My First Week After Surgery

on 3/11/16 10:38 am
VSG on 03/03/16

Hello VSG'ers,

Well, I have made it through a week since my surgery.  There have been many ups and downs.  

3/3 Thursday, out of surgery at 5 pm.  Taken to my room and a dinner tray of clear liquids showed up at 6 pm.  At 10 pm they got me up and took me to restroom but had no success.  Back into bed and they tried to get me to drink some of the protein liquids.  This had no appeal at all!  When I took a sip of anything, I burped over and over.  Seemed like I had hiccups all night.  The gas pain was pretty uncomfortable.  I kept having to get out of bed so the burps would come out or I was just miserable. 

3/4 Friday- My Dr came in at 10:30 am to discuss the surgery with me.  He is a tough love kind of guy.  He wanted to know why I was sleeping....   He made it clear I needed to be out of bed walking for 10 minutes every hour.  Also that I needed to be able to drink at least two protein shakes and 4 small cups of any liquid by 8 pm or I couldn't go home.  I told him I don't want to go home tonight, and he replied there is no reason for me to stay another night.  The nurses came in and lined up 8 small 1 ounce cups (like I give med to my kids!) and filled them with the protein drink.  I have never had such a hard time drinking an ounce of liquid in my life.  At this point I was thinking, what have I done to myself.  So by 7 pm I had gotten down all the liquid, gone pee and passed gas.  All requirements of leaving.  :-)  My husband filled the RX's that were given to me and we were on our way home.  FYI - Gained 10 pounds in water weight from the time I checked in the day before which they weren't concerned about.  

3/5 Saturday- Was probably the toughest day for me.  Even my husband was wondering if we made the correct decision.  I stayed in bed most of the day and struggled to get the liquid down.  Same gas problems with each and every sip of liquid.  

3/6 Sunday- Things were started to look up.  I was in and out of bed all day.  Drinking got MUCH easier for some reason.  Think much of the gas had dissipated and it wasn't such a struggle to drink.  

3/7 Monday- Today was much easier.  Got all my liquid and protein in.  The water weight from the hospital is coming off.  

3/8 Tuesday- Decided I was well enough to go to work... Only made it 4 hours and came home.  Stupid move, too soon.

3/9 Wednesday- Stayed home but was up all day doing the laundry, cleaning the kitchen, etc. All the stuff that doesn't get done when mom isn't around.  Went to bed at 7 pm tired but feeling okay.  Today I struggled with hunger.  Thinking I have another 10 days before I can start soft food.  Yikes going to be tough.  

3/10 Thursday- Went to see my GP doc in the am.  She said I was doing great one week out from surgery.  I went off to work and put in a full day.  I don't have to be on my feet so easier than for some.  Not obsessed by hunger today, but wasn't a walk in the park either.  Also didn't sip all day at work and was low on protein and water when it was time for bed.  Learning experience.

That brings us to today.  Working and staying on top of sipping all day!  Hoping the hunger will diminish over time, but it is manageable.  

What I wish I would have known:

The first two days are harder than I expected.  Have had many surgeries so thought I was tougher than I was.

I did not understand all the posts that said "sip, sip, sip".  Boy, do I get that now.  

Give yourself at least a week to recover before trying to go back to work.

So I am down 5 pounds from my check-in weight at the hospital.  Although not great, it is good considering I came home with 10 pounds of water weight.  So really down 15 from a week ago and I feel great!  That is what matters most.  It is just like child birth, you forget about the pain shortly after you recover.  And BTW, much easier than my two C-Sections!  

Appreciate all your support on this journey.  Am excited to see how the next couple of months go.  

Happy Friday,


Steph Meat Hag
on 3/11/16 11:13 am - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

I go in Monday @ 5am so this was a good read.  My docs office doesn't expect me to spend the night so this may be harder on my husband but I think we've got this under control.  I will sip sip sip 


Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.

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