"Newbie".....Pre-op question

on 3/29/16 2:08 pm

Not actually a newbie to WLS, but new to this option. Just had my band removed last week......other than soreness at the incision sites, I'm feeling great......just have a lovely purple area at the site of one of the incisions..........I'd love to find a sweater that color....LOL.

Anyhow, my sleeve surgery is scheduled for June 6 and I'm nervous and anxious and excited......all at the same time. I know I'll need to do protein shakes both before and after surgery, so I'm looking for some suggestions. I don't like vanilla shakes unless they are "doctored" and I don't drink coffee at all. Which brands are good, which ones are not worth the cost, are there any that work better than others? Are there any that are pre-mixed AND good so that I can take them when I'm at work. Are there any suggestions / recipes that people like?

I'm looking forward to getting back to looking like my photo that you see here........it was at one of my better times after being banded.

Thanks in advance for all the help!


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on 3/29/16 2:43 pm
VSG on 04/01/16

I use a brand called Unjury....I love it...their website is www.unjury.com. It was founded by a nutritionist who had weight loss surgery and couldn't find the right protein supplement. If you send them an email, they will send you a detailed list of what to eat and which vitamins to take( not just their brand). They also have vitamins just for bariatric patients too....  They also have a sample pack so you can try before you buy.

on 3/29/16 4:56 pm

Thanks.....I'm checking out their website and will contact them tomorrow to get the information you suggest. I like the idea of a sample pack so I don't have to invest in a whole container and then hope that I like it.

I also like that the vitamins are sourced here in the USA. Since I have a little over 9 weeks before my surgery (YIKES), it will give me plenty of time to investigate.

Good friends are like stars. 
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on 3/29/16 2:53 pm - TN
VSG on 06/19/13

I'm not a fan of any of the premixed shakes, but I know a lot of people really like the Premier Protein shakes, particularly the chocolate flavor.

For powders, my favorites are Unjury (chicken soup and chocolate splendor are the flavors I like), Syntrax Matrix, Syntrax Nectar Sweets, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey and Chike.

You can buy samples of most of these brands at Nashua Nutrition. I would suggest buying a couple of samples of flavors you think you might like, and saving at least one sample of those flavors to try after surgery. Not sure how it works with the band but I know a lot of people find that flavors they really enjoyed pre-surgery they suddenly hate post-op (and vice versa).

on 3/29/16 5:00 pm

Thanks for your reply.....sounds like lots of good info for me to research. Since I have a little over 9 weeks before surgery, I'll be able to do it, but somehow I have the feeling that June 6 will be here before I know it!

I no longer have a band, so that's one issue I won't have to worry about, but I'm glad you mentioned about keeping some samples in case my taste buds change pre and post op......I'd never have thought about that!

Good friends are like stars. 
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on 3/30/16 5:15 am
VSG on 03/25/16

Gnc lean protein makes a good one 25g protein, 2g sugar. Comes in orange cream, strawberries and cream, chocolate etc. I had my band out and sleeve done 5 days ago. You will do great. 

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16

on 3/30/16 8:00 am

I am in the process of losing some pre-op weight before I am cleared for surgery. Currently, I drink the GNC Lean Shake 25 and Premier Protein pre-made shakes.  I feel the GNC taste a tad bit better BUT I think Premier shakes are more nutritional and a little cheaper.  Either is a good option, just depends on your preference.  The GNC shakes also come in powder form as well so you have the option of mixing shakes yourself.  I prefer pre-made shakes because of the convenience factor.  Rarely do I have time in the mornings to make shakes before going to work.  LOL


Good luck on your journey!!!



on 3/30/16 5:10 pm

Which of the GNC shakes do you like best?

Good friends are like stars. 
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on 3/31/16 6:54 am

My favorite flavor is Banana Cream! But I will also drink the Chocolate and Vanilla. They do have a Strawberry flavor but I wasn't crazy about it.   

on 3/30/16 12:17 pm
VSG on 04/12/16 with

I have been using Premier pretty much exclusively.  I like the taste just fine and the nutritional content is on point for what I need.  I also love that they are premixed and ready to go.

I have tried some of the Atkins brand, which also tasted okay, but the stats on them were not as good as premier.

I will look into ordering some packets...I have two weeks of shakes and suspect I will burn out on these rather quickly.


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