Carbs are calling me today

on 1/28/16 8:59 am

The first OA meeting is the hardest. I went alone, so I know how you feel. Just go early before the meeting starts when everyone is just milling about. I can absolutely guarantee that no one will stare at you or make any comments about your weight. There will be a variety of "sizes" there -- some, like you, are just starting out, others are on the way down, and a few who have achieved WL goals and are maintaining. Some will have had WLS; some will not. If you reveal that you had sleeve surgery, no one will say or even think that you "cheated" or "took the easy way out." They all know that the problem of compulsive overeating often requires creative solutions and that everyone has to find their own way to deal with it.

You will not be required to say anything at all about yourself or anything else. I spent my first few meetings just listening to others and learning from them what helped them and what didn't. It's not about weight loss per se; there are no recipes or weight-loss tips exchanged. it's more about getting your head screwed on straight and learning to deal with the underlying problem of compulsive overeating. It's about learning to be a better person and living a better life. Weight loss just happens to be a wonderful side benefit to this process.

A basket is passed around during the meeting for strictly voluntary contributions. No one watches to see how much, if anything, you put in it. If all you have is a quarter, that's just fine. If you have nothing to put in it; that's fine too.

The meetings usually end with a joint recitation of the Serenity Prayer -- a powerful prayer that can work seeming miracles if you can truly accept it and use it in your life.

Just like the sleeve, "It works if you work it."



  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 1/29/16 1:16 pm
Revision on 10/31/13

I just stumbled on to your comment and can relate so much. It is still a struggle, but I have really worked on my "diet mentality"--Good things v Bad things etc... all the language that sets me up to "rebel" against myself like I did as a teenager (against my mom who used to hide food). It was all so humiliating and shaming but then the rebellion is ultimately against yourself! Cutting off nose to spite face.

One thing that helped a lot was a visit to Green Mountain at Fox Run. It is s support place where you are encouraged (hard to sum it up)--but encouraged to treat yourself with more kindness, like you would a kid (picture yourself as a 9 year old). Try adding more positive things and eventually there is less room for the things that are not as "life affirming". I walk now and think about how I love to see nature, take pictures, post on instagram. I can see cool birds......Or if I have food cravings, I have peanut putter with an apple, and say this is good "for now". (Loved that commenter). The "all or nothing" thinking is still a troubling one for me, it tends to set you up for failure. Try to think of it as at this moment I want to make a "health supportive" choice.. (Instead of good v bad). You're not a "bad" person for having these desires! It was a way to take care of yourself when other things weren't available or weren't working. I recently heard about "super tasters". Maybe I am one of those people who appreciates food on another NO WONDER it is so enticing! If you can frame these things differently you might eventually embrace kinder, healthier choices and other parts of life will jump out as passions that drive you! Maybe you become a scientist with your super sensitive taste buds...etc... Let yourself think differently and see how it feels. Good luck with all :-)


(deactivated member)
on 1/27/16 9:16 pm

Totally get it. Here's the thing: It's not forever. It's just for right now. I often tell myself that I can have it tomorrow, if I still want it. Sometimes I only ask myself to wait 10 minutes. Then I can decide whether I really want something or not. 

It's also helpful to find non trigger foods that will satisfy you. White Dove's theory on not feeling deprived is spot on. I grew to love Greek Yogurt. It is now a staple in my fridge. I eat a lot of it. I also like to keep sugar free popcicles and Fudgecicles in the freezer. Another little trick is to use Meal Enders. (They are pricy, but hot damn! they work!) 

I get that the cravings are really hard today. It happens to all of us at some point or other. It might help you to figure out what is going on that triggered the craving. Are you bored, feeling lonely, stressed????? All those things -even being celebratory- are all triggers for me. Add tired on top of that, and whew! the craving can be awfully powerful. Just remember a craving is only a craving. Nothing says you have to act on it and when you don't, the craving will pass. 


