Tomorrow's the Day
Hi all,
Still pretty new here but so far love the forum. It has been very helpful. My surgery is tomorrow afternoon. Sorta freaking out a bit. I know I'm ready, I'm excited to start this new chapter in my life but I am also scared to death. Did anyone else have those last minute thoughts of OMG, can I really do this? Did I make the right decision? What if some thing goes wrong? I know its right and I'm ready but geez, my mind is messing with me. Trying to focus on how good my future will be...
Congratulations and best of luck tomorrow!
Pre Op jitters are very common. Focus on the positive that will follow your surgery and focus all your energy into positive healing thoughts. Expect some pain, but know it won't last and you have what it takes to get through it. Remember that you are important, you can have a happy and healthy life, you are smart and have chosen a path that is right for you, and you have what it takes to be successful in the new chapter of the life you are creating.
Our worries rarely come to fruition. However, our drive and determination more often than not lead us where we want to be.
Again, good luck tomorrow.!
Hi Allie16,
I was where you are a week ago. My surgery was Wednesday, 4/6 and the day and night before, well actually days before I began to feel overwhelmed. Asking myself questions like, what if I don't wake up? or what if I have a heart attack during the procedure? my mind really got away from me. Thank God, I knew how to pray for peace and grace. I finally settled it within myself that if its my time, no matter where I am or what I'm doing would change it.
Here I am today, day 8 out of my surgery and feeling better and better each day. I did have to stay an extra day due nausea and vomiting. I found out that was due to scare tissue from previous surgeries. Even with the gas, nausea and pokes all day during my visit, I wouldn't change my mind about having the surgery.
You will do fine......
Best of luck to you and congratulations!
Hi Allie16,
I was where you are a week ago. My surgery was Wednesday, 4/6 and the day and night before, well actually days before I began to feel overwhelmed. Asking myself questions like, what if I don't wake up? or what if I have a heart attack during the procedure? my mind really got away from me. Thank God, I knew how to pray for peace and grace. I finally settled it within myself that if its my time, no matter where I am or what I'm doing would change it.
Here I am today, day 8 out of my surgery and feeling better and better each day. I did have to stay an extra day due nausea and vomiting. I found out that was due to scare tissue from previous surgeries. Even with the gas, nausea and pokes all day during my visit, I wouldn't change my mind about having the surgery.
You will do fine......
Best of luck to you and congratulations!
Right there with you and mine is next already I am there.......YOU DO THIS FOR YOURSELF - Go in ask for something to take the edge off and get'r done. Good Luck and Godspeed - our life will change for the better! I will be waiting to hear from you because simply we all need each other here! Love to hear back from you and your journey!
Good Luck - you will do great!
I had jitters too but knew in my head and heart that this is the best choice for me. Of course there is risk with surgery, but quite low, and I believe my risk of serious medical problems to be very high without the surgery. The hardest part was getting on that operating table and having them mask me up...wish they would have given me some anti-anxiety meds before that! But I made it and so will you!