Damn, did I screw up!!!
I hear you. About 20 years ago or so, I was doing my EMT clinical time in the ER at one of our counties trauma centers. This lady who had the RNY surgery and was just discharged, had whatever village idiot driving her take her through the drive thru at Wendy's and got herself a burger thinking it won't be that bad. Needless to say she ruptured her entire stomach and went through the ER into the OR in like 90 seconds. I have no idea if she survived, but if she did, her life in the short term had to suck. I mean everything she ate going into the abdominal cavity, peritonitis was pretty much a guarantee and that can kill you easily in a very short time. When I think of how many pre-op hurdles you have to go through for surgery, I think of that woman and see her as the poster child as to why. You can't fix stupid and I fear it's hereditary.
on 1/29/16 2:22 pm
I threw up plenty in my first few weeks post-op, but it was from untreated nausea, which prevented me from keeping even allowed amounts of allowed foods/liquids down. Never had blood in the vomit and I always felt okay afterward.
Blood is a signal of a possible serious complication. Call your surgeon.

"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
The post op plan that is in place after we have surgery is there so that we can allow our pouches/stomachs to heal properly and introduce foods in different stages to ensure we tolerate them. At three weeks post op, I was on soft food and I stuck to my post op diet that had been outlined by my surgeon because HE stressed the importance of letting your pouch heal and slowly introducing the foods in stages, so that I could determine which foods I tolerated. He put me behind the wheel to take full responsibility for what I put into my mouth.
I don't think that cheese off the top of a pizza would cause the effects you suffered after eating some, but I also don't know for sure that you only ate cheese. If you consumed some of the pizza crust as well, I can see that blowing up and causing some issues this early, but again, not vomiting blood. With that being said, if I threw blood up at any point after having surgery, I would be calling my surgeon or seeing a dr. immediately. That is NOT normal at any post op stage.