Good and Bad news
Hi Everyone! I just wanted to update you all as far as where I am at. My final weigh-in is done for the insurance! Now I have just been told there is one last thing I need to do and that is pass a nicotine test. I was just told tonight, so after tonight, I have to become a non smoker for life. I have never been able to be successful at that unless I was pregnant, but I want this surgery as much as I wanted a healthy baby. The fact that smoking afterwards is not an option ever isn't what scares me. I take my test the 28th. I will quit smoking. Everything is to the wire now, I do not have the option to fail at this. That's the good news, surgery date will be mid-late feburary.
The bad news, I broke my ankle at work on the third of January, I've been pretty much couch bound since. This is the first time in my computer in what seems like forever. My work is denying my worker's comp, but I have hired a lawyer. Kinda hard not having my income coming in. It's been stressful to say the least. But, the surgeon says that he can go ahead with the surgery. I just have to pass the nicotine test. I've ordered nicotine test strips from amazon. I am ready for a whole life change. I mean, yes the weight needs to come off, and might as well go whole hog and do everything I can do to do this right.
My husband and I also got a rescue dog from the shelter to be my walking buddy, and she's was doing great on the leash, well at least until I broke my ankle. Now we just play with the tennis ball for exercise for her, but we are bonding so much. I can't imagine her not in my life.
I'm excited, I'm determined, and if I admit, just a little scared. But not so scared, not to go through with this. Please send positive vibes my way, and thanks for letting me share what's going on with you, and my excitement.
You have such a great attitude! I am sure you will do fantastic. And good for you for adopting a shelter dog. My dog died last spring -- she was my walking, and then running, buddy throughout my weight loss. I still miss her, but I think I'm going to be ready to adopt another dog a little later in the year.
Good luck and keep us all posted
thank you dear! My dog is named Mitzy, she's a lab/German Shepard mix. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. They take a part of our hearts with them, but at least they leave part of theirs with us. I hope you find a new friend this year, maybe we can exchange our pet kids' photos later on this year. :)
on 1/17/16 4:48 am
Wishing you a full recovery with the will need to walk post-op to the relieve the gas from surgery. It is great that you are motivated!!
My question might be a dumb one, it won't be my first and here and there is always someone to correct anything that may be non-factual. So, if one is on a nicotine patch, will blood test be positive for nicotine even though it is not from using cigarettes?
May you have a successful journey:-)

VGS- 2015