Long Term Vitamins and Minerals deficiency
on 2/3/16 8:10 pm
Hi , i was really interested in the patch so you are saying they are good i am going to order them all tomorrow did you do it online on this website? i am getting the iron, b12 and calcium and iron. i have my blood work up in two weeks. Hope the results are great !!
thanks for giving me heads up on the patches i was reviewing them but i didnt know the people that were saying they were great i was a little skeptical and believe it or not some doctors dont know about them either but now i have you and i am in..
Does it come every month automatically or do you have to order every month and what where did you get yours...

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" Beauty is Pain"
Hr Rblain, I don't actually use patches, although some do. I take B12 sublingually (dissolves under the tongue). The rest I take as pills. For more info, search this site for transdermal patches, transdermal calcium, transdermal iron, patches, etc. Here's one post from several years ago:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/4203764/The-lowdown-on- transdermal-calcium/