I cheated on my ten day pre-op diet...

Amy R.
on 3/28/16 4:37 pm

Cheating on your pre-op diet absolutely is an indicator that you'll likely end up cheating post-op as well.  Sorry, but breaching your surgeons guidelines even once with no apparent consequences does not bode well for future success.  Especially if you justify it as 'only once' and then list a bunch of reasons that have nothing at all to do with your decision not to follow the plan.  (Tired, needed to go to work, restless, ad nauseum).  You are an adult and as hard as it is some times we are hopefully at a point in our lives where we can stand, what was it? 2 days?, of relative discomfort in pursuit of a much greater goal.

The pre-op diet isn't fun, but neither is it "pure torture".  It's a time set aside by your doc to assess a couple of things: 1)  your ability to comply with the protocols of his/her program, 2) the likelihood that you are either psychologically ready to make this work or not and 3) your understanding of exactly how serious this surgery is and how absolutely vital following your post op eating plan is to not only your success  but your actual physical survival.

Instead of coming here looking for input on something this important from a handful of strangers on an internet forum you may want to call your doctor and let them know - it's imperative that you keep them up to date so they can be prepared for whatever they find when they open you up.  Your doc may cancel your surgery or may just give you a talking to but it's best for all involved - especially for YOU - that there are no surprises for your surgery team on the big day.

I'm not trying to be mean.  I know it probably sounds that way.  But we've seen folks here go into surgery, get opened up, and get closed right back up without having their procedure done because the doc finds something he doesn't feel comfortable with.  Like a slimy, oversized liver.  We've also seen new post ops only days out from surgery do permanent damage because they "needed" something to eat and so "just this once" disobeyed their post surgery eating plan and busted their staple lines.  Actually, post op it is even easier to overeat for many of us.  The nerves in our stomachs have been cut in such a way they we can not recognize satiety until a few weeks out which makes it of even more importance to follow our surgeons protocols to the letter.  Overeating in the first few weeks post op can kill you. 

As far as others being in your situation.  Do a search here on OH for "cheating on pre-op diet" or some such and you'll quickly see that while you are not alone you actually ARE in a place where your surgeon could and should question your commitment and ability to comply with simple instructions.

Good luck to you.  I'm afraid  you will need it but I really truly hope I am wrong.

on 3/28/16 6:43 pm
VSG on 04/06/16

I understand it's difficult I'm with you on this but my surgeon requires 3 weeks of glucerna and water diet my surgery is the day after yours. I desperately want a runny egg on toast but I'm over half way there and I'm down 11.5 pounds since I started the liquid diet, you can do it!

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 3/28/16 7:28 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Be glad it's only 10 days, I had 4 weeks of the shrinking your liver diet that was mostly liquid, but I was allowed certain veggies as a meal, & yes it totally sucked, but the way I looked at it is that I was doing my part to make my surgery as safe as possible, that God forbid if I had to meet him at the pearly gates right after surgery, at least I could say I did as best I could to save my life. That's not to say eating a sandwich is the way to the here after but keeping in mind just how serious the **** is, kept me from straying.

I figured I had plenty of years of eating crap, & I'm sure some crappy decisions will be made after surgery too. It's a process.

You screwed up, it happens, tell your surgeon & let him decide how to proceed further. Keep your head in the game! You can do this! Good Luck! 

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


H.A.L.A B.
on 3/29/16 4:28 am

As someone who have been on OH for 8 years...I have seen number of people who cheat on their preop... Do fine during surgery and in losing weight...only to beck here 3-4 -5 years later because they regain some or a lot of their weight back.  

So when I see someone who can't follow 10 days... I wonder "how soon will she start complaining about not losing post op or gaining back?". 

I do hope you would not be one of those groups... 

Coming here and trying to see if others did that to make it "OK" ...is not OK... 

I am not, and I was not perfect in my 8 years post op. But when I know what I did was stupid...finding others who did the same thing to tell me.."there there...its ok.." is not even an option.  I do stupid things... Deal with the consequences, and do better next time... 

I wish you best, but ask yourself why you needed to find others who cheated on their pre op? Did that make you feel better? 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/29/16 6:34 am
VSG on 04/05/16

Thank you all for your input.  Congrats on your success and hard work.  I will take your advice and take any other concerns up with my surgeon.  I will re-solidify my commitment, remind myself yet again of the seriousness of this entire matter, and move forward.  I will not, however, set an already predetermined mindset that because of the mistake I made, I will ultimately end up failing at this.  Best wishes to you all.

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