Frustrated by the 3 week plateau! And constipated too. :(

on 5/12/16 6:51 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

HAha! That is fantastic! I LOVE it. Well, then I certainly DO aspire to be a Hag! The main reason I'm on this site is to get good and straight advice from people who have been there. This is new to me and no matter how much I read it will never be the same as talking to someone who understands this experience. CHeers to the Hags! 

GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 5/13/16 4:30 pm - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

Julie is correct.  We are all fat lazy hags in need of cranes to lift us according to the deactivated lunatic who didn't like hearing what people had to say.

Life would be so boring without some of the flotsam that wanders in to OH.

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

Starry Eyed
on 5/12/16 3:00 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

Hi there!  I see that we had surgery on the same day!  As I was reading your post I went back and checked my food log because I record my weight daily.  Today is the fifth day that my weight has been exactly the same too!!  I'm also having a constipation issue.  This could not be a coincidence!

  1.  As I've read on the forum from VSG veterans, the stall happens as our bodies adjust to everything.  Hormones are adjusting and our bodies are relearning how to process all this new stuff.  So, I'm doing my best to be consistent and patient, but it is very difficult!
  2. When I went on my pre-op diet I was constipated for the first few days and again right after surgery.  Now that this is an issue again I really think that it is due to the diet changes.  Not sure if that is scientifically sound, but I have chalked it up to going from drinking my meals to adding in foods I haven't eaten in over a month.  So, tonight I will be taking my VERY small dose of milk of magnesia (this stuff works a little too good!) to help "get things moving."   I may begin a dose of dulcolax every couple of days just for good measure.  

I know it's frustrating but I think consistency will pay off in a week or two when we step on the scale and see that it has finally moved.  Please keep me updated on your progress!  Best of luck!

High Weight: 307 Start Weight: 297 (11/5/15) Surgery Weight: 278 (4/20/16) Pre-Op: (-19) M1: (-24) M2: (-8) M3: (-10) M4: (-9) M5: (-7) M6: (-6) M7: (-7) M8: (-5) M9: (-4) M10: (-3) M11: (-5) CW: 185

"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."

on 5/12/16 3:27 pm, edited 5/12/16 8:26 am
VSG on 04/20/16

Hey! A surgery pal! Nice to meet you and thank you for the support! Good info and advice and I appreciate it. I rarely talk to strangers about my constipation ? actually never. Isn't life funny? I've been doing a pretty good job dealing with it all, I guess today it got to me. It all makes perfect sense and I've read all the same things. I will definitely get some Milk of Magnesia and perhaps the Dulcolax too. What do I have to lose except, well you know...

And please keep me updated on your progress as well. We are going to do an amazing job, especially with back-up! Best of luck to you too.

on 5/12/16 11:54 pm

While there are those who claim stalls don't exist. They do. I had my first one about the same stage you are at now, I am six months out and get them nearly every month. My last stall was at the end of March and I was standing at 117 pounds lost at that point. I am at 128 or so now. I went on a trip and was gone for a week and even though I think I ate they way I should, everything was so processed, not to mention sodium loaded to the point I was tasting salt in everything more than I ever had. Well fast forward to getting home from the trip, I had gained 7 pounds. While I was not happy with that, I had read more than a few posters who had mentioned being on trips and gaining 5-10 pounds, so I was right in the middle. In three weeks since I got back, I lost that 7 and another 11 on top of it. For the last several weeks, I have stayed right at 128 pounds lost. I wonder if being our bodies at this point are still figuring out the new signals our bodies are trying to send, I wonder if these stalls come and it stays this way because our bodies are still confused over what is happening to it. I'm going out of town for the weekend and while I will still be good about what I eat as far as protein first, veggies second and fruit if any last, I am not going to play the calorie count and carb count like I normally do. Then I will see if the stall breaks during next week. I am not advising you or anyone to go off your dietary routine, especially with you at 3 weeks post op, I am just posting my experiences thus far, as I look back over my food log which I keep daily, I have noticed where the stalls have ended, it's because I have mixed it up beyond my yogurt and protein shake in the morning hours, chicken salad/tuna salad/or crab salad for lunch and then a light dinner with the girlfriend which is my normal daily routine. I'll let you know if anyone wants to know. As to the constipation issue, I had it for like 6-7 days or so after surgery, no bowel movements at all....sorry for the TMI, I called the doctor, and he suggested milk of magnesia and believe me, one dose and I felt like I passed every meal I had ever ate since birth. Try that, and stay near a bathroom for the rest of the evening, don't take it late at night or you will be up all night making a dash to the bathroom. Good luck to you.

