6 days until surgery, and I am terrified

on 1/13/16 1:50 pm

Please have the surgery. My husband had his last year and lost over 160 pounds I just had it on 10/22/2015 and am doing well also. BE POSITIVE and deflect the bad and negative.


on 1/13/16 1:57 pm
VSG on 12/03/15

Darling, if you weren't nervous for such a major surgery and life change, I'd be worried. However, there is no reason to be scared. In my pre-op class, the first thing they told me was not to believe everything you read on the internet. I was told MANY people go to Mexico for this surgery as it is apparently much cheaper, but end up with complications. Also it is so much easier to post negative stuff, so don't read the horror stories and don't let those scare you. The majority of the people who have this surgery are fine and very successful in their journey.

You will be able to go back to work after 2 weeks and you will be fine. I know very little people that look back on this surgery and can honestly say they regret it. You will be successful, the weight will come off and you will get through surgery just fine like the rest of us. We all had this anxiety, we were all worried, and we have all been where you are now. 

I am 6 weeks post op, and I only have 1 regret; I should have done this years ago. You will get to your goal weight, just follow your doctor's instructions to a T. Your husband will have to be ok with whatever your instructions are without worrying too much. Feel free to add him here and have him ask any questions he has, many will be happy to answer them. You probably will be eating and be on soft foods in week 2 or 3.

Try to look at this in a positive way. Yes you're going to have major surgery, yes you will be relearning how to eat and develop a "new normal" for you. Yes, this will be the best thing you ever do for yourself. Yes the weight will come off if you follow the instructions to a T, yes it's normal to be scared and yes, you will be just fine. We have all walked in your shoes, we have all been there done that and got through it, and so will you.

I am looking forward to a post on the 20th from you telling us you are ok and came through with flying colors so that we can welcome you to the losers club!

You got this, you got this, I promise you, you got this!

Judith, 46, surgery date  12/3/15

SW: 317 CW: 210 GW: 180


GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 1/13/16 2:57 pm - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

I started at 449 lbs.  I get it.  Surgery was very easy for me.  No complications and very little pain.  After two nights in the hospital, I was home and didn't need pain meds.

I've lost and gained huge amounts of weight during my lifetime.  The weight I lost always came back. Diets are short term fixes to a life long problem.  I never wanted to go the surgery route, but my knees and back were in constant pain and I was taking heaps of prescription meds just to get through the day.  The future did not look promising.  I decided that my only option was to pursue surgery, and when I heard about the VSG, I knew it was for me.

What this surgery does is give you a tool to change your lifestyle and lose a great deal of weight.  Keeping it off will always be a challenge.  We cannot revert to the bad behaviors that made us SMO.

Do not be afraid.  I am here to tell you that your life will be so much better down the road.  You will feel healthier and be able to do things you couldn't because of your weight.  It's really not that hard as long as long as you stay on plan.  You will find the first month after surgery to be the most challenging time as your food intake is restricted while your stomach heals.

I will never be "skinny."  I've spent too many years being SMO.  My goal is to get under 200, and it's a struggle for me at two years post surgery.  But I'm not done yet.  I refocused my determination to eat clean, exercise and be good to myself. 

It's not uncommon to feel trepidation prior to surgery.  I was excited because I couldn't wait to start on the journey to a better me.  And I'm sure you'll feel the same way too.  Hang in there 

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

on 1/13/16 3:04 pm

I had sleeve surgery on 12/18, and did great. Ive had several surgeries in the past, so I understand being scared. When my surgeon pointed out where the cuts would be, all above my waistline, I knew it was going to be a piece of cake (or maybe a piece of protein? Lol). I was able to get up and walk with no trouble a couple of hours after surgery. The gas pain was no fun, but that disappated after the first couple of days, because I walked it off. I think the worst thing about it was the headspace that the painkillers put me in! After I got home I took only Tylenol, and that only for a few more days. I was out shopping the day after I got home. I could have gone back to work in less than a week (office job), but I had vacation, so I took two. I spent the second week doing deep cleaning around my house, and trying new protein shakes. 

I'm sorry your husband is so worried, I'm sure that contributes to your angst. Just remember that, yes, there are some crazy stories out there, but the vast majority of folks do just fine. I'm sure you will, too. 

on 1/14/16 8:48 am
VSG on 06/04/12

ok sweetie, I can soo relate to to this.  I was you 3 years ago. I was completely freaking out,  I used to say I had two people living in my body: a nice, healthy girl that wanted to eat right and go to the gym and a bad ***** that used to beat her up all the time.    It is completely normal and natural to be scared.  Your life is about to change and your life is never ever going to be the same.  My fear was "I know what i eat today but what is going to happen after the surgery? what am I going to eat? what is going to be on my plate?"

Now, some people have what i call the bed of feather recovery, no pain, all is nice and beautiful.  Others like me, hava a harder recovery.  I woke up from surgury happy but DAMN i was in pain but that pain is only temporary.  It is true that some people do have dry heaves and nausea (I did the morning after the surgery) but that only lasted a little while. 

Listen to what i call "outside noise" could be the worse.  To tell you the truth, i have lost friends along with my weight during these three years, people that were not supportive that preferred me fat and in the background.  At my heaviest I was 230 pounds.  I am not at goal at 145 pounds and I am soo happy now.

I workout everyday, I have a social life, I HAVE a life.  But know that this surgery is not the "solve all" YOU need to work your program, like everything else, if you don't work it is not going to work for you.

I had a plan, before my sugery, I asked my surgeon when can I start working out? when he told me 6 weeks after surgery,  I signed up for the gym, i hire a personal trainer (someone that I still work with today.  I also clean my kitchen of EVERYTHING literally, EVERYTHING before my surgery, I talked to my family told them that I needed them to be supportive of me.  Have a plan in place, don't just have the surgery and sit and wait for the weight to come of. 

But really you are not crazy because of your doubt it is completely normal. 


Follow my progress on my youtube channel
Kathy S.
on 1/14/16 8:52 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

As everyone said, it's ok to be scared out of your mind LOL  Just don't do like I did and cling to the door jams when they are trying to wheel you into the operating room.  I was so freaked the surgeon looked at me and asked if I wanted to change my mind.  Thank Goodness I said NO. I believe with my whole heart it saved my life!

Take it one day at a time and it will get better and better.

Can't wait for your updates!

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 1/14/16 8:53 am

Thank you all for the responses. I feel so much better knowing I am not the only one who felt this way. I am 5 days away, and though I am scared, I am so excited. I cannot wait to have this tool to help me with the work I have already been doing. I am ready to kick this fats ass :) Thanks all! 

Age: 34 / Height 5' 8" / Starting weight July 2015: 446.0 lbs / Surgery Date & Weight: 1/19/16 - 320.4 / Lost pre-op: 125.6lbs / Goal Weight: 180 lbs

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