7 months post-op and checking in!
Hello Everyone!
Today marks 7 Months Post-op for me and It's been a wonderful month. I've been feeling great, taking Zumba classes, spending time with family and getting ready to move! I move in 3 days, and I am beyond excited. The support and love I get from most of my family and friends is just amazing. For my new life style and my move.
Did you ever notice that there is always that one person who just can never say anything nice? anything supportive? They find a way to try and bring you down or say some under handed comment. Sadly I have two of these people in my life. I don't let them distract me from my goals. Their rude, ugly, jealous comments only make me work harder. I don't know about yous guys, but when I was at my highest weight (413 lbs ) I was never mean or rude to those around me. I was always supportive of the things they did. I guess some people feel better about themselves when they are trying to bring others down. I'm strong willed and I wont allow the negative people to invade my mind set. That being said.. I worked extra hard this month!
I am completely happy about my progress. My eating habits have been great and on track. I still struggle with water intake. It's very hard to drink water when not thirsty. I try so hard to push myself into getting it in, but some days I just don't make my water goals. I always eat my protein first and I still drink two shakes a day. I actually like them, and I don't mind them. I was down to only one complete shake a day, while I use the 2nd shake as coffee creamer. My nutritionist said my protein levels were low at my last appointment and suggested that I try and drink two complete shakes a day, if I find it hard to eat more solid foods. Which.. the doctors goal for protein for me was 60-80 grams, and I am more at like 120 grams. She told me that it would also help with my liquid goals, so I'd be working on two goals at once. I did as she said and it jumped started my weight loss again. I had gone two weeks with no change and then BAM I was down 5 pounds! it's not a hard thing to do and I don't mind drinking them, it's just expensive.. $$
Anyways.. nobody is perfect.. and if they believe they are perfect on this road to the new healthy you.. they are sadly mistaken. Everyone and I mean everyone has bumps and skips along the way. While some might struggle with making goals their doctor set, and some might struggle with head hunger or cravings. We all at some point during this journey do something, eat something, think about something.. that we shouldn't have and feel completely horrible afterwards. I know, I've done it. I took a bite of cake at a birthday party.. one bite.. but thankfully for me it was so gross, I didn't want another bite. It wasn't that the cake itself was gross, because I am sure pre-surgery I would of loved it. It was the fact that sugary foods like that don't satisfy my taste buds any more and I so happy about that. I don't even think about cakes, muffins, cookies, donuts or pies anymore. It's a really great feeling, to know you can look those sweets right in the face and said yuck.. I can't believe I ever indulged on them. I am proud of myself for overcoming something I thought would be my downfall. At that moment, I knew food has no control over me anymore, I am the one in control. It was always in my mind. "You're hungry eat this" No.. no.. and NO!! it really is a great feeling to be able to say no to something and not feel like you are "missing out" because.. you're not missing out. You are still at the luncheon, dinner, gathering, party, or whatever and you are still having fun! You.. and I mean me of course.. don't need cake or other crappy foods to feel like you're part of the gang and having a good time! You just need to be you.. smile and tell yourself that you got this!
My Journey:
Highest Weight : 413 (2/2015)
Surgery Weight : 360 (10/2015) -53 lbs.
1 Month Post-Op : 338.4 (11/2015) -21.6 lbs.
2 Months Post-Op : 325.6 (12/2015) -12.8 lbs.
3 Months Post-Op : 317.6 (1/2016) -8 lbs.
4 Months Post-Op : 307.8 (2/2016) -9.8 lbs.
5 Months Post-Op : 297.6 (3/2016) -10.2 lbs.
6 Months Post-Op : 290.8 (4/2016) -6.8 lbs.
7 Months Post-Op : 281.4 (5/2016) - 9.4 lbs.
Total Lost to Date : -131.6 lbs.
You're doing amazing! Congratulations on your continued success. Rock that sleeve!

Program Start Weight 346 | Surgery Weight 282 | CW 217 | 5'-6.3"
High Weight 376, about a year before program. I gave up diet pop(and all pop), dropped 30 pounds without trying, and kept it off. Now convinced Carbonated Beverages. Are. Evil.
DISCLAIMER: My posts often have weird typos... Because I use a tablet or Kindle to access the forums despite how much I suck at tablet typing. Apologies!
You have done an amazing job! Thanks for the wisdom and inspiration.

Vsg April 25th 2016 with Benjamin Shadle.
Starting weight 351, surgery weight 331
M1 -22.2 M2 - 14.2 M3 -8.9 M4 - 12.1 M5 - 4.7
8/22/2016 Lost 60.1 since surgery. Lost 78.2 overall.
Goals: 1)Get under 300 - done! Yeah! 2) Get under 280 (Yeah met this on 8/10/16) 3)Get under 268 (stay tuned!)