1 week post op and very hungry!!!!

Dee R.
on 2/25/16 8:09 am - CA

Hang in there!  It totally gets better after you start eating REAL food.  :-)

on 2/25/16 9:08 am

Congrats, I am just past 14 weeks out and I was liquids only for the first two weeks after surgery, then the next two weeks moved into purees, then the next four weeks it was soft foods then on week nine moved on to solids as tolerated. As to hunger, maybe you need dosages of the omeprezole or whatever other ppi your doctor gave you on a more frequent basis, I would give their office a call, I have at times felt hungry when I was ready to eat my next meal, but only once or twice did I have 'hunger pains' and in which I took my ppi and within 20-30 mins, I was fine being it wasn't hunger, it was stomach acid, perhaps your stomach is producing more acid as it adjusts to it's new you. Your body is still mad at you for what was done to it and is barely into the healing if you are a week out of surgery, I also would stick to liquids only for a while personally, meaning hold off the eggs whiles and pudding, stick to the liquids and the sf jello for another week or so. You might be introducing the soft/puree foods too soon, that's just my opinion, but I know what worked for me. Good luck.

on 2/25/16 10:43 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On February 25, 2016 at 4:32 AM Pacific Time, Sugar Magnolia72 wrote:

I am hungry a lot. I am following a stage 3 diet that my surgeon gave me which is a liquid diet 60 protein  60 Oz fluids. I can have sf pudding which I make with premier protein shake (vanilla) broth, egg whites whisked in broth, sf jello, sf popsicles and I am getting my fluids and protein in without an issue. It may take me 2 hours to get an 11 Oz shake down but I have not had issues. I get a full feeling but it doesnt last long at all, then I am hungry again. I am taking Omeprazole daily for acid. Is being this hungry normal, I feel more hungry than during my prep liquid diet phase ..  


are you getting 64+oz of liquid a day. Dehydration ammonia hunger. 




on 2/25/16 6:32 pm
VSG on 01/27/16

The first week was really hard. I found drinking warm fluids helped.  I was surprised about how much hunger I felt.

Steph Meat Hag
on 2/26/16 8:17 am - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

I also think it's head hunger, it's sometimes horrible.  If possible try to get away from food.  Such as stay out of the kitchen, stop watching tv with commercials, and try to keep busy doing other things.  It's hard but it'll pass. 

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.


on 2/26/16 8:24 am - TX

Two main causes of hunger (other than head hunger) are acid and dehydration.  Drink more and ask your doc to recommend a stronger PPI.  The growling stomach sounds like acid.  The stomach doesn't immediately adjust to its new, smaller size and keeps producing acid at its normal rate.

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