Questions about post op

on 3/22/16 10:54 am
VSG on 04/26/16

I am having the sleeve surgery on 4-26. I am extremely nervous about it. I have three young children and I know there is a risk anytime you go under aenestesia. I have never had any type of surgery before. If I ever died because of vanity I would die!!!:) I am also concerned about recovery. My daughter is making her First Communion a week after surgery. Will I be able to host 32 relatives( who don't know I am having the surgery and won't know btw) for brunch. Any opinions on how people felt a week out would be very helpful. Thank you! 

on 3/22/16 11:08 am

Hi. Are you really getting the surgery because you are vain or do you have medical issues? If insurance is covering it I am sure your surgery is not just out of vanity. 

Having 30 some relatives a week after surgery is a little crazy. I felt good enough to volunteer a few hours four days after surgery but I would not have been in the shape to host a party a week out. I don't know how old you are? I am a pretty active 55 year old. You might want to postpone your surgery till after the party. Just my opinion. 

on 3/22/16 12:29 pm
VSG on 04/26/16

Thank you very much for your input. I should probably reword that. Thank you for reading between the lines. Of course my insurance wouldn't cover it unless it was medically approved. I just meant that this surgery is an extreme measure for weight loss. I am obviously overweight and at 47 I feel like if I don't lose it now and keep it off I never will. I have lost 70 pounds about three times with diet and exercise only to gain it back. I hate being overweight but I am fortunate to not have medical issues like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, diabetes, sleep apnea etc etc. I work out every day but still am considered significantly overweight. I should try to have the party on a different day after I am feeling better. 

on 3/22/16 11:12 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15
On March 22, 2016 at 5:54 PM Pacific Time, Aurorasw wrote:

I am having the sleeve surgery on 4-26. I am extremely nervous about it. I have three young children and I know there is a risk anytime you go under aenestesia. I have never had any type of surgery before. If I ever died because of vanity I would die!!!:) I am also concerned about recovery. My daughter is making her First Communion a week after surgery. Will I be able to host 32 relatives( who don't know I am having the surgery and won't know btw) for brunch. Any opinions on how people felt a week out would be very helpful. Thank you! 

I doubt you will feel well enough to host 32 relatives for brunch especially if you would be making the foods. 

You may (and it is a long shot) have complications that keep you in the hospital longer than expected.  Your energy level is going to be in the toilet.  Most people are very tired nap every few hours the first week or two. 

I personally don't think the timing of the surgery and First Communion is a good one.  Can the First Communion be rescheduled? 

on 3/22/16 12:22 pm
VSG on 04/26/16

Thank you for the input. The First Communion is only held on that day. It can't be rescheduled. People will bring food so I won't have to do a lot of cooking and no one will notice if I am eating or not. I might just do a short brunch. Thank you.

on 3/22/16 12:08 pm - Woburn, MA

If you are getting surgery out of vanity -rethink - this is LIFE CHANGING - and no going back.  As for hosting a first communion - good luck.  If you must do it - I would clean like heck before your surgery, maintain the clean (good luck w 3 kids) and then have it catered.  You will NOT be able to eat so if you're trying to keep it a secret, that will be very difficult.  One week out is still major recovery.  


VSG on 04/28/2014

on 3/22/16 12:34 pm
VSG on 04/26/16

I am obviously not just doing out of vanity. I need to lose weight but I am feeling like maybe this is a drastic way of achieving my goal is all I meant. Insurance will only cover it if it is medically necessary. I understand that this is life changing and I am beyond excited that this procedure will help me achieve my weight loss goals forever! 

on 3/22/16 2:08 pm

Your nervousness is totally normal, but my advice would be to relax and let the medical staff do their job (assuming you've researched and picked a good doc).  I hope you have someone who can help you out for the first few days at least, especially since you have young kids.  Your body needs to rest for a while after going through surgery like this.  Don't pu****   You've probably seen this before, but the important things to do post-op are sip-sip-sip, walk-walk-walk, and rest. :)

I felt really good a week after surgery, but I don't think I would have been hosting a party! However, maybe you can get most of the prep done before surgery, so only a little tidying will be needed.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!

on 3/22/16 3:07 pm
VSG on 04/26/16

Thank you so much for the very kind response!! I really appreciate it!!! I do have an excellent doctor  whom I have faith in. Going under does make me nervous though. The recovery seems to really vary with people. How long ago did you have your surgery? Did you lose weight quickly if you don't mind me asking? I am very excited about it and can't wish enough for April 26th to come any sooner!! 

Thank you again for your reassurance and advice!!!! 

on 3/22/16 3:29 pm

I had surgery a little over two years ago.  I was a really slow loser, but "only" (lol) had about 80 lbs to lose.  Looking back at my meticulous little spreadsheet, I lost about 15 the first month, but only 5-7 per month after that, so it took almost a year.  Slow but steady. Now I'm in the lifelong battle to keep it from sneaking back on again!

That brings up another important post-op tip:  Don't compare your rate of weight loss to others - it will drive you nuts!  People vary so widely in their starting weights and how much they need to lose, so the rate of loss will vary hugely.  Just stick with your surgeon's eating plan, drink lots of water, be patient, and you'll do great!! 

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