Tomorrow is the big day
on 11/29/15 8:49 am
A last-minute pointer: The surgery is the easy part. Recovery is much harder. Expect to feel lousy and exhausted for the first few weeks. It takes time to heal from this surgery. There have been so many newbies who have written posts about how they are struggling to drink the required amount of water and protein in the first few weeks post-op.
If you have trouble with drinking enough water, please don't be shy about getting help from your surgeon in the form of a Zofran prescription. It eases nausea, enables you to drink water more easily (crucial to your recovery), and makes you feel better in general.

"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
I am going to counter PsychoticParrot on this one. Do not expect to feel lousy for weeks after VSG. I say expect to wake up feeling positive and excited to begin your new life. Be ready to accept the pain of the incisions and power through that pain to get up walking as soon as you can. Know that your job is to stay hydrated above all else for the first few weeks. Know that drinking may be difficult, but that you have the strength and resolve to get the liquid down. I cannot say enough about the power of a great and positive attitude when it comes to the healing process. Even if you are having some issues, know that they will soon subside and you will be on your way to a new normal life very shortly.
Do not be afraid to contact your surgeon if you are having trouble staying hydrated. If you need IV fluids, get them before you begin to have severe symptoms of dehydration.
on 11/29/15 12:31 pm
You are correct, kairk, that a good, can-do attitude will help tremendously during surgery recovery. Perhaps I should have said, "Don't be surprised if recovery is harder than expected. Be prepared to deal with complications if they arise." Staying positive is the better way to approach the surgery and recovery.
My advice for going into surgery, try and be calm and take slow easy breaths. If you feel yourself starting to panic, or second guess your decision... Ask for something for anxiety. I did, it helped. A lot.
I woke up with some feelings of I can't believe I did this?!! That passed very quickly for me as I got on with healing, walking and sip sip sipping over the next few days.
Post op will be your own experience, everyone comes through that time a little different. I had an extremely easy time of it but I know that doesn't hold true for everyone.
Wishing you good luck! Let us know how you are doing.

Hey Tiff!
Made it through the liver diet phase pretty darn good if I say so myself.
I don't know if it's really nervous but anxious to get it done and started.
Yep clear liquids for 24 hours before surgery. I've hydrated over the past few days as much as possible so it's easier to find the vein for the IV.
Thanks for the well wishes! Good luck to you too! Let me know how things are going.
See you on the loser's bench!