on 5/13/16 10:00 am
VSG on 04/20/16

Thank you for sharing your experience. It's really interesting seeing the ups and downs everyone has gone through. I like the daily meal plan that seems to work well for you as I've been told now instead of breakfast, lunch is the most important meal! As for the Milk of Magnesia, I will be taking that tonight. Thanks for the warning, I had planned to take it before bed but that makes for perfect sense. Never thought I'd say this but boy do I look forward to taking it. Feel like a bloated mess! 

Much appreciation!

on 5/13/16 3:22 am
VSG on 02/08/16

Relax!! :)  This is where we ALL take this  so seriously we put way too much pressure on ourselves.  Your body is in shock, its trying to heal and you have this tiny pouch that you are cramming all this protein and water and vitamins into and there is bound to be a reaction.  I am 47, started this journey needing to lose many hundreds of pounds and I had all the same issues. Now, each NUT is different but mine told me to relax a bit on the protein and to really concentrate on the water. 
I am now 13-14 weeks out and constipation will still happen if I don't drink a ton of water.  When you get along in your weeks it will get better as you can eat what I like to call "roughage," things like pumpkin seeds, sunflower kernels, and almonds. :) 

You are doing a great job taking care of you.  When we met with our NUT at 3 weeks she said the stall at this stage happens to EVERYONE.  Its when your body is finally like What the heck just happened?  Don't push so hard, get the rest you need and if you want a friend that is in your age group...I'm here for you!! (((hugs)))




HW: 528 CW: 386 Short term Goal weight: 350


        Tracey :)


on 5/13/16 10:22 am
VSG on 04/20/16

Thank you Tracy! I really appreciate your kindness and good advice. And I will happily take you up on that friendship! It all makes perfect sense and instinctively I know these things but I fought it yesterday and had my pity party. Weee! Back to being a fighter today but still am constipated! I think it's been 5-6 days except yesterday I took the BENEFIBER in the morning and Miralax (which worked for me before) at night and nothing! Insanity. Now I am a gassy, bloated, constipated mess. I can deal with the stall now, I just need to use the bathroom! Talk about TMI. I know this will pass too but Wow. Definitely drank extra water yesterday-aimed for 100oz. I know all will be fine soon and yes, I do need to relax. HA! In the bathroom! Sorry...

so you've been out for 13-14 weeks? How are you doing?? I commend you for jumping into to this. I told myself if I couldn't figure this weight problem/emotional eating out by 50, then it was surgery time. There is so much to do and live and no more time to waste! I miss life. And am so tired of the up and down of constant dieting!

Thanks again and for the hugs! 

on 5/13/16 1:59 pm
VSG on 02/08/16

I think you can have one coffee per day. I'm not a coffee drinker but after cancer surgery they gave me pain meds that stopped me up awful. I drank 1/2 of a large coffee and was fine!!  Lol


HW: 528 CW: 386 Short term Goal weight: 350


        Tracey :)


on 5/13/16 10:51 am
VSG on 04/20/16

Hey! I just read your profile and some past posts and boy are you inspiring! I feel like an idiot for whining about my silly situation but you know, it puts everything into perspective.  You are doing an AMAZING job and I am so impressed. Congratulations and keep up the good work! And you look fantastic too!

one question, I notice you post and blog as well. What is the difference? Pretty new to this site and trying to feel my way around.

p.s. Your husband is greatly missing out.

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