Antidepressant meds and weight gain

on 4/30/16 6:20 pm
I am wondering if others have experience with antidepressant meds and weight gain. I was sleeved March 2014. I lost 110 lbs, which brought me right in the middle of the "average" bmi. I was feeling terrific. In August of 2015 I had a traumatic event occur at work and spiraled into a major depressive state. Just to make things more fun, I developed PTSD and a super swell anxiety disorder. After trying 5 or 6 different a meds plus intensive psychotherapy, we finally found a medication that's like a miracle drug for me. And guess what-it's one drawback is rapid weight gain. Apparently it has a strong affect on the metabolism. I have never gained weight so rapidly, except when pregnant. 35 lbs in 3 months! When I weigh (ha!) the relatively short term, reversible weight gain against the long term permanent option of wanting to hill myself, obviously it's a no brainer. my doctor is reluctant to switch me to yet another drug and risk it but man, I can't stand this. I worked so hard. Has anyone else dealt with something similar?
Cherie K.
on 4/30/16 6:28 pm - Hong Kong

My surgeon also said that my anxiety medications may have contributed to my weight regain after having VSG... I did get to goal weight and maintained for 2 years but then we moved to a new city and I developed intense anxiety with finding a school to accept my special needs daughter... my exercise decreased, I stopped paying attention to food quantities, etc.  I am now being re-sleeved this week... the surgeon said I may lose slower the second time around but I am in a good place now and I know it is the right thing to do...

on 4/30/16 7:42 pm
Thanks for the reply. So you're being re-sleeved? I hadn't really even thought about that. I'm hoping that now I'm feeling so much better, i can start leaving the house and being more active. Doctor says the best I can hope for with this particular medicine is to maintain. The average weight gain for people who take it is 50 lbs. so even though it is a very effective med, they don't use it much because of a that. The one upside is that the weight usually comes off just as quickly when you go off it, and I won't have to be in it forever.
on 4/30/16 7:57 pm

I recently was on a med for anxiety, after a series of traumatic situations at home.  I was also trying to lose a few pounds that I gained on vacation, so I was being very low calorie and low carb.  I found that while I was on the meds, I gained weight even while eating only 1000 calories per day!  I gained 2 pounds in 5 weeks eating 1,000 calories per day!  I was so frustrated, and didn't understand why until I looked up the med and found that it caused weight gain.  I stopped the med two weeks ago, and my weight started dropping soon after stopping it.

Fortunately, the meds did their job and I'm ok without it.  But I'd deal with anxiety and sleeplessness before I'd take something that made me gain weight!

good luck with your decision on how to manage the meds.



Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385,  Surgery Weight 333,  Current Weight 160.  At GOAL!

Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12  8-8

                  9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3  18-3


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