38 days til surgery
on 4/29/16 11:28 am
Excited? Yes....Nervous? Yes......Happy? Yes.....Did I mention nervous???
AND....in the middle of all this stuff I have to do, I woke up yesterday with no hearing in my left ear....like ZERO sound, so I spent most of the day in the doctor's office being tested and all sorts of stuff. Nerve damage in my inner ear.......so, I'm on oral steroids for the next 12 days and have a 50/50 chance of getting my hearing back. If the oral stuff doesn't work, they are going to go with an injection (UGH)....and if that doesn't work, I'll be looking at hearing aids.
I saw my surgeon today and showed him the script I'm taking and asked if we are still okay for June 6......he said we're fine even if I have to do the steroid injection. He said not to worry.....even if I have to go with a hearing aid, they're so good now that it will be an easy transition. Sure....easy for him to say. Hopefully the steroids will work their magic for me.
On the "UP" side.......I had a colonoscopy scheduled for next week (routine test, not for any suspected problem) and I had to reschedule for later in the month because it's not a good idea to do that while on steroids...............awwwwwwwwww......so disappointed (not really) that I can put off the prep for a few more weeks. That for sure is the worst part of the colonoscopy....ugh!!!
Now, back to my 38 day lead time........I know that the hospital will provide most of what I need for my overnight stay (during which I suspect I'll do a lot of sleeping) (at least while I'm in between sipping and walking).....what else did you all find you needed, either that you knew about bringing or realized afterwards that you should have brought?
Thanks....did I mention that I'm excited AND nervous? and happy too?
You are too funny Anita!!
Chap Stick
gas X extra Strips
My own Soap (i like the smell of coast or mango dial not the hospital no scent 2x2 bar.. lol)
your cell phone i pad ect. to let us know how you are doing (dont forget the chargers)
My bag is already packed since i didn't get the revision done (just the band removal) so i just put my get -away bag in the closet. LOL
(oh that's where my phone charger is duhhhh)
see ya soon!

"Your not a failure if you fall your a failure if you fall and don't get up"
" Beauty is Pain"