(deactivated member)
on 1/28/16 1:09 am
VSG on 12/17/15

Kairk, I think it may be work/money stress related honestly. I need to get more sugar free popsicles though I haven't found any flavor wise I love yet, but they are better than nothing when you have a sweet tooth.  I looked into meal enders but yeah though are a bit out of my grocery budget for one item, especially considering how much I've spent in the last few weeks. I had to reload my protein powder and between the two I use was over $100 and getting fresh meat weekly is crazy expensive to me too. Before surgery I could just buy like bread and peanut butter/jelly and ramen and eat cheap or order off the dollar menu at Mcdonalds, obviously part of why my weight was out of control. But I just need to readjust my budget and figure out how to move some stuff around. I did have 100 calorie pack of vanilla almonds which worked to help with my sweet tooth and I still came in under carb goal and calorie goal and above protein so I don't feel guilty about it or like I cheated.

on 1/28/16 8:37 am - Chicago, IL
RNY on 03/17/15

I think you would really benefit from therapy or OA. I am not saying that I know what the best solution is for you, but you need to change your relationship with food. Food is not a reward, it is not naughty or nice, it is not bad or good, and it should not cause guilt. There are good choices, less good choices, and poor choices for what you choose to eat. But using the terms that I see in your posts to describe food is not healthy. Your posts indicate an very unhealthy relationship with food, and you will not get better unless you work on improving that relationship. I eat sweets now and then, but I don't feel guilty about it and I never consider it naughty (I also avoid the word treat). Sometimes I make a poor choices, but I remind myself that I am a work in progress and I will do better. You are a work in progress too.

Height: 5'5" HW: 290 Consultation Weight: 276 SW: 257 CW: 132

on 1/28/16 8:46 am - NY

If you are lucky enough to have a Vitimin Shoppe near you or if not online..check out the protein choices with low cargs. deliecious and keeps you satifiied. Quest has the most varity in bars pretty reasonable and they have all kinds. I also use there puding parkages. in different flavors. makes a deliouis pudding.. Cravings happan to all of us. Just be careful with choices of food some kinds of food are triggers that may want you to eat more so be careful..Good luck. You can do this...Give yourself a special something for every week you accomplish overcoming bad choices..



GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 1/28/16 5:52 pm - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

Sounds to me like you have a very unhealthy relationship with food.  So do I.

I recommend that you consider individual therapy or at the very least an active support group like OA.  You're only one month out from surgery.  Your motivation to eat clean and turn your mind away from these types of foods will never be stronger.  If you're struggling with mental cravings now, they will eventually overcome you as time goes by.

I lost a lot of weight in the first year.  I struggled during the second year.  I have rededicated myself to getting to goal this year.  I'm avoiding carbs, just as I did initially after surgery.  It works, but one must always be diligent.

It's hard, I know.  But until we address our twisted relationships with food, we have the potential to sabotage ourselves.

My eating disorders therapist recommended "The Food and Feelings Workbook" by Karen R. Koenig.  I find it helpful to sit down, think and write about my feelings towards food.  For too many years I suppressed and did not acknowledge what I was eating and why.  Now is the time for self-reflection and corrections on our behaviors.

Good luck 

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

Steph Meat Hag
on 1/28/16 8:46 pm - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

My partner went through alcohol withdrawal when quitting drinking 4yrs ago. About 6-8 weeks after the last drink was very hard.  The body can be really mean to you in order for it to get what it wants.  You can visualize it, taste it, and rationalize it.  The last is the hard part, I like the idea of vowing to give up sugary treats just that day, not forever just today.  Sugar is my demon too, I know I'm going to have to kick it out of bed soon and be done with it as best as I can.  Hang in there.

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.

on 1/28/16 10:08 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

Sometimes I can do those healthy treats for meals and sometimes I can't. I will make a SF cheesecake when having friends over. At the end of the night I might save one more piece for myself and then send the rest home.i do have a recipe for a mug cake using carbquik and Sf syrup. I like that it makes one portion.

We each have to figure out what we can and can't do on this journey. It is not the same for all of us.




Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 1/29/16 6:33 am - Madison, TN

Hi - The perfect WLS would have been combined with a lobotomy and nasal surgery.  I am a year out and my head is the problem.  It helps me to do overeaters anonymous online. I'm not a F2F person.  It deals with the insanity that got me where I was and where I am still now. I am ten pounds from my goal.  I hope this works for you.  When we got out of surgery they said no carbs and just meat and veggies.  I am a sugar addict and even a little carbs  send me over the edge.  It truly is one day at a time, and praying for the insanity to leave, and knowing I don't have what it takes for me to do this alone.  I am better accepting that today.  Also its really comforting to believe there is help for the obsessions around food.  It used to really make me mad that I had to pray and ask for help everyday. Until I realized I only really have one day.  I hope this helps.  I use the protein shakes from GNC because they are low calorie and low carb.  They are watery but what can I do about it.  The better tasting ones just were a trigger.  My problem now is portion control, only because I eat too fast.  I give it to God. You can do this!

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