Surgery 16 months post sleeve

on 2/15/16 7:14 pm
VSG on 10/06/14 with

Well hello everyone, here I am again 16 months post sleeve surgery and I am 7 days post gall bladder removal surgery. It happened last week when I had a rough night of vomiting, and severe abdominal pain upper right quad. Never had this problem before and thought is was something I had eaten and thought it just didn't sit well which I have happen before. So I put up with the pain, and vomiting for 6 hours when at 4am I had had enough and decided to seek help in the ER which is a 2 hour drive for me (I am a veteran and go to the VA Hospital). So there I am in the ER at 6am vomiting and in so much pain and they work me up and am worried about the sleeve surgery mainly because I had it in Mexico and have all kinds of questions. They are so surprised that I never had any problems before this and are surprised that I could vomit at all. So they hook me up with nausea and pain medication and man do I feel better as long as they stop pushing on my belly! So I have the blood test, pee test, and X-rays and a ultrasound, and the doctor comes in and tells me that I have a gall bladder full of stones and they need to remove it. Wow I say is this ok for me to do and they said they are talking to the bariatric  bariatric surgeons about it and what to watch for and the surgeons 6 of them (it's a teaching hospital next to the  University of Missouri and they share doctors) and they all were AWSOME!! So they all said it got to go and I said ok let's do this! So off I go to the pre-op work up and all is great EKG, blood work, white cell is high but that's normal, and the shaving of my belly, and the anesthesiologist asks a million questions and all is ok. They wheel me in the OR 6 hours from first arriving at the ER, and move me over to the table and tell me to relax and that they are going to give me something to help me relax and next thing I know is waking up in recovery and them saying you did good. Well I have 4 new scars in my belly three on the right side and one in my navel. Flash forward and the surgeons come in and say that it was a good thing that I had it today because it was very very large and inflamed and was very hard to remove because of its size and had no bile just puss and stones and that my ducts were full of stones but that they were able to clear them also. They said I be very sore because of its size and that they wanted me to eat liquid diet for the day and night, and may have regular food the next day if it works out. All the nurses and doctors were awsome, and the doctor said I was only to have straight pain medications because I should not be taking Advil or  Tylenol  because of my sleeve surgery. Well I got discharged late the second day and go home with pain medication and nausea medication and stool softener  and here I am 7 days later and still in some pain, but not to much, I can't lift anything more than a gallon of milk for 4 weeks. The bruise around my navel is about the size of a basketball and looks bad but it's getting better. I have a follow up on Wednesday and think I will get a good bill of health, so it will be back to work next week (7 days from now). 

Let me stay this load and clear and from the highest mountain the nurses, doctors, and all the staff at Harry S Truaman  memorial Veterans Hospital in Columbia Missouri, you are all top notch, best in the field, and AWSOME !!! Thank you so much for taking care of me. 

White Dove
on 2/15/16 7:51 pm, edited 2/15/16 11:53 am - Warren, OH

I am glad you got good care from the VA. 

Are you aware of the Choice card that allows veterans who have to travel more than 40 miles to a VA facility to go for local care instead?


Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 2/17/16 9:08 am
VSG on 12/04/14

Glad to hear that you're on the mends. You know, as Sleever's, we can take Tylenol, just not Advil. Hope you have a speedy recovery.



on 2/19/16 11:19 am
VSG on 10/06/14 with

You know I was just told that by my surgeon the other day. I have not taken any Tylenol ever since my sleeve surgery thinking I could not take it. I just thought that it was a no no but I was wrong and miss understood what they were saying. Also I found out the he Toradol that the surgeon in Mexico gave me to take for pain was not the best thing to be taking after having a sleeve done also. So I think I will be checking into more things with my medications just to make sure what is good for me and what is not. But anyway, I got some type of hug the other day after my follow up,appointment with my surgeon about my gall bladder surgery and went to bed after I got home and slept for 36 hours straight not waking up once had cold chills and sweats the whole time. My surgeon called and talked to my family out of the blue to make sure I was doing ok and said all my labs came back ok other than a slightly high white blood call count like 12.2 with 12 being the upper limit of normal and she said it was most likely due to the surgery and being sick on top of it all and wanted then to keep a eye on me and readmit me if I did not me better just to be safe. But I woke up this morning thinking it was Thursday not Friday and feel some what better just have chills and the sweating still and don't feel like eating or drinking anything.


Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 2/19/16 3:20 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

As someone who works with feedback from VA patients, I think you should write up a thank-you note and send it to the hospital. They'll definitely appreciate it! :)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 2/19/16 3:55 pm
VSG on 10/06/14 with

I will do that thank you for the suggestion. 

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