One week post-op Sleeve . . . feeling horrible
So my surgery was done last Friday and instead of feeling better and better, I feel like I'm getting worse and worse. I know everyone goes through a phase of regreting the surgery and all that and I don't regret it but I just want to feel better. It seems like it's getting harder everyday to get my protien and water in. The mos****er I've gotten in a day has been 40oz and the most protien was 78 grams but since then it's been harder to take in the protien and it's been more like 40 grams of protien for the last three days. I'm sipping but I feel constantly nauseous. I've been doing protien shakes and I can never finish a whole one so I just keep sipping it and putting it back in the fridge and the protien powder aftertaste is just really getting to me, I want to gag everytime I use the protien powder or shakes. Also, (TMI coming up) I've been having diarrhea for the last 3 days, so I'm sure that is contributing to my feeling horrible. Anyone else have that happen 3 days after surgery?
I'm really not trying to be super negative . . . I'm just looking for a little support and encouragement (and maybe a couple of suggestions!) to get through this tough stretch! I know it will all be worth it but I also know I need to get my water and protein in if I'm going to be successful and avoid complications . . . I'm just feeling miserable at the moment!
Thanks in advance!

"You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit" -Aristotle
SW: 237lbs | Lap Band Feb 2010 | LW: 188lbs | Post op baby Feb 2013 | July 2015 slipped band diagnosed | Oct 2015 band port eroded through adominal wall | 10/20/15 lap band removed | Regained to 215lbs | VSG: 12/4/2015 | LW: 148lbs but settled around 154lbs | Post-op baby #2 born Jan 2018 | CW: 160lbs
Nausea is typically a sure sign of dehydration - not enough water. Water right now is much more important than anything else. Not getting enough water can put you back in the hospital real quick. If you're having diarrhea to boot then you MUST get in more water - no matter what.
If you're mixing your protein powder with milk you may want to switch to unsweetened almond milk. Your tummy may not be handling dairy products right now, which can lead to diarrhea.
You may have to try another protein shake. I had to go through almost half a dozen different ones before I found one I could tolerate as I hated the smell and after-taste of every single one. Thank goodness someone suggested Unjury to me because it's the only one I can stand to this day.
Thank you! I think I forgot this and I've been trying to get in protien at the expense of water. So today I'm focusing much more on water and just trying eat enough to make myself have more energy!

"You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit" -Aristotle
SW: 237lbs | Lap Band Feb 2010 | LW: 188lbs | Post op baby Feb 2013 | July 2015 slipped band diagnosed | Oct 2015 band port eroded through adominal wall | 10/20/15 lap band removed | Regained to 215lbs | VSG: 12/4/2015 | LW: 148lbs but settled around 154lbs | Post-op baby #2 born Jan 2018 | CW: 160lbs
I appreciate the hugs! I definitely helps to have a little moral support! :)

"You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit" -Aristotle
SW: 237lbs | Lap Band Feb 2010 | LW: 188lbs | Post op baby Feb 2013 | July 2015 slipped band diagnosed | Oct 2015 band port eroded through adominal wall | 10/20/15 lap band removed | Regained to 215lbs | VSG: 12/4/2015 | LW: 148lbs but settled around 154lbs | Post-op baby #2 born Jan 2018 | CW: 160lbs
I started with Carnation instant Breakfast -no sugar added, skim milk and Beneprotein unflavored powder. That was all I was allowed for the first two weeks. I had water with me constantly and kept a bottle on my nightstand. For the first week I could only sip about an ounce at a time and my protein shake lasted all day. I was also allowed broth with protein powder but did not know how to mix it without clumping.
All that really matters is getting the water in. It took me several months to find a protein powder that I loved. I used shakes until three years out and kept my protein very high.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I found the ready to drink protein shakes from Premier, you can get them at Costco. The chocolate one is the best. If you start having the hunger pains, it's more likely than not stomach acid buildup, pop the acid reducer your doctor gave you and in like 20-30 mins you won't have that issue, the doc should have gave a script for anti-nausea, if not call him/her and get one. I am 24 days post op, and trust me, it will get better, and easier. Hang in there.
Thanks for the input! :) I think that was definitely part of it. . . I haven't been taking my Prilosec since the surgery and when I finally took it today, it made a big difference in how I was feeling . . . the nausea went away signifiacntly!
I really appreciate the encouragement!

"You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit" -Aristotle
SW: 237lbs | Lap Band Feb 2010 | LW: 188lbs | Post op baby Feb 2013 | July 2015 slipped band diagnosed | Oct 2015 band port eroded through adominal wall | 10/20/15 lap band removed | Regained to 215lbs | VSG: 12/4/2015 | LW: 148lbs but settled around 154lbs | Post-op baby #2 born Jan 2018 | CW: 160lbs
Glad someone appreciates my opinion 8) That said, told you , now that you are past surgery, most of this is mental. Getting used to a new way of looking at food, etc. For example, my other half found in the back of the fridge somewhere one of the packs of 12 bake yourself Reese's cookies packages. I am like No!!!!!!!!! Reeses were my crack prior to surgery. She decided she wanted to make them and she in all fairness ask me if I was cool with it, I was like sure, go ahead. I really haven't had any desire for them. When you start to see results from this ordeal i.e. new journey, it's easier to keep your eye on the prize ahead. Another example, 10 days past surgery which for me was the day after Thanksgiving, I was home alone and bored, I took a 115 drive up to a casino north of Sacramento and ended up walking past their buffet on the way to the blackjack tables, and yes it smelled really good, that said, it didn't even phase me, I didn't give it a second glance and went off to gamble. Again it's all mental. Good luck 8)