Newbie Here
You're welcome - I am not only a sleever but also work with WLS patients who have regained - so I think it's vital to have correct expectations prior to surgery. The Sleeve helped me by making my hunger disappear. Since getting my reflux controlled by meds, I have not been hungry once and I am going on 4 years for the sleeve and 8 years since my Band. Acid reflux mimics hunger pangs.
Before my sleeve, I was always hungry. Now I am only dealing with head hunger. But once you have some great NSVs you will cherish the feeling of being in control and head hunger is easier to deal with.
You're starting your journey to good health.
12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand.
Hi & Welcome to the forum!
I also was in my 40's & had wls. I didn't feel that my metabolism was so shot that a restrictive only procedure wouldn't help me get the weight off, but for some people that extra boost is needed to get the weight off & keep it off.
The all liquid diet can be rough, but ya gotta just hunker down & get thru it. I would however have a discussion with your surgeon about having severe gerd & going with the sleeve. The vsg can make gerd worse. My gerd was very, very light & likely caused by the hiatal hernia that was found at the last endoscopy test & repaired at surgery. So while I haven't had a problem since then, others have had or developed it after surgery. It seems kinda a crap shoot who gets it or not.
The rny might be a better route for you, but look into it first & talk to your Dr about it., either way good luck to you!

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
on 4/10/16 3:37 pm
Thanks for the kind welcome! It's not the liquid diet (which I start tomorrow) that scares me, but the pureed. As far as the GERD, mine is already so severe, that the doc thinks the surgery might help it. I, too, have a small hiatal hernia which is still there (haha) according to last week's endoscopy. I definitely appreciate your thoughts, though. I would want to know what I was getting into! Thank you, much!
I would never say you'll fail. That's not my reply at all. My reply stated that traditionally the sleeve worsens GERD. I have patients who had to revise to RNY post sleeve because their GERD got so much worse. They were successful but suffering with GERD is serious - Barrett's is not benign, neither is esphogeal cancer.
12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand.