4 Year Surgiversary (Loooooong!)

on 12/10/15 3:59 am
VSG on 07/09/13


I so recognize the idea of this is a diet mentality.  Last night I was out to eat at the local seafood restaurant,  I had a tossed salad with shrimp salad on it. A few tables away the person had order fried shrimp and fries and I thought how great it would be if I could eat a dinner like that just one more time.  That's my aha moment- yes, nut job thoughts just cruise on in.  The reality is that I could not tolerate a dish like that now.  

Before my vsg, I prayed to find a way to get the weight off and keep it off.  It has been given to me and I am grateful but it is still not easy.  You are so correct to tell the newbies to appreciate their honeymoon because it does not last.  What does last for me is the restriction.  I am comfortable with  about 2 oz of protein and a small amount of vegetables at a time.  

Thanks for the update.  I am always inspired by your truth and wisdom.




Learn from your family history and rewrite yours!

(deactivated member)
on 12/10/15 9:51 am

Nancy, you're so right about those thoughts just cruising on. Just yesterday I went to Peet's for a cup of dark roast coffee - black. I stood there waiting for a fresh brew and what was I doing???? Checking out the pastries thinking, "Oh, that looks tasty..." I have to remind myself at times like that, that those types of foods are treats to be eaten only once in a great while. They can not be daily fare for me. And for me, when it comes to those types of slider foods, my restriction does very little for me!

You are right that we always have to be aware of our thinking! It's our stinking thinking that can turn and bite us in the butt!

on 12/10/15 11:33 am
VSG on 05/12/14

Thank you so much for this post!  I haven't been back to the site for months, so it was great to log-on and find this wisdom!  Thank you for your candor in sharing your journey in the hopes of helping those of us that are behind you.  I always appreciate your posts and the kindness you always seem to show people in every situation.  Great job on 4 years and on tackling your journey head on!

VSG with Dr. Michael Jiser, Lowell General Hospital

HW 281, GW 155, CW 149 5'11"



Steph Meat Hag
on 3/7/16 7:56 pm - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

I linked to this from a comment you made to me earlier.  All I can say is "yes, this right here is truth".  Your regain phase and my regain phase has a similar story and gave us both a far better understanding of food.  I used my lap band to diet which was never going to work out. I get my VSG done this coming Monday and I know fight the good fight and win this time.  I too never want to worry about airplane seats again and I'm looking most forward to riding a roller coaster again.

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.


(deactivated member)
on 3/7/16 9:22 pm

Best of luck on your upcoming surgery.

Dr. Nick seems to make a great sleeve and many of his patients do very well. With your determination, I'm sure you will be one of them! If you ever need an ear, just send me a PM. I really understand the need for support. One bit of advice, if I may: a lot of plans are pretty liberal with eating refined carbs during WL. Over the past 4+ years a lot of people have been supporting higher carb plans. Most of those people disappear from the boards never coming near reaching their desired goal weight. 

D etermination

I ntelligence

E ducation

T enacity

That's the kind of DIET that gets you to goal! 

Good to know you! Keep posting! 


Steph Meat Hag
on 3/8/16 5:50 am - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

Part of me being honest about my food issues has been my abuse of sugar.  I'd get up and grab my super sweet Starbucks, add some scones to my order and get to work.  Lunch and dinner were not in correct portion, had breads and pasta and then I love some cookies or icecream before bed.  I started with sugar, carried on through my day with sugar, and ended with sugar. I'm in no mood to deal with sugar.  I've successfully cut out as much carbs as possible, and do not plan to go back to them until 1yr when I will sit down and say: how are you doing, do you like your new fitness, do you need cookies anymore?  I've set the year because it's been easy to tell food goodbye for a set period of time rather than forever.  Also I believe an occasional cookie may be possible in the future but at the same time I'm doubtful because I think for me sugary products just cause a chain of events.  


Thanks for your offer to PM you, I am certainly looking for a few supportive people especially those who share past experience.  Also for the settling word about Dr Nick.  He did my band and i believe he dose good work.  Thanks again.

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.


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