Pouch Reset

Sandra R.
on 6/2/16 3:37 pm

I have noticed that I have gained a few pounds. I am almost 6 years post op. I can admit I hit a wall and began eating the wrong things the past 6 months. I have been looking up about doing a pouch reset. 

Has anyone ever done it? Or knows someone who has done a pouch reset? 

I am trying to get myself back on track with my eating habits. I just need that will power that I had in the beginning. 

Any advice will help. 

Thank you :)

on 6/2/16 7:05 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

Forget the pouch test. Get back to basics which is a protein forward diet. Protein at every snack and meal. Dense protein like, chicken, fish, beef is best because it will keep you full longer, and you just have to white knuckle it a couple of days off the carbs and the cravings will subside.  60-80g protein a day minimum...but most people do more.

Take your vitamins and drink enough fluids/water... at least 64oz.

keep coming back for support...and spend some time reading the boards.

You can do this... good Luck!

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



Sandra R.
on 6/2/16 7:23 pm, edited 6/2/16 12:24 pm

Thank you! I try to get as much protein in as possible. Sometimes I lack on that aspect. If I wasn't allergic to seafood I think I would exceed my protein goals. 

I am determined to reach my goal once again.

 Thank you again. 

Britt U.
on 6/2/16 9:34 pm, edited 6/2/16 2:34 pm - Mill Creek, WA

Have to agree. Doing the 5 day thing people promote doesn't make sense to me because it doesn't take advantage of the restriction of your stomach - the whole point. Go back to protein first, then veggies. You'll be amazed. I'm six years out and still get full on solid proteins within just a few bites. It always surprises me that I can stray from the basics.

Report back on how it goes?

Sandra R.
on 6/2/16 9:43 pm

Will do. I haven't tried the rest yet. Was just wondering people's take on it. Carbs are the enemy. 

Thank you 

on 11/4/19 6:50 am
VSG on 05/30/17

I'm 2yrs out and just a couple of bits I'm full to but I'm still gaining!!! I put my shake in my decaf coffee ( sweet and low and sugar free creamer)

160oz of propel water through the day just meat and cheese for lunch and dinner ( table spoon of peanut butter

on 6/3/16 7:11 am
VSG on 10/13/14 with

The "miracle" of the 5 Day Pouch Reset is mostly bogus, but I do take myself back down to liquids for a couple of days every few months as needed. It's a way for me to get back to basics and it helps me mentally to take that choice out of the picture for a couple of days. I can focus on listening to my body during those days and when I've set the guidelines for myself it REALLY helps with the temptation to "just have a bite" of whatever those foods that have been taking me off track are.

I can avoid the office donuts WAY more easily if I've decided to do liquids for a day or two. And from there I move back into the dense protein first and veggies/etc when I have room for them. By then I've gotten off the simple carbs cycle and it's easier to keep my head in the game. 

So yeah, doing the pouch reset as a cleanse or a detox or a fad-type diet isn't a great idea in my experience, but finding your way back to the basics and resetting yourself mentally and physically I think is a great idea.

Best of luck!! You got this!

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