Head Hunger is a total....

(deactivated member)
on 12/26/15 8:35 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

***** (pardon my french but I am annoyed and head hangry). I absolutely hate that I drive by fast food (there is no route to and from my house without passing at least one of those greasy food peddling *******s) every day and cannot have it. I know I don't really want it that it's just my food addicted brain. But sometimes I think what I wouldn't give for 5 minutes of my old stomach and all that garbage. I know I need to be strong and distract myself and I try I really do. While home I try and do crafts or clean or do laundry (all the linens in my house have been washed thoroughly more than once) also I've barely left my house while I've been home from work recovering even though I honestly feel good enough to go to mall (which I did today to use expiring coupons and Christmas gift cards) or out with friends. Because inevitably it always turns to food. The food court at the mall, friends being peckish and needing a bite while we're out and about, having to drive by all my old food haunts. I hope this passes soon as I break my dependency. I am seeking a therapist familiar with food issues and WLS patients, because I know I have issues with food, but I just keep hoping if I give all this crap up long enough the monster will realize it's not getting its way and hibernate. I know I'm not really hungry because I am eating the portion size I am supposed to and I'm getting the nutrients I need from food and vitamins. But gosh darn it, I just want something fried with gravy in or on it.     

on 12/27/15 5:21 am

Hi Kelly,

I can relate to the head hunger issues.  And I struggle with it -some days more than others. 

Are you keeping your carbs really low?  I am very sensitive to carbs, and if I eat carbs, my cravings go thru the roof and its really hard to stick to plan.  If you haven't done so already, try bringing your carbs very low, and see if this helps diminish the head hunger.

I kept my carbs below 25 g per day while in weight loss.  This means all my carbs came from dairy and low carb veggies like broccoli and cauliflower and green beans.  Its hard to give up all bread, potatoes, rice and deserts, but it does make it easier to stay on plan.

best of luck,



Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385,  Surgery Weight 333,  Current Weight 160.  At GOAL!

Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12  8-8

                  9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3  18-3


(deactivated member)
on 12/27/15 4:21 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Heya Carol I'm always glad to see a reply from you on my posts. Believe me I am trying to do low carb I really am. But because I am on all liquid and most of what I can eat is baby food and yogurt (other than shakes which I am now having to gag down) it's so hard right now. I know once I go puree'd (which God willing will be at my 2 week though really 12 day post op app on 12/29) I can do more stuff and hopefully get the carbs lower because what I wouldn't give for some vegies right now. But then again we'll see it depends on what I am allowed to puree'. But going forward especially once I can do soft food so I can finally have some (albeit very soft) dang animal protein, which I miss like crazy, I know I can keep the carbs down. 

on 12/27/15 5:53 am - Syracuse, NY
VSG on 09/23/14

The beginning was the toughest for me.  Once I got through a couple of months though, it got a lot easier.  Keeping busy like you are trying to do is key.  Once my stomach could take it, my snack food for when I didn't really need anything but wanted something was celery.  It is very low impact.  I used food for everything, celebration, depression, you name it, I had a mountain of food for it.  Once you break he habit, and find a different activity to help with the emotion you are feeling, it gets better.  

I'm in sales and when ever I would get a big order, or lose one for that matter, I was going to get a ribeye, bottle of wine and making a great dinner to celebrate (or feel sorry for myself) depending upon the cir****tances.  Now I try to do something completely opposite.  I go to the mall and put in a couple miles.  I find a piece of clothing that I could never wear before and make a deal with myself that when this happens again, I'll treat myself to it.  The caveat being I had to keep working to lose weight because what I picked wouldn't fi me.  146# later, I don't use food emotionally like I used to.  Its not easy but the cycle can be broken.  

Another useful tool for me is to mimic the behavior of normal sized normal thinking people.  Have you ever gone out to dinner with someone and when their food comes they say "oh my God, I can never eat all of this"?  I use to think, hand it over I'll take care of it for you.  I work in a professional environment and we do a lot of entertaining.  I now notice that when people say that they usually leave half of the food.  They also don't take it home.  The other thing I notice is a lot people order very low carb as a standard practice.  Burger no bun, substitute the fries for a veggie.  

I miss some of those foods, but I don't miss the health problems, worrying about a heart attack, not being able to do things, and generally being unhappy.  You can beat head hunger, its not easy but possible.  Good luck.



(deactivated member)
on 12/27/15 4:26 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Dan, thank you for your thoughtful and well written reply. I also definitely spent my life using food for my depression (and really any emotion or as a reward) and my weight as a barrier and protection from the world. I knew it kept people out which made me lonely but then I took comfort in food. I know I can't do that anymore and I won't do anything to jeopardize my health or throw away this gift I've been given with surgery. It doesn't stop my mind from playing a medley of (what I call) food porn through my brain all the dang time. Once I can get to puree' stage and have a bigger selection (right now I live on stage one baby food and yogurt) I know I can get my carbs down because I will be able to eat soft fish and I love fish plus it is filling and no carbs. Just need to make it a few more days. 

on 12/27/15 1:00 pm
VSG on 10/06/15

I am three months out and had the same problem.  I have since gotten over the need for the junk food.  I did give in one time and that taught me that I did not need it.  Since I had been eating healthy, when I had the junk, my body and GI track revolted, it does not know what to do with the grease and carbs.  I had not done it since.  You will make it through.

(deactivated member)
on 12/27/15 4:33 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Thank you Texas. I know I can be strong, but I would lie if I said I hadn't cried at all in the last 2 or so weeks. Not because I can't have the food, but because I am ashamed of how much I want in when I was given this blessing of surgery. I cried for my weakness and I prayed and it helps but it doesn't last. Just need to remember to pray more often I suppose. Wish people who didn't understand being obese or having food issues could feel it for just a second so they know it's not just a matter of getting on the treadmill and putting the fork down like they all seem to think.

Sandra F.
on 12/28/15 6:21 am

I was so with you on my first month after surgery.  I craved pizza and anything bad for you that I saw on TV.  The commercials killed me.  Believe me, this does get easier.  Hang in there!



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