My experience: 2 month post surgery - 80lb+ lost

on 6/9/16 9:46 pm

Hi ladies and gentlemen,


Let me share my experience


1 - I did the surgery on 4th April. I spent about 2-3 month working with paper work. Everything went smooth besides the fact that I was asked to use CPAP for 30+ days before the surgery, because I was diagnosed with severe Sleeping Apnea

2 - I did the surgery at University of Chicago Hospital. The service was amazing, people was very nice, my surgeon is the best doctor I have ever meet ... and above all, it was a brand new building so the facility was super.

3 - I had almost no pain at all. The only time I had pain was when I woke up from the surgery. I thought I was dying until they gave me some medication and it went away. After that, no pain at all. I staid in hospital for three days. I had 24hrs liquid diet and I started the pureed diet the third day. For two weeks I had pureed diet, then I started eating soft food for a month. After that, I was able to eat almost everything.

4 - I have to say that in contrary with what I have seen here, I was not asked to do a liquid diet prior the surgery, just a normal healthy diet with small quantity of food. 



Pre surgery diet : 10lb lost (2 weeks)

First month post surgery : 40lb lost

Second month post surgery : 30lb lost

Total: 80lb

Max weight : 450lb

Two months after surgery weight: 370lb



I have to admit that I rarely meet the protein requirement. I hate protein shakes and I drink only Isopure Zero Carb Refreshment 

I eat three times a day. 2-5oz per meal. Mostly protein , salads and vegetables. 

Can't stay without eating fruits (although they have carbs) ... 2-3oz/day

Can't avoid eating cheese, especially blue cheese and feta cheese, although very small pieces (God I love cheese, I am addicted lol)

Last month I have introduced nuts, and I get them every day, 1-2oz.

I drink somewhere between 40-60oz of water (although for the first two weeks after surgery I barely could drink 20oz)


Active life

For the first month I walked every day 30 min to one hr

Now, I mix workout (30 min running and 1hr weights), walking (1hr) and swimming (1hr). And I do it almost every day.



Constipation. This has been really a huge problem since I never had constipation in my life. No stools softener solved that problem. Only Milk of Magnesia. Surgeon told me it will go away ... but I don't know when....


The best thing

A week ago I bought new clothes. Shirts one number smaller. Pants 4 numbers smaller. hihihi

I feel light, sleep well, and enjoy the food as much as I can (although, to be honest, I crave sometimes for the garbage food I used to eat such as pizzas or burgers... )

My goal is to lose another 70lb for next three months. And another 60 for the following three months. 


Best to all of you.


on 6/9/16 9:58 pm

Sounds like you've got this all figured out and doing well. 

Welcome on becoming a LOSER

             I have missed too many dances in my life now it is time to start living
5' 1"

on 6/9/16 10:13 pm

Outstanding progress.......I had my surgery on Monday and today was my first day of feeling "human." Getting fluids in is still a bit of a challenge, but each hour gets're inspiring me!

Keep up the good work!

Good friends are like stars. 
You don't always see them but you always know they're there. 



on 6/12/16 5:43 am

Yep. For the first two weeks I had the same problem. I was constantly thirsty and I walked all day with my bottle of water sipping .. and still, no way to overcome the thirstiness. Its hard, but it will go away .. I promise ;)

on 6/12/16 8:48 am

Thanks Deno.......yesterday I got in almost 50 oz of fluid and about 40 g I'm on my way.....6 days post op......down 7 pounds since Monday, 14 since start of pre-op diet. I can't calculate anything prior to that because I was on some meds for an ear issue that had my weight all over the place.

So far today I've got about 16 oz fluid in......slept in and got up about an hour and a half ago....and protein about 15 g so far.


Good friends are like stars. 
You don't always see them but you always know they're there. 



on 6/12/16 8:52 am

That is a great progress. I swear I couldn't drink 50oz for about 3-4 weeks. I think they have tighten my stomach too much haha


PS: If you really want to see significant progress, walk a lot ... 1+hr a day. After couple of days, when you feel ready, start working out. Sleve alone does only 1/2 of the work. If you have an active life, results will be tremendous.

on 6/10/16 1:17 am - AL
VSG on 06/28/16

Congrats on your success!  Can't wait to see those before and after pictures!

Starry Eyed
on 6/10/16 4:19 am
VSG on 04/20/16

What an amazing accomplishment!!  Congratulations and wishing you continued success!!

High Weight: 307 Start Weight: 297 (11/5/15) Surgery Weight: 278 (4/20/16) Pre-Op: (-19) M1: (-24) M2: (-8) M3: (-10) M4: (-9) M5: (-7) M6: (-6) M7: (-7) M8: (-5) M9: (-4) M10: (-3) M11: (-5) CW: 185

"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."

Chris "Thick-to-Fit" T.
on 6/10/16 5:02 am - FL
VSG on 05/26/16

Excellent progress and write up! Thank you for sharing :D

You and I have very similar pre op/post op nutritions guidelines from our surgeons. Havent found anyone with one like mine yet 


YouTube: Click Here!

Instagram: ThickTo.Fit

Heaviest Weight: 345 | SW: 315 | CW: 175 | GW: ~180

on 6/12/16 5:46 am

Yeah. It's weird. Before surgery, while I was reading here about the fact that there was a pre-surgery liquid diet and post surgery liquid diet, I was feeling bad about it ... one month without food at all is too much. When I meet my surgeon and he explained that it will be only one day, I was sooooo happy :D

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