Surgery coming up!

Steph Meat Hag
on 1/28/16 6:23 pm - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

You'll be ok, I had the same issue just before mine.  I went through the whole... this is my last pizza, my last taco, my last pie, omg the amount of last things I had.  I was being silly, those things can come back with appropriate planning.  I also got scared about having some terrible issue, death, and all kinds of things.  I now realize my brain was trying to stop me from doing what I needed to.  Eventually that ol brain of mine got me back and I gained my weight back.  Over the next few weeks tell your brain to hush and work on identifying your eating issues now while your eating "normal".  Do you eat a lot of sugar, does having a coke make you want more cokes later in the day, what are your go to foods when your stressed, busy, or how are your preparing foods now.  This is the perfect recon time, figure out your issues and think about solutions for after your WLS.  That's where I am now while I wait on my revision. I'm not going to have this brain of mine mess me up again.

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.

(deactivated member)
on 1/28/16 8:05 pm
VSG on 02/12/16

Thanks, yeah Ive cut out carbs and try and cook all my meals, which I've been doing good with. I only by what I need at the grocery story and if I crave sweets I get frozen fruit because I have oral allergy syndrome that causes me to have a type of allergic reaction. I have slipped up a few times but have gotten back on track right away. My best friend (male) is a big water but he's in shape and doesn't get that I can't do that so I've been telling him we need to find better things to do like walk etc. he's been super helpful. My other best friend had it done and she looks amazing, she struggled with the change and what not now she can't stand the thought of putting back on weight because she's pregnant! But I'm really looking forward to it and know food won't be permanently out of my life. Just scary I guess to think of myself as being smaller soon. I use my weight as a shield and defense I don't know what I'm going to do. 

Steph Meat Hag
on 1/28/16 8:18 pm - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

Glad you have friend to help, lean on them and don't leave the forums when those thinner days come calling.  I think that was another pitfall I fell into. I forgot, and slowly it kept back on.  This time I plan to stay on here and pay back.  Those in maintence mode are valuable on here, they've walked the walk and felt all the feelings.

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.

on 1/28/16 6:25 pm

I understand your fears about surgery while taking blood thinners and heparin. My husband takes Plavix after he had to have two stents put into his coronary arteries a little over a year ago. He's been cleared for sleeve surgery by the bariatric surgeon, but he's hesitating. The bariatric surgeon wants him off the Plavix for a few days before the surgery, and the cardiologist isn't sure my husband is ready for that for even a few days. If he were to stay on Plavix, it would significantly increase surgery risk.

This is a decision only you can make. At 24 years old, even with your health problems, you've got your youth working for you. That's a plus my 64-year-old husband no longer has. You have to decide which is riskier for you -- having the surgery and losing the weight that is causing or exacerbating your health problems, or not having the surgery and taking your chances with your weight and health on your own.

However you decide, good luck to you.



  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

(deactivated member)
on 1/28/16 8:07 pm
VSG on 02/12/16

I hope all goes well with him, a lot of people have mentioned my age being a benefit. At the same time if something goes wrong I'm young, what's life going to be like? I'm sure the risks are worth it but I just worry. I'll keep reminding myself it's for the better. Thank you, you always have good advice, I've seen your replies a lot and appreciate you taking the time to respond to mine. :) 

on 1/28/16 9:43 pm

Since it looks like you've made the decision to go ahead with the surgery, I wish you well.

I truly believe that, although VSG is major surgery, it is a relatively safe surgery. Because it's elective surgery, every possible precaution will be in place on surgery day. Your surgeon will know what steps need to be taken to minimize your risk, and his team will be helping to keep you safe and comfortable.

Let us know when you're post-op and starting your new, healthier life. In the meantime, I'm afraid you'll have to live with your fears, just as all of us post-ops did. It would be abnormal not to worry.



on 2/4/16 7:43 pm
VSG on 02/12/16

I wish I would have had the courage to pursue surgery before now.  I am so excited that you are making this choice now.  I think of all the things I missed out on because of my weight, beach vacations, shorts, participating in activities that I would either have been too out of shape to enjoy or even do, or would have been too embarrassed to be all fat and giggly out there.  I hope to still participate in some of these things now at 46 and for a lot of years to come.  Your doctor wouldn't have agreed to do the surgery if they thought you couldn't survive it.

(deactivated member)
on 2/4/16 8:06 pm
VSG on 02/12/16

Honestly I've never been self conscience if my body. I wear bathing suits, two piece with like tank top and skirt set, and it all jiggles and I wear shorts and one dress a couple times and skirts. I don't let what other people think get to me, sure I've always felt like I wish I was slimmer but honestly who doesn't. I've always had an active life. Sports, hiking, swimming, clubbing, heels, the only thing hate is clothes because I think it's a waste of money and I'm so non materialistic its bad. But I'm happy with how I am I'm doing this for my health and that's it. I'm very clear about that with friends and family but my aunt can't wait to take me clothes shopping and I'm dreading it lol she's trying to get me girlier. But it's an unavoidable with her. 

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