/16 8:07 am
VSG on 12/02/15

   I had dry mouth for a few days following my surgery. I think it's normal for some people. I got some bioteen moisturizing mouth spray, and it helped a lot. you can get it anywhere. I got mine at Wal-Mart.

5'2.5" Surgery date/ 12-02-15 Dr.Valentine Boise ID

Highest:289 SW/212 CW 122


Goal reached at 10 months

on 6/21/16 8:12 am - AR

I don't know what the cause is but I have used lozenges with the ingredient xylitol in it. They claim to increase saliva production. Just search dry mouth lozenge on Amazon. I have used it when the air was blowing out of my mouth with my CPAP.  I know the feeling but can't imagine having it all day.  So sorry you are going through this.  Maybe it will resolve soon.

HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)

on 6/21/16 8:33 am, edited 6/21/16 1:34 am
VSG on 05/13/16

Thanks all.


 Yeah, as I said I'm already on biotiene paste, gel, spray and paste. Also on xylitol  gum. All with no relief.


 My meds have all been cleared as not being the cause, so im just superconfused. And hoping it isn't something serious, and doubt it is. I just wish I had some relief  over a month later.>

-Natalie VSG 5/13/16. 5'6" -- HW 283 . SW 266

Post vsg: M1 -32 , M2 -14 , M3-19

Tracy D.
on 6/21/16 10:19 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

That is so weird and has got to be absolutely maddening!  I wouldn't be able to focus on anything else 

Let us know when it gets better or when someone is able to give you some answers.  Fingers crossed it resolves quickly! 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































Mary Gee
on 6/21/16 12:02 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Natalie, I have the same problem.  It drives me absolutely batty.  But it just started a few months ago.  I'm constantly brushing my teeth or popping tic-tacos or breath mints, with no relief.  I'll have to try the medications you mentioned.  I assumed it was from medication(s).  Please let me know if you find a resolution.  Thanks.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 6/21/16 12:06 pm
VSG on 05/02/16

3 days out from surgery this happened to me and has not gone away. I've used my cpap for a year before surgery so I know that is not the cause.

Now every single night I go to bed with water beside me because I know when I wake up I can't move my lips, tongue until I take a small sip and swi**** around.

Luckily I don't have the problem during the day but every night without fail.  It's got to be a med I'm on.  I can't think of anything else it would be.  The only new meds I'm on started after surgery and that would be the gallbladder med.

Very frustrating!!

Lynn D

 Age:52, Height 5'4", HW 299, SW 282.6, Current weight as of 02/22/17 159 lbs.

M1 30, M2 25, M3 30,  M4-9 M5 ? M-6,7,8 25lbs, M 9 1/2 ?

(deactivated member)
on 6/21/16 4:23 pm

I haven't had my surgery yet but I have Sjogren's which causes extreme dry mouth. I have to have lozenges and/or Biotene near by to keep my mouth moist.

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