anyone out there who is a "senior?"

on 4/5/16 7:38 pm

Senior as in 70 years of age........experiences? Good, bad, otherwise? What should I expect, plan for or not be concerned about?

Good friends are like stars. 
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on 4/6/16 2:36 am - Liverpool, NY
VSG on 05/27/15

Wow !! You don't look 70 !!! You rock !!  I don't meet your threshold, but I'm 60 and post menopausal, and can tell you that this was the best thing I could have done to insure a healthy, happy retirement !! The changes in my general health and activity level are most exciting ! I have not been sick since my VSG 05/27/15, and I shoveled heavy snow for ninety minutes straight yesterday before I started to tire. Best wishes !

Age: 64; 5' 5"; High weight: 345; Start weight: 271 (01/05/15); Surgery weight: 218 (05/27/15); Pre-Op (-53); M 1 (-18); M 2 (-1.5); M 3 (-13.5 ); M 4 (-13); M 5 (- 8); M 6 (-12) M 7 (-5, Xmas); M 8 (- 9) Under surgeon's goal and REACHED HEALTHY BMI 12/07/15!! (Six months and one week.) AT GOAL month 8. Maintaining at goal range (139- 144) ~ four (4) years !!

on 4/6/16 8:30 am

Thanks for the feedback! First of all, that photo was about 5 years ago.....I still look pretty much the same except my cheeks are fuller again. It was taken at my lowest post-band weight and I haven't figured out how to change it to a current one.

Your progress sounds wonderful and is greatly encouraging!


Good friends are like stars. 
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on 4/6/16 4:58 am

Here's another happy sleever "senior".  I'm 75 and had my surgery Jan 27, 2016.  I'm 5'6" (5'9" in younger years) and I've lost 25 lbs.  HW 270 SW 238 CW 213.  I've had no pain following surgery and no problems post-op.  I've gone from a 3x to 1x in size.  I've had several stalls along the way, and am currently in one now, but feel wonderful.  Would do it again in a heartbeat.  I've had many years of degenerative back and hip pain.  Getting the weight off has really helped.  Just listen to what your doctor advises and you'll be fine.  Go for it!  Helen


on 4/6/16 8:34 am

Thanks Helen!!! So glad to hear that you're doing and feeling well. Your experience gives me comfort to know that age doesn't have to be a problem. I'm so ready!!!



Good friends are like stars. 
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on 4/6/16 7:57 pm


I am 71 and will have the sleeve done in August. I had a lapband removed in February and that was pretty easy. My BMI is 35 and I will go through Medicare. It's helpful that I have sleep apnea as a co- morbidity. I am thrilled to hear from someone my age. I can't wait to get sleeved. 




on 4/6/16 9:14 pm

Thanks Joy.

I had my band removed last month and other than the first few hours, it was pretty easy.....a little soreness, but that was about it. I'm also going through Medicare. Fortunately or maybe unfortunately, I have no co-morbidities, but I did have to take a sleep apnea test and I have a slight bit of it....enough to get me considered as having the co-morbidity. My bp is usually around 110/ 70 or so, sugar is normal, cholesterol around 205 (give or take a bit depending on the day) and I take no meds other than vitamin D...that's low. My gentleman friend is a physician and he laughs when he sees my numbers....he says....damn, you're going to live forever! Well, I don't know if I want to live forever, but certainly a bunch more years....and I want to do it as a thinner person. I don't expect to get to a size 6 or 8 (I used to be a 3), but I'd be happy at a 10 or 12...........

Where do you live? I'm on the east coast - New York, about 45 minutes outside of Manhattan. I made many friends here through the lapband board and am still in contact with most of's a good support group!

Good luck with your revision....I'll let you know how I do with mine (June 6 is my date). Can I ask you why are you waiting til August?


Good friends are like stars. 
You don't always see them but you always know they're there. 



on 4/7/16 12:54 pm

Hi Anita,

I was hoping you'd respond quickly and you did. I live in New Hampshire, but I'm right on the Massachusetts border. My doctor told me that having the sleep apnea was enough to get coverage and he wasn't concerned about another co-morbidity so I'm hoping yours will get you covered. I feel just like you do in that I just want to be a size 10 or 12 and look good in clothes. At my age I don't want to lose a lot of weight in my face. I am waiting because Medicare requires that I jump through hoops to get this surgery. Seriously, I have to take nutritional classes, a psych evaluation and one exercise class. Maybe New York is different with Medicare or maybe your friend is helping you attain this surgery, but I am required to take these classes. If all goes well I will be sleeve in August. I have lots more to tell you and I will leave my e-mail address if you would like [email protected] 

BTW, I had my lapband done in Mexico in 2002 with a friend.  She also went back to Mexico and got sleeved and she lost all her weight in 6 months. She never lost her hair and everything went perfect for her. If my Medicare plan should deny me, I will consider Mexico. My numbers are good too, but arthritis in my back makes me miserable a lot. I am so happy for you that you are getting sleeved as I know the results will make you very happy.   

on 4/7/16 5:34 pm

Hi Joy,

Glad you got back to me and it looks like we are in similar boats......I've been doing nutrition stuff with my surgeon's office and have the psych eval next week (I think). Lots of stuff going on, so I will get back to you via e-mail in a week or holidays are coming up and I have lots of stuff to do before then.....and I'm on a bit of overload with medical visits, looking for a job, having a life, helping out a friend with her own medical (actually dental) issues, etc...........and I'm trying to figure out how to change my picture because that one up top is old and although I like it, it's kind of misleading as it was 40 pounds ago.


Good friends are like stars. 
You don't always see them but you always know they're there. 



on 4/7/16 7:35 pm


Good luck with your psych evaluation.  We do have a lot in common and if you do e-mail me, I can tell you more details about another elective surgery I had. Being busy is a good thing because we don't have time to think about the stuff that bothers us. BTW, you are very pretty and I love your hair. Hey, keep the picture it's only 5 years old.

ttyl and hope all goes smoothly for you.



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