Complications to my Sleeve Surgery
Good to hear that you are home and doing better. Sorry to hear that you had so many problems. Hopefully it'll be smooth sailing from here on out for you.
Glad you are home & on the mend. You're a real trooper for sticking it out & coming back with such a great attitude. Thanks for writing this up, I'm sure someone will benefit from it. Take care & be well.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
Thanks y'all. I hope it helps someone. I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out, but really my brains are like scrambled eggs right now, it's kind of amazing I cobbled that much together!
I'm sleeping a whole lot, trying to get my drinking in(failing, only managing about 48 oz per day so far...), and really failing on the protein. My stomach doesn't like anything but jello right now. Everything else feels astringent or something, or hurts. I also am having diarrhea from everything. From WATER. I drink water, 10 minutes later in the bathroom. I don't know what to do about that. I was hoping that it would level out in a few days, or when the swelling was down, but I really don't know. Maybe I should be calling my surgeon's office now and asking for another PPI: Be all... This drug has the poos as a side effect, and I have that side effect in spades... HELP. It's hard to rush to the bathroom when your confined to the locomotion of an octogenarian with a hip replacement and a rickety walker...
I'm really, really glad to read that you're home and still have motivation. I have to say your post scared the crap out of me, but helped me significantly at the same time. I know what to watch out for and have made a list of Q's for the surgeon now. I have a pre-op appt scheduled for next week, surgery in a few weeks. My sincerest prayers for your continued recovery!