Whew - Scheduled! Finally a Step Forward!
I honestly don't have a question or need advice specifically, but just kind of need somewhere to get this out and have a sound-board.
It's taken me so long to get here, and I feel like right now I'm a roller coaster of emotion. - SO my big news is I just got scheduled for my VGS procedure!! I've had to fight insurance twice, and hard - losing last year, trying hard again on my own only to discover how stubborn that damn needle is, only to circle around again for the procedure after my health kept on going down - and then to only have insurance deny me again for some ridiculous reason. After a two level appeal and proof that their reason is ludicrous, I've been approved and now I'm moving forward. I saw my surgeon yesterday and now I'm scheduled for May 12th. I've so much to do to get ready and I'm already feeling overwhelmed. I have to start my pre-op diet by the 28th (earlier if possible), which isn't an issue as I've started prepping shopping lists and already purchased several things in prep. Got my vitamins, got a couple different kinds of protein water, bone broth from the store (and have to figure out how to make my own for that matter, so recipes are next on my list) and not sure what else is on the list to pop up and surprise me and say "hey, you need to do this - like - now."
I'm determined to get to a better and healthier me. I'm determined to have a longer and better life with my children. I'm determined to feel better exercising and not injure myself anymore. I'm determined to look in the mirror and hear myself say "damn, you look hot", LOL.
Anyways, thanks for listening. I'm open to advice if you have any but just don't even know what else to ask or what I haven't thought of - and of-course could always use some encouragement and support. This forum has been incredible with the wealth of info in it. The folks on here going through all this has given me a sense of comfort that i'm not alone and this is the beginning of everything new.
Love & light,
Congratulations!! I'm scheduled for May 20th and totally understand the emotional rollercoaster. Wish I could have done it without surgery but what a wonderful tool to help us live happier and healthier lives. I am sending you positive thoughts and prayers and look forward to hearing updates from you.

THANKS! You too - glad we can connect and yes, definitely - happier, healthier lives! I'll do my best to post regularly along the way ... I'm sure it will come in handy when I hit the carb craving wall, the calorie deficient wall, the "I'm so freaking hungry, I'm a cranky monster" wall, the "holy how what have I done" wall, the etc etc wall - LOL.
All that persistence it took to get the surgery will certainly come in handy as you make the changes needed to adjust post-op. You will do so great! I'm glad the insurance company has finally relented and you have your date set. Congrats.