Gas, I hate you!!!!

on 1/1/16 2:59 pm

Yesterday I had my gastric sleeve, and everything went great.  No issues but the gas is killing me.  I've been walking like crazy, but I feel so bloated.  Any suggestions on how to get rid of this gas? 

Also, I'm having some issues with knowing when I should drink.  I feel like I keep overdoing it, but I haven't thrown up at all.


Thanks for any advise.

White Dove
on 1/1/16 3:05 pm - Warren, OH

If you can get your head lower than your butt for a minute a lot of gas will just escape.  In the hospital a nurse showed me to just hang my head off the side of the bed.  It worked amazing.  Now if I get gas I just bend over and tie or adjust my shoes and the gas is gone.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 1/2/16 5:35 pm

Well I wish I had known this about 2 weeks ago!!

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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(deactivated member)
on 1/1/16 5:32 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Reedwar sorry gas is giving you grief. I just had to work through mine, it took about two days for me, but on that third day after surgery when I finally passed gas myself holy heck it was like a miracle. I walked in circles around the inside of my tiny house. If your surgeon allows it I heard that the gas x strips that melt on your tongue help immensely but I wasn't allowed to use them. Now I find since surgery (12/17/15) that I am a bit more gassy in general but I just deal with it haha.

As far as water goes just remember for the first bit of time after surgery tha****er is actually more important than food, not saying starve yourself but I just personally focused on water more. Because your body has plenty of fat to live off of but you do not want to get dehydrated because you may have to be re-hospitalized if that happens.

I set timers on my phone to remind me to drink. At first because they wanted me to do an ounce every 15 minutes I would set a count down timer on my phone and just sip tiny sips from ounce cups the hospital gave me to take home at the end of the day I counted how many 1 ounce cups were in my used stack vs my unused stack.

At 15 days out I can take make bigger drinks (still cannot gulp it's more like a swig) which makes it easier, but if I drink too fast I get sick to my stomach. What I found help me hi****er goals was focusing on drinking after my meals were done for the day. So I quit eating after 8pm so from 8pm to whatever time I stay up (usually between 2-3am) I try and get as much water in as possible. But I also make myself carry water with me wherever I go, I pick up my bottle and take it in the bathroom with me if I am going to shower or go potty. I take it with me when I walk the couple hundred feet out to my mail box etc.  Good Luck!

on 1/1/16 7:09 pm
VSG on 12/28/15

I just had my surgery on 12/28. Im feeling better but I like you am strggling with gas, nausea, and heartburn. Im pretty much miserable. What can i do about this, if anything. I feel awful.  

on 1/1/16 7:51 pm - WI

A heating pad helped me... and lots of walking.


HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 1/1/16 11:12 pm
VSG on 12/30/15

Oh man that gas is a killer, I had my surgery 12-30 and I finally tooted this morning and have been this afternoon. Just get up and move around. Its what seems to help me. Hope you get some tooting relief here soon! 

on 1/2/16 10:37 am
WLS on 12/29/15

I struggled for 2.5 days post op with only drinking a cup and such bad gas pain that I had to take pain killers & nausea meds--which made me sleep--which made me not drink and just made everything worse! I'M post op day 4 days and feel much better. Still dehydrated but able to drink more and more. I don't think the gas-x strips helped. Did your doctor order phenergan or omeprazole? I have to take omeprazole everyday for 90 days per my surgeon. Walking is best. I got bored walking around my neighborhood so I did some retail therapy yesterday and shopped the clearance racks for smaller sizes of athletic wear! :D Move , move, move! It will get better! I notice a difference in my condition even with 6 hours! Every 6 hours feel better than the last 6 hours! You got this!!! :D 

on 1/2/16 1:19 pm
VSG on 05/11/15

You should be drinking 1 ounce of fluids every 15 minutes.  My surgeon gave me a chart for me and I used my phone as a timer. I slowly sipped until I was done and I would check it off on the chart. When the timer went off, I started the process over again. 

Highest Weight: 340 (7/2/14)  Initial Consult: 327.8 (2/24/15) Home Weigh In on Surgery Date: 291.8 (5/11/15) Today's Weight: 187.4 (5/20/16) Total So Far: 152.6 Pounds!!!!!!

"There's only us. There's only this... forget regret. Or life is yours to miss. No other road. No other way. No day but today."





on 1/2/16 5:47 pm

Thanks all for the advise.  The Gas is getting a little better, and the water is going down ok.  I just want the gas to be gone!  How long did it take until yall got your energy back?